Mid-Week Update

August 25, 2022

Join us for Presby 101

Sun., Aug. 28 at 9 am in the Fellowship Hall

Are you new to UPC, new to the Presbyterian denomination, or just curious to know more about what it means to be part of the PC(USA)? In 2022, we’re offering periodic stand-alone classes about what it means to be Presbyterian!

Join us this Sunday for our next Presby 101 class, which will focus on Presbyterian Polity and Theology (i.e. how the church is structured and why). This is a great class for newcomers and old-timers alike. Co-Pastors Meg and Jarrett will be leading. All questions are welcomed.

This Sunday, Aug. 28:

Sunday's Schedule:

9:00 am - Presby 101 (Fellowship Hall)

10:00 am - Worship (Sanctuary and livestream)

11:00 am - Celebration of Dennis Dallke (front lawn)

11:00 am - Youth Advisor Training

4:00 pm - Children's Ministry Committee (Dunham Hall)

4:00 pm - Youth Committee (Youth Center)

5:00 pm - Stephen Ministry Retreat (Fellowship Hall)

8:00 pm - PCM L-Team (Terrace Room)

Meg Peery McLaughlin will preach from Mark 11:1-11, inspired by the classic board game Life.

Be sure to stay after worship to honor and celebrate Dennis Dallke!

About those emails...

Last week, many of you received emails that claimed to be from Meg and/or Jarrett, requesting help. Those emails were a scam known as "email spoofing," in which scammers create fake email addresses and pretend to be real people in an attempt to get their friends to send money to them.

Here are a few things to know:

1.) We are not unique. This scam has happened to countless churches over the past few years, using almost identical messages each time.

2.) Your information is safe. We have checked into our email and database systems, and there are no signs of hacking. Scammers often use sophisticated programs to scan the internet (including internet archives) to pull together eerily accurate email lists, and we suspect they did the same here.

Also, if you did engage with the scammers (but didn't send them money/gift cards), you were not hacked. Those interactions only confirmed for the scammers that you do know Meg and/or Jarrett. (Of course, it's always a good idea to add two-factor authentication to your email and periodically change your password, just in case!)

3.) UPC staff will always email you from an address that ends in @upcch.org, and will never ask you to email us a gift card. We have safe and trusted ways to give online that we will always point to.

4.) We are grateful for you! The number of you that responded out of a desire to help and/or called us to let us know you thought something fishy was happening is a sign of this congregation's deep generosity and care for this community. It grieves us that scammers attempted to prey upon that generosity for their own gain.

Unfortunately, email spoofing can't be prevented, but we can educate ourselves to be better able to spot scams in the future. See the graphic below to learn more.

And, if you did send money or gift cards to the scammers, please let us know so we can connect you with helpful resources.

Quick Reminders

Celebrating Dennis Dallke

Sun., Aug. 28 at 11:00 am

After worship this Sunday, we will celebrate the 30-year ministry of Dennis Dallke! Join us as we give thanks for his steadfast presence and bless him as he transitions into part-time work.

We are still receiving love gifts for Dennis - to give, visit upcch.org/give and select "Dennis Love Gifts" as the fund.

Rise Against Hunger Meal Packing Event
Sun., Sept. 18, 9:45-10:45 am

As we kick off the program year on Sunday, Sept 18, join your UPC family for a meal packing event to help tackle world hunger. Rise Against Hunger meal packing events provide a fun, educational way for our church to literally lend a hand to people facing hunger across the globe. Rise Against Hunger combines an assembly line process with an educational experience not only to make a huge impact worldwide, but to help us all understand how serving our neighbors is a meaningful experience. This is a truly intergenerational event, enabling people of all ages to serve. (Nursery care will be available for younger ages.) Registration is required; sign up at the link below and help us reach our goal of 150 participants. Together, we'll pack over 12,000 meals in an hour!
Register for Rise Against Hunger

Racial Equity Documentary Screening

Sat., Oct. 15 at 3:00 pm at UPC

Join us for a group viewing of the documentary At the River and then participate in a discussion facilitated by director Carolyn Crowder. A catered meal from Mediterranean Deli (suggested donation $5/person) will be provided after the program for all ages. This program is geared mainly toward adults, although high school youth might be interested. Childcare will be available for birth-5th grade. For more details and to register, click the button below.

Register for the Documentary Screening
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