HOSPITALITY AFTER SUNDAY 10:00AM MASS Please come to Cathedral Hall after the 10:00am Mass for coffee, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, fresh fruit, and the chance to visit with fellow parishioners.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL VISITS A NEIGHBOR TRYING TO FIND A LIVING WAGE A man teaching German at a local college was cut from his position when enrollment dropped. The lower paying work he found as a translator did not provide enough income to meet his rent obligation. The man called the SVdP Helpline requesting assistance (206-767-6449). With your help we paid a portion of his rent and provided additional resources which helped him catch up. The man continues to seek a job that will provide a living wage. Information, Jo Ann Wiesner, 206-291-4012 or
CHILDREN'S FAITH FORMATION Families, mark your calendars to participate in our final First Sunday of the Month Mass of this school year on June 5, Pentecost Sunday, at Noon. Join us after Mass in the Pastoral Outreach Courtyard for a cookout, some games and a time of family fellowship to celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit at this culmination of the Easter season. This is a time to be together, enjoy one another's company, get to know some fellow families, and share stories. We all know this has been a challenging year not being together in person. So, as we wrap up this year of Children's Faith Formation and look ahead to in person Faith Formation in the Fall, let's celebrate together what the Holy Spirit has done and will continue to do in our midst! This is also a time to thank our catechists who have worked so hard to help you form your children in our Catholic faith. We will celebrate our children and Faith Friend who shared in their first Holy Communion on Sunday as well as our neophyte who was fully initiated at the Easter Vigil and pray for our confirmandi who will be sealed with the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday, June 9.
FAITH FRIENDS INCLUSION MINISTRY Do you know a child or teen age 7-18 with physical, cognitive and/or intellectual disabilities? Faith Friends is an inclusion ministry serving children and teens from across the Archdiocese of Seattle. We are a unique blend of our Faith Mentor and Children’s Faith Formation program, and provide Sacramental Preparation, as well as opportunities for friendship with other youth. Information, Jennifer Wong,,, or 206-619-0816.
ALL CATHEDRAL READS BOOK CLUB The Immigrant Assistance Program is sponsoring an “All Cathedral Reads” book club about Afghanistan entitled The Sewing Circles of Herat by Christina Lamb. The book chronicles the courage and ingenuity of the Afghan people during the first rule of the Taliban in the early 2000s. The book is readily available, and there will also be some copies in the Cathedral bookstore. Parishioners are invited to participate in a discussion of the book Tuesday, May 24 at 6:30pm on Zoom. Registration, Christopher Koehler,
MINISTRY OF PRESENCE IN THE CATHEDRAL Each weekday afternoon from 1-4pm, a Cathedral parishioner sits at a welcome desk in the Cathedral to greet visitors and answer questions. This ministry has been on hiatus since Covid-19 hit in March 2020, but now we are hoping to start it up again. Volunteers typically help out one day each month. It’s a chance to spend some quiet time in the Cathedral and to be a welcoming presence to all who pass through the Cathedral’s doors. Information, Caroline Okello, or 206-654-4650.
WOMEN OF ST. JAMES SCHOLA SEEKS NEW SINGERS! The Cathedral’s women’s ensemble sings each Sunday, meeting at 4:00pm for rehearsal to sing for the 5:30pm Mass. There are current openings for sopranos and altos. The choir’s repertoire includes ancient chant, medieval and Renaissance works,
and 2- and 3-part works from the classical and modern repertoire. A basic understanding of reading music is a prerequisite. Information and to schedule an audition, or 206-382-4874.
JOB OPENING: YOUTH MINISTER AND COORDINATOR OF YOUNG ADULT ACTIVITIES St. James Cathedral has an opening for a Youth Minister who will also serve as mentor to our Young Adult community. Applicant must be an active member of a Catholic parish, have excellent people skills, and relevant experience. This is a full-time position with an Archdiocesan Benefits package. Interested applicants should email resume and cover letter to Larry Brouse,
JOB OPENING IN THE CATHEDRAL KITCHEN The Cathedral Kitchen is looking to fill the paid position of Kitchen Gleaner, which will oversee gleaning of grocery store food donations, and ensure that appropriate supplies, inventory, and food are on hand. This is a part-time, 20 hour/week position. Depending on the candidate, the job can be expanded into a full-time position. Candidates must have a valid Washington State driver license and be able to lift cases of produce and canned goods. The Cathedral Kitchen serves 100 meals each weeknight to our homeless and low-income neighbors. Information, Patrick Barredo, or 206-382-4515.
OUTREACH AND ADVOCACY NEWSLETTER Learn about upcoming events and opportunities as well as stay informed on Catholic social teaching by receiving this monthly newsletter. Subscribe,
MINDFUL ALTERNATIVE SUPPORT GROUP meets monthly via Zoom the last Saturday of the month from 2-3:30pm. It is a safe place for parents of adult children with chronic and severe mental illness to establish a connection with each other and get support from those who share a similar experience. Learn about important current resources and exchange helpful ideas. Information, Terry Proctor,
WELLNESS WEDNESDAY The Wellness Wednesday presentation schedule for June 1 has been canceled. Stay tuned for future Wellness Wednesday events.