Dear Saints Simon & Jude Community,
Happy Fall Y’all! We have an exciting and busy week ahead of us! The Fall Festival is next weekend and the set up has already begun. Please consider volunteering at one of the game booths, food booths, or our own SSJ Café. Volunteering with your student is a great way to help out the parish and have fun at the same time! Of course the hours apply to the 15 hours we are requiring of each family. Each day supplies, equipment, and rides will be arriving and we will need to be patient in the parking lot and flexible with our recesses and lunch. The students will be eating lunch inside when necessary and the blacktop for playing when the rides and food booths are set.
The air show is also next weekend and the jets will be practicing during the week. As many of you know the flight path goes over our school and it can become quite loud. We will do our best to prepare the younger students for the noise. Students that are able to deal with the noise are always excited to stand on the blacktop and see the jets up close.
The sixth grade will be leaving for science camp on Wednesday and return on Friday. The weather looks great for their stay and I know the program is engaging and fun for all. The buses will be returning on Friday around our dismissal time. Unfortunately, the sixth graders will be traveling in two buses and there is also a funeral planned at noon on Friday so our parking lot is going to be VERY busy. I ask for your patience and understanding. Our foremost priority is the safety of our students.
Thursday the 29th is the Feast Day of the Archangels; St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael. Each angel had/has a very important task and we are encouraged to pray to them to intercede for us and help us. Michael is the warrior and the protector of the people of God. Gabriel is the messenger and is the closest spirit to God. Raphael stands before the throne of God and is a healer. These Archangels serve as an inspiration for us and are the catalysts of divine grace.
In October we will begin a new program in conjunction with the theme of the Department of Catholic Schools; Journeying Together in Discipleship. Discipleship means a follower or student and in our case it would be a follower of Jesus Christ. When a teacher or supervisor observes a student acting as a disciple they will give the student a Disciple in Action slip. The student will place the slip in the box by my office and then once a month we will draw two slips (from Early Childhood, 1st – 5th, and middle school) and the students will be recognized at the all school assembly and will receive a prize. We know that our students are followers of Jesus and consistently perform acts of kindness. This program will allow us to celebrate and publicly recognize the good works of our students.
Please pray for the 6th grade campers and their safe return.
In His Service,
Mrs. Grant