February 2020 Newsletter
Digital marketing call Enid Chamber at 580.237.2494
Enid Day at the Capitol will be held on Tuesday, February 25th in Room 511 at the Capitol. Legislators, state agency officials, and staff will attend the breakfast from 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

Krista Roberts, Enid Chamber Chairman of the Board, said “Enid Day at the Capitol is a great opportunity for members of our community to meet face to face with our legislators to discuss topics of importance to residents of greater Enid".

Upcoming Networking Event
If you're interested in hosting a Business After Hours or Business Spotlight @ Lunch,
please contact Kalea Stafford at 237-2494 or
Welcome New Members!
EmmaKate & Co.
228 W. Willow Rd.   
Enid, OK 73703
Rep: Elizabeth Hurlbutt
Phone: 580.478.4588
Business Categories: Clothing; Gifts
Nextera Resources
700 Universe Blvd.
Juno Beach, FL 33408
Reps: Elinore Beitler, Michael Lienhard
Phone: 561.691.7668
Business Categories: Renewable Energy (Wind & Solar)
Northwest Shredders
3502 Lakeview Dr.
P.O. Box 1345
Woodward, OK 73802
Phone: 580.254.5700
Business Categories: Shredding/Shredders; Recycling
Tractor Supply Company
4010 W. Owen K. Garriott
Enid, OK 73703
Reps: Shawn Salierno
Phone: 580.234.5107
Business Categories: Farm Equipment & Supplies; Lawn & Garden Equipment
Recent Ribbon Cuttings
Enid Chamber ribbon cuttings not only celebrate new businesses coming to Enid,
but also business expansions, anniversaries, new ownership and other special projects!
To schedule a ribbon cutting for your business, please contact Kalea Stafford .
2228 W. Willow
3521 W. Garriott
Longtime Chamber Ambassador, Dr. Earl Mabry recently celebrated his 100th birthday
at a party in his honor. Thank you for your many years of service to the Chamber Doc!
Legislative Trip to Washington D.C. Scheduled
The Enid Chamber's annual federal legislative trip to Washington, D.C. is scheduled for May 11-14, 2020. Meetings at the Pentagon and meetings with our Oklahoma Congressional Delegation are planned. The Enid Chamber and the City of Enid will also host a legislative reception. The legislative trip is a great opportunity to support Vance AFB and discuss federal issues that impact Enid and Northwest Oklahoma.
Net Taxable Sales for Enid



Calendar Year to Date:



LGE Class XXIX Spotlight
Thad Reimer
Hometown: Claremore, OK
Family: Married to Dr. Kalli Reimer, Boykin Spaniel retirever- Ruby
Occupation/Profession:   Bank of Kremlin  Loan Officer and Agriculture advocate
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
You can't live long enough to make all the mistakes, you must learn from others' mistakes. You can't know everything, but you can find someone who knows everything about something.
What qualities do you look for in a leader? The ability to hire well. A purposeful reader. The desire to genuinely listen. The ability to communicate clearly and effectively. The ability to adapt the style of leadership based on the situation. 
If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning a medal for?
Organizing a fishing tackle box. Skipping rocks.
Favorite thing about Enid? Western Oklahoma sunsets and the smell of wheat.
Jenna Rosine 
Hometown: Enid, OK 
Family: Husband - Kyle Rosine, Child- Brock age 3, 2 dogs-Zoeyd & Sadie
Occupation/Profession:   Edward Jones-Financial Advisor: Jenna Rosine , partner with my clients to help them meet their financial goals. 
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? 
"Be uncommon among the uncommon" - David Goggins. Reminds me to strive for more and don't get comfortable.
What qualities do you look for in a leader? Leads by actions, creates a positive, energetic atmosphere; wants the team to succeed, not just themselves, is open to change and criticism.
If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning a medal for?  Bargain shopping 
Favorite thing about Enid? All of the available activities, groups, & events Enid has to offer
Thank You for Your Membership Renewal!
Your membership investment and community support make a difference for Enid!
Click on any blue member below to go directly to their web page.
Enid Chamber of Commerce | 580.237.2494 | 580.237.2497 |