After relocating from the East Coast in 2012, Karen Hauser daydreamed about becoming a volunteer here at KHS but was worried that she may not be able to handle the thought of leaving the cats and dogs after each shift. In the end, she says she decided that it was "better to make a contribution to their well-being than do nothing" and so she began her volunteer journey with us. In the two years that Karen has been with us, she has logged nearly 210 hours in both her efforts socializing our feline population and in our dish room, tackling mound upon mound of dirty dishes! 
While both tasks seem markedly different, the impact is huge! When asked about the most rewarding thing about her time here, Karen says that "many hands make light work" and that she "gets a lot of satisfaction in making a small difference." It's no secret that it takes a lot of hands to keep a shelter going and there are truly no small jobs here! We are so grateful to have Karen here!
In addition to her physical volunteer tasks, one of the most notable traits about Karen is her upbeat and positive attitude.