Cathedral Bulletin | August 9, 2023


  • The 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (livestream links)
  • Hunthausen Charity Golf Tournament, Monday, August 28
  • Children's Faith Formation 2023-2024: Registration opens August 27
  • Audition for Cathedral Choir or Women's Schola
  • Mental Wellness Fridays begin September 1
  • Care for Creation Prayer with Music from Taizé, September 1
  • Book Group: Isabelle Wilkerson's Caste, September 7
  • Mass for Suicide Healing and Remembrance, September 9
  • Grief Support Group, begins September 12
  • Together: A Synodal Event for Youth and Young Adults, September 22
  • Partners in the Gospel: Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Etienne
  • Other News and Notices
  • This Sunday's bulletin and last Sunday's bulletin

The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, August 12, 2023


5:30pm MASS

Sunday, August 13, 2023


8:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


10:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


12:00pm MASS


4:00pm Vespers with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament


5:30pm MASS 

Hunthausen Charity Golf Tournament 8/28

Golfing is SOLD OUT!

You can still participate by sponsoring the tournament, joining us for dinner, or donating an item for the silent auction.

Children's Faith Formation 2023-2024

Sing with the Cathedral Choir!

Mental Wellness Fridays begin 9/1

Care for Creation Taize Prayer 9/1

Cathedral Book Group 9/7

Mass for Suicide Healing and Remembrance

Grief Support Group begins 9/12

Together: Synodal event for Youth, 9/22

Partners in the Gospel: A Pastoral Letter

Download Archbishop Etienne's letter about Partners in the Gospel

News and Notices

PILGRIMAGE OF PEACE This week, our own Archbishop Paul Etienne and Archbishop John Wester of Santa Fe, representing two major nuclear strongholds in the US, embark on a Pilgrimage of Peace to establish an ecclesial and personal relationship with the bishops of Japan to work toward the abolition of nuclear weapons, expressing our heartfelt sorrow for the devastating experiences endured by their nation. Join them in a Novena for Nuclear Disarmament. “Nuclear war begins, I believe, in our hearts. And that is where it must end. For that reason, deterrence is not extrinsic to the evil of nuclear war. From that moral perspective, deterrence finds itself at the center of the evil. In other words, our intention or willingness to do the sin could become the sin.”— from an address by Archbishop Raymond G. Hunthausen to Pax Christi USA, Chicago, July 31, 1987.

ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY The Solemnity of the Assumption is coming up on August 15. Masses for the Holy Day will be Monday, August 14 at 5:30pm and Tuesday, August 15 at 8:00am and 12:10pm.


WELCOME BACK Would you yourself – or someone you know – like to take another look at the Catholic Church? If, for one reason or another, you have been away and long for community, or feel hungry for something more, Welcome Back might be just the right place to safely express your concerns. A new in-person six-week series will begin in late August. Information, John Simpson, 206-654-4658 or


WEEKLY MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS GROUPS Starting 9/1, every Friday of the month, 10-11:30am the Mental Health and Wellness Ministry will be having different groups for mental health support, including art, board games, a mental health support group, mindfulness, yoga, and prayer, and a movie. Held in the Pastoral Outreach Center. Registration, Anisa Ralls, 206-382-4269 or


MASS FOR SUICIDE HEALING AND REMEMBRANCE September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Join us at this special Mass, 9/9 at 5:30pm, as we pray for all who have been lost to suicide, for survivors of suicide, and for all who have lost a family member, friend, or colleague. We also pray that, as Church and as individuals, we can help prevent suicide by raising awareness and knowing how to help those in need. Archbishop Paul D. Etienne, celebrant.


ST VINCENT DE PAUL THANKS YOU We visited with an ambitious woman working full time and studying for her masters degree part-time. When her sister experienced a crisis, the woman came forward to care for her sister’s three children. This commitment resulted in the woman having to move into a different apartment. The expense incurred in the move and taking on the children, made her short of rent money. This neighbor called the SVdP Helpline (206-767-6449) requesting assistance. Thanks to your support we were able to offer rent assistance. Further, when we saw that the children were sleeping on the floor, a bed was ordered. Information, Jo Ann Wiesner, 206-291-4012 or


FAITH FRIENDS INCLUSION MINISTRY Faith Friends is an inclusion ministry serving children and teens from across the Archdiocese of Seattle. We are a unique blend of our Faith Mentor and Children’s Faith Formation program, and provide Sacramental Preparation, as well as opportunities for friendship with other youth. Sessions begin September 24. Information, Leticia Escobar, 206-619-0816,


GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Tuesdays, September 12 through October 31, 10:00-11:30am in the Pastoral Outreach Center. You are invited to join this 8-week support group facilitated by Anisa Ralls, Director of the Mental Health and Wellness Ministry. Register, Anisa Ralls, 206-382-4269 or


CARE FOR CREATION TIP OF THE WEEK The Laudato Si’ Action Platform, an initiative of the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, is inspired by Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’. It equips the Church to achieve real and lasting solutions to the ecological crisis. This ever-growing program includes support for FAMILIES who want to develop tailored Laudato Si’ Action Plans to accomplish one purpose: Concrete actions to protect our common home. Information,


IS YOUR CHILD INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Did your child or someone you love miss their sacraments of initiation because of the pandemic or for some other reason? RCIA/C is for young people who desire, with the consent and support of their parents and guardians, to become fully-initiated Catholics. Information, Tami Kowal,


WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS St. James Cathedral’s Mental Health and Wellness Ministry and the Archdiocese of Seattle Mental Health Ministry are sponsoring Wellness Wednesdays, an educational forum featuring professionals from various mental health disciplines speaking on topics related to mental health. The next installment on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, will be a special hybrid (virtual/in-person) event on Spirituality and Dementia, featuring Sr Judy Ryan and Father James Eblen. It will occur both on Zoom and live at St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral. Register,


BOOK GROUP READS WILKERSON'S CASTE September 7, 2023, 6:30–8:00pm, Pastoral Outreach Center. The Cathedral Book Club and the Racial Solidarity Team are jointly sponsoring a discussion of Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste, an exploration of the unspoken and unacknowledged caste system that has shaped our country’s history. Copies are available in the Cathedral Bookstore.


HELP YOUR NEIGHBORS! Volunteer Services is a program of Catholic Community Services committed to helping elders and adults with disabilities remain living independently through a network of caring, community-minded volunteers of all ages. Assistance needed includes light housework, yardwork, shopping and errands and/or pet care. Information, Jonny Prociv, program manager, 206-328-5787 or


LOOKING FOR WAYS TO SERVE OUR COMMUNITY? Are you interested in discovering a vibrant faith group that serves our local community in meaningful ways? Jesuit Volunteer EnCorps will support you in your commitment! We are a group, ages 40+, that meets monthly in-person. As a program of JVC Northwest, we explore our commitment to values such as social and ecological justice, community, and spirituality. We assist group members to explore volunteer options in our community. Program begins in September. Apply by August 31 to be included in the opening retreat. Applications are accepted throughout the program year. Interested, Karen Beal, 971-353-6946 or 


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St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
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