Cathedral Bulletin | August 17, 2022
  • Join us for Mass this weekend--in person or via livestream
  • Hunthausen Auction, August 29--call for donations!
  • Senior Ice Cream Social, August 18
  • New Grief Support Group begins, September 6
  • Children's Faith Formation begins, September 11
  • Interfaith Dialogue for Peace, September 17
  • De-Escalation training for navigating disruptions at Mass, September 17
  • In case you missed it: Choir Camp Concert last Friday
  • St. James Immigrant Assistance: Annual Report
  • News and notices
  • Last Sunday's bulletin
The 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, August 20, 2022
5:30pm MASS

Sunday, August 21, 2022
8:00am MASS
live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK
10:00am MASS
live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK
12:00pm MASS

4:00pm Vespers with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
5:30pm MASS

We no longer provide socially distanced seating. However, the south side of the East Nave has been set aside as a mask-only section at all weekend Masses. Face coverings will be required in this seating area. For information, inquire of an usher. Thank you for your understanding.
Call for Auction items--needed by 8/22
Auction donations needed!

The Cathedral’s annual event benefiting the Cathedral Kitchen is coming up on August 29. We are seeking items for our silent auction.

  • Bottles of your favorite alcohol--Scotch, Vodka, Tequila, whatever!
  • Gift cards--we are looking for restaurant gift cards of all types and sizes
  • Event tickets--sports and theater tickets always are a great addition to our silent auction

Information, Maria Laughlin, 206-382-4284 or
Summer Ice Cream Social for Seniors 8/18
Grief Support Group begins 9/6
Sunday School begins 9/11
Interfaith Dialogue: Peace 9/17
Navigating Interruptions at Mass 9/17
Navigating Mental Health Interruptions at Mass
September 17 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm PDT

Seattle Archdiocese Mental Health Ministry presents
A de-escalation training for priests, deacons, ushers, and other parishioners on what to do – and not do – when a person experiencing a mental health crisis interrupts Mass or other parish functions.

Saturday, September 17 10:00am -- 1:00pm
Isaac Orr Conference Room
910 Marion Street
Seattle, WA 98104

Join in person or via Zoom
Light lunch provided

Questions? Please contact Deacon Ronnie at or Nancy Granger at
In case you missed it
Choir Camp concert! Friday, August 12 at 2:00pm
Immigrant Assistance: Annual Report
News and Notices
EAGERLY SEEKING A YOUTH MINISTER AND COORDINATOR OF YOUNG ADULT ACTIVITIES AND A DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION St. James Cathedral has an immediate opening for a Youth Minister who will also serve as mentor to our Young Adult community. We also have an opening for a Director of our Children’s Faith Formation program. Applicants for either position must be an active member of a Catholic parish, have excellent people skills, and relevant experience. These are both full-time positions with an Archdiocesan Benefits package. If you know a likely candidate, please share this information with them! For information, or to submit your application, Larry Brouse, 206-382-4280 or
INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Seeking a closer relationship with God? Feeling the need for spiritual community and support? Wanting to make the Catholic faith your own? Wondering how to go about joining the Catholic Church? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) might be for you. Information John Marquez, 206-654-4640,
INDIGENT BURIAL CEREMONY Wednesday, August 24 at 11am, Mt. Olivet Cemetery (100 Blaine Avenue NE, Renton) The King County Medical Examiner’s Office have scheduled a respectful “Indigent Burial Ceremony.” The public is invited to the ceremony, which will include burial rites, prayers from clergy, a memorial plaque, and memories shared by friends.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL APPRECIATES YOUR SUPPORT A veteran struggles with PTSD. The artistic work he creates provides income and helps keep his mental health symptoms under control. During the pandemic marketing his art became challenging. The man found temporary work to supplement his income. However, when in-between jobs he fell behind in paying rent.. The man called the St Vincent de Paul Helpline requesting assistance (206-767-6449). Thanks to your help, we were able to offer rental assistance. Fortunately the man found a new job and hopes to keep up with his expenses. Information, Jo Ann Wiesner, 206-291-4012 or
TEEN, YOUNG ADULT AND ADULT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR FAITH FRIENDS MINISTRY Faith Friends is a unique blend of our Faith Mentor, children’s faith formation program, and an inclusion ministry. The program's goal is to give children and teens ages 7- 18 with physical, cognitive and/or intellectual disabilities access to the parish community, social events, and faith formation. Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Faith Friends program is the Faith Peer program. Faith Peers are teens and young adults who have chosen to live out their discipleship and share some of their personal time in dedication and service to the goals of the program. Adult volunteers are needed for the Adult Leadership team. Training for Faith Mentors, Faith Peers and Adult Leadership begins soon. Information, Jennifer Wong, 206-619-0816,, or
ARE YOU CALLED TO BE A CATECHIST? Do you want to share in the mission of Jesus Christ and introduce others to that mystery of God revealed in the paschal mystery which you have experienced in the Catholic Church? Do you want to accompany young people as the Holy Spirit guides them—and you—into deeper knowledge of the truth? Then you might be called to be a catechist for children’s faith formation! Please reach out to explore how you can serve our children and together with them attend to the voice of the Good Shepherd. Information, Theresa Van de Ven,
SAVE THE DATE: Seeing Clearly, Choosing Well and Acting Rightly: Daring to Dream as a Cathedral that Journeys Together Saturday, October 15, 9am-5pm at the Cathedral. Join new and continuing parishioners who participate in outreach and advocacy ministries for this retreat sponsored by the St. James Life, Peace and Justice Commission. The retreat will guide us in exploring how our faith guides us to reach out to those on the margins through our Cathedral ministries, including our meal programs, Cathedral Garden and work to respect life at all stages. More details to follow!
CARE FOR CREATION TIP OF THE WEEK Consider switching to laundry detergent sheets, which reduce the number of plastic jugs in landfills and contain less toxic ingredients. Because laundry detergent sheets are lighter, transport pollution can be significantly reduced by 94%. bad. And using biodegradable laundry sheets do not contain the same chemicals that traditional detergents have, which can contaminate our oceans, rivers, and water supplies, as they contain toxic heavy metals.
Last Sunday's bulletin
St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104