February 2018 Newsletter
Digital marketing call Enid Chamber at 580.237.2494
Chamber President/CEO recognized at Oklahoma Mentor Day
Jon Blankenship was recently recognized as an Honored Mentor at Oklahoma Mentor Day for his dedication to the Coach-A-Kid Enid program.

When Titan Rork moved to Oklahoma, the elementary student was having a hard time adjusting to his new routine and did not have a male role model in his life. Titan, now 11, was matched to Jon Blankenship three years ago through the United Way of Enid's Coach-A-Kid Program, and it has placed his life on a positive trajectory.
NWDJLS is a way to Invest in Our Future
In a few weeks, the Greater Enid Chamber of Commerce will be host to one of the largest livestock shows in our state. The 84th Annual Northwest District Junior Livestock Show will bring over 800 4-H and FFA students and their families to Enid. If a business doesn’t have ties to the agriculture industry, it is possible they do not even know about this 7-day event. The hope of organizers is that they see new businesses become involved in the show this year.

(Left to Right) Jon Blankenship, Senator Jim Inhofe, and Enid City Commissioners George Pankonin, Jonathan Waddell and Tammy Wilson at the Capitol Visitors Center in Washington D.C.
Chamber Federal Legislative Trip
April 16-19
The Enid Chamber federal legislative trip to Washington, D.C. is scheduled for April 16-19. The meetings and legislative activities will be on Tuesday, April 17, and Wednesday, April 18. Meetings at the Pentagon and meetings with our Oklahoma Congressional Delegation are planned. The Enid Chamber and the City of Enid will also host a legislative reception. The legislative trip is a great opportunity to support Vance AFB and discuss federal issues that impact Enid and Northwest Oklahoma.
Business After Hours - Brookdale Enid
~ Thursday, February 8 - 5PM ~
4613 W. Willow Road

If you're interested in hosting a Business After Hours or Business Spotlight @ Lunch, please contact Kalea Stafford at 237-2494 or kalea@enidchamber.com.
January Ribbon Cuttings

2510 W. Chestnut, Suite E

US Cellular
5503 W. Garriott, Suite 5

  NET TAXABLE SALES - Enid, Oklahoma - Month of November 2017

2016                   2017
$71,247,998    $70,282,372
                   -1.36 %
Calendar Year to Date:
2016                     2017
$741,142,552 $743,261,904
                  0.29 %
Welcome New Members!
Sidwell Strateies, LLC/Arbitrage Alpha Solutions, LLC
2605 N. Van Buren
Enid, OK 73703
Website: sidwellstrategies.com
Reps: Brady Sidwell
Tanner Vassar
Phone: (580) 232-2272
Business Categories: Financial Services

Vance Family Housing
4405 Lehr Street
Enid, OK 73703
Website: vancefamilyhousing.com
Reps: Jonathan Heim
Natalie Pye
Phone: (580) 234-0498
Fax: (580) 234-0498
Business Categories: Rental Properties
Hader, Denise Crosswhite
11939 North Mustang Rd.
Surrey Hills, OK 73099
Website: sidwellstrategies.com
Reps: Denise Crosswhite Hader
Marc Hader
Phone: (405) 465-7597
Business Categories: Individuals
LGE Class XXVII Spotlight
Name : Dean Robinson
Hometown: Enid, OK
Family: Married with two sons, one daughter and a dog
Occupation/Profession: Director of IT at Wymer Brownlee - anything and everything relating to computers and technology
Who is/was the most influential person in your life and why : My father for helping me make the right decisions early on in my life to help me become successful
What are three things on your bucket list: Trip to Iceland, trip to Hawaii, learn to fly
What was your all-time best Halloween costume: Jesus
Favorite thing about Enid: It is a great place to raise a family with good schools and a low cost of living.
Name:  Zachary Keen
Hometown: Fairview, OK
Family: Engaged to Megan
Occupation/Profession: Associate Attorney at Davis Law, PLLC
Who is/was the most influential person in your life and why: I'm fortunate to have several influential people in my life. My parents and grandparents influenced me into who I am today and they, along with my fiancee Megan, continue to push me to be all I can be. 
What are three things on your bucket list: See every Presidential Library, visit Israel and continue to learn all I can
What was your all-time best Halloween costume: When I dressed as a pirate when I was five years old
Favorite thing about Enid: It has many big city conveniences and retains a small town feel. That, and the many great eating places in town!
Thank You for Your Membership Renewal!
Your membership investment and community support make a difference for Enid!
Click on any blue member below to go directly to their web page.
Enid Chamber of Commerce | 580.237.2494 | 580.237.2497 | enidchamber.com