Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, which is why we are launching the Every Person, Every Conversation project! This work is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and will make a big difference to you, our members, and the groups and organisations you support.
So what’s the project about?
It’s about helping everyone to understand that safeguarding should be at the forefront of everyone’s mind, when speaking to anyone – volunteers, colleagues, service users etc. This is extremely important, but even more so now, since the Covid-19 pandemic, which has affected all aspects of people’s lives.
The project will…
…Create resources!
We, with support from Community Action Suffolk and Basingstoke Voluntary Action, have developed an #AreTheySafe resource pack specifically designed for the voluntary sector, which will point colleagues, volunteers, and local groups to local safeguarding leads as well as national policy documents to help people understand what to do if they have any concerns about someone's safety.
…Provide events!
We know the importance of peer support, which is why we (NAVCA and Community Action Suffolk) are hosting a series of regional events which will:
- showcase the #AreTheySafe resources pack we have produced
- share advice and guidance on how to recognise and report safeguarding concerns
- provide an opportunity to network and create contacts to help share best practice
Each event will include:
- Introduction/setting the scene
- Every Person, Every Conversation – Overview of Safeguarding with Community Action Suffolk (CAS) - See it. Recognise it. Report it; Who is at risk – Stereotyping; Responding to potential abuse
- Launch of the #AreTheySafe resources
- Q&A
- Next steps
Who are these events for?
All the events will be held via Zoom and are open to staff, volunteers and trustees of NAVCA members and the local VCSE groups they support. People with all levels of safeguarding knowledge and skills are welcome to attend. So please share these events with your networks.
How to register
We will be holding nine regional events throughout the year - dates and areas are listed below. To register click the one you want to attend and sign up via our Eventbrite page.