at the
October 14 -19, 2018 │ Riocentro │ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gynuity Health Projects is again delighted to be part of the FIGO World Congress. We invite you to join us for an exciting program featuring highlights from our global research and collaborative projects on reproductive and maternal health. If you are attending the Congress, we look forward to seeing you at these sessions:
Sunday, October 14, 2018
9:00 – 15:00 Room 201 a&b
Pre-congress Workshop: Abortion Technology

Training in first and second trimester uterine evacuation techniques for induced abortion, pregnancy loss and fetal demise. Open to new and experienced providers. Workshop outline available here .

Organizers National Abortion Federation; Gynuity Health Projects; Fundación Oriéntame; BPAS; Ipas; DKT; Marie Stopes Mexico; Global Doctors for Choice
Monday, October 15, 2018
Station 2

Beyond blood loss: Role of shock index in the diagnosis of postpartum hemorhage

Jill Durocher
Monday, October 15, 2018
14:30 - 16:00  
FCS 8.171  Stage 2
Free Communication/Clinical Obstetrics Characterizing Misoprostol’s Thermoregulatory Effects When Used to Treat Postpartum Hemorrhage
Jesús Daniel Aguirre
Monday, October 15, 2018
16:30 - 17:30
FCS14.182 Stage 2
Free Communication/ Clinical Obstetrics Core Outcome Sets for Prevention and Treatment of PPH: An International Delphi Consensus Study
Jennifer Blum
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
8:30 - 10:00  
FCS20.191  Stage 2
Free Communication/Clinical Obstetrics Does Route Matter? Intravenous Versus Intramuscular Oxytocin for Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage
Beverly Winikoff
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
14:30 – 16:00  Room 202a

Organizers Gynuity & FIGO
Moderator Beverly Winikoff
New Thinking and Innovations in the Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage

T ime to rethink how we diagnose PPH? What new research tells us about the potential role of shock index in PPH diagnosis Rodolfo Pacagnella University of Campinas

The side effects, safety and effectiveness of misoprostol and tranexamic acid in the first line treatment of PPH  Jill Durocher

The safety and effectiveness of introducing uterine balloon tamponade for PPH management: A stepped wedge, cluster randomized trial in Egypt, Senegal and Uganda Holly Anger

No magic bullet: Key lessons learned from global research to introduce new technologies for PPH management Rasha Dabash
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
8:30 – 10:00  Room 202a

Organizers Gynuity
Moderator Paul Blumenthal
New Frontiers in Abortion Care: Translating the Latest Evidence on Medical Abortion Innovations into Simpler More Accessible Services

Simplifying and expanding access to outpatient medical abortion: New evidence in settings with and without access to mifepristone Rasha Dabash

Management of pregnancy failure: New evidence and clinical updates Hillary Bracken

New evidence to support changes in policy, practice and access to medical abortion for women with gestations greater than 13 weeks Jennifer Blum

Telemedicine delivery of medical abortion: Evidence from the TelAbortion project in the U.S. Beverly Winikoff
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
10:30 – 12:00   Room 202c

Organizers/Moderators Nathalie Kapp, Ipas & Rasha Dabash, Gynuity
Challenging Cases in Care for Termination of Pregnancy

Case presentation followed by discussion with: Olímpio Moraes (Brazil), Laura Gil (Colombia), Claudia Martinez López (Mexico), Françoise Hougni (France), & Sharmin Sultana (Bangladesh)
Wednesday, October 17, 2018 16:00 - 17:30
FCS 63.314  Stage 3
Free Communication/Clinical Obstetrics Stillbirth, Co-Morbidities and Multi-Causality in Maternal Deaths with Obstetric Hemorrhage in Uganda
Holly Anger
Thursday, October 18, 2018
10:30 - 12:00
FCS 74.338 Stage 2
Free Communication/Clinical Obstetrics Understanding the Consequences of Overuse of Uterotonics in Low- and Middle-Income Settings
Rasha Dabash
Thursday, October 18, 2018
14:30 – 16:00  Room 205

Moderators Miguel Mancera & Fanny Corrales

This session will be in Spanish
Salud de la Mujer en América Latina y el Caribe
Women's Health in Latin America and Caribbean

Dimensiones éticas y legales de la confidencialidad en la prestación de servicios de salud reproductiva / Ethical and legal dimensions of confidentiality in the delivery of reproductive health services Pío Ivan Gómez

Las obligaciones profesionales en el consultorio y los servicios de salud sexual / Professional obligations in the office and sexual health services Leonel Briozzo

Una revisión del régimen legal de indicaciones para el aborto en América Latina y de su implementación / A review of the legal regime of indications for abortion in Latin America and its implementation Raffaela Schiavon

La distribución de misoprostol para el manejo de la HPP en base a la experiencia global / Advance distribution of misoprostol for PPH management based on global experience Jill Durocher
Thursday, October 18, 2018
16:00 – 17:30  Room 210

Organizers Abortion & Postabortion Care Consortium
Moderator Kathryn Mimno, Pathfinder
De-Medicalizing Abortion and Postabortion Care to Expand Access in the Public and Private Sector in Both Restrictive and Less Restrictive Settings

Global evidence and lessons learned on de-medicalization of abortion and postabortion care Rasha Dabash

Women’s needs, wants and autonomy in accessing safe abortion and postabortion care Patty Skuster Ipas

The role of the private sector in abortion and postabortion care  Dhammika Perera Marie Stopes International
Thursday, October 18, 2018
16:00 – 17:30  Room 202a

Organizers PRE-EMPT
Peter Von Dadelszen
& Laura Magee
PRE-EMPT (Preeclampsia–Eclampsia Monitoring, Prevention & Treatment): The Findings

PRE-EMPT Overview Peter Von Dadelszen

CAP Trial: Does calcium inter- and early-pregnancy replacement (500mg/d) prevent recurrent pre-eclampsia? Justus Hofmeyr

PIERS scores and mhealth apps: Time-of-disease risk estimation
Beth Payne

Oral Antihypertensive Therapy Trial: Comparing the efficacy of oral labetalol, nifedipine & methyldopa in the management of severe pregnancy hypertension Hillary Bracken & Shuchita Mundle

CLIP Trials: India, Pakistan & Mozambique Laura Magee, Mrutunjaya Bellad, Rahat Qureshi & Esperança Sevene