Illustration of various housing types
Revised housing affordability proposal now available
Denver city proposal available for second round of public review through March 14
After receiving great feedback on the initial proposal draft released in 2021, the city today published a revised policy draft that addresses many of the key themes heard from residents, industry, and community groups. In conjunction with the revised proposal, the city has also published the public review drafts for the proposal's specific code language. All materials will be available for review through March 14, 2022. Comments may be submitted online or at one of these upcoming events.
Expanding Housing Affordability Open House
Join us for a virtual open house on Feb. 17
We invite you to read a quick, two-page summary of the city's housing affordability proposal, but if that's not your cup of tea, please join us on Thursday, February 17 to learn about what's being proposed. There will be opportunities to ask questions and share your thoughts.

Virtual Open House
Thursday, February 17
5:30 - 7 p.m.

I have a question about...
Our common questions section of the project website is a great resource for questions about the proposal, housing affordability in Denver, and common terms. Take a look:

Why are we doing this work?
Denver needs more affordable housing across the income spectrum. In addition to existing affordable housing programs, the City and County of Denver is developing a policy to ensure that as new homes are built in Denver, more affordable homes are built too – both to rent and to buy. As the cost of living in Denver has gone up, one in three households in our city struggles to afford housing costs today. These are our neighbors who are daycare providers and teachers, social workers, restaurant workers, and many other people who make our city the great place we all love. That’s where the Expanding Housing Affordability project comes in.

To learn about other housing initiatives underway, please visit