Understanding the HUD Utility Allowance Webinar

December 5, 2023

10:00 - 11:30 AM

Trainer : Gwen Volk

Learn or refresh on how HUD’s Utility Analysis base-line analysis works, how to calculate and apply a factor based analysis in year’s 2 and 3, and when and how-to phase-in decreases. Understand the significance of the tenant comment period for both base-line and factor-based analyses. Learn what HUD expects, what you are and are not required to provide to HUD or the PBCA, and how to determine if the factor-based analysis is sufficient. NEW: On 7/15/22 HUD issued Treatment of Solar Community Credits on Tenant Utility Bill. This course will include the impact on when and how a Base-Line Analysis is required.

90 Minute Webinar

NEAHMA Members $129

Non Members $209

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