Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament | |
The Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament is quickly approaching and plans are underway to celebrate with a week plus of faith, fellowship and fun activities leading up to the Feast Day on Friday, May 13th. We hope you will be able to join us for one or more, or all, of these events. Our theme this year is “United under the Mantle of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament.”
Questions? Please contact the parish office by telephone (847) 979-0901 or eMail.
Please read on or follow this link for more information about all of our upcoming celebrations!
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Rosary & Novena Prayer
Ministry Groups will take turns leading the Rosary and Novena Prayer to Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament at both worship sites. Schedule as follows:
Wed 5/4 | QR | 6:30pm Rosary Group
Thu 5/5 | SJE | 6:30pm Bereavement and Journey of the Heart
Fri 5/6 | QR | 6:30pm QR School and RE Program
Sat 5/7 | SJE | 4:30pm Men's Group and Marriage & Family
Sun 5/8 | QR | 10:00am Respect Life
Mon 5/9 | SJE | 6:30pm Care Ministry
Tue 5/10 | SJE | 6:30pm Good Samaritan
Wed 5/11 | QR | 6:30pm Choir Groups
Thu 5/12 | QR | 6:30pm Wed Morning Bible Study
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First Saturday Devotion
Saturday, May 7 | QR
“Look at my Heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce me at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least, try to console me and announce that I promise to assist at the hour of death, with all the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, shall: go to confession, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for fifteen minutes while
meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me.”
–Words of Our Lady of Fatima
8:15am Daily Mass
8:50am Rosary Prayer
9:15am Quiet Prayer & Reflection on the Mysteries of the Rosary
9:30am Breakfast
Time permitting, Confessions may also be heard during breakfast.
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May Crowning
Though we honor our Blessed Mother all year long, in May, we honor Mary, the Mother of God, as the "Queen of May:"
Saturday, May 7 | 10am | QR Religious Education
Saturday, May 7 & Sunday, May 8 at all Masses for the Parish. We invite all of our First Communicants to join us, wearing their First Communion attire, to help with May Crowning. Please follow this link to sign up.
Wednesday, May 11 | 8:15am | QR School
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Marian Speaker
Monday, May 9 | 7pm | SJE
Fr. Jim Presta, Marian Scholar and Pastor at St. Emily Parish will join us to speak about Our Lady. All are invited to an evening about Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament.
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Eucharistic Adoration
We hope you are able to drop by and spend some quiet time with Our Lord:
Wednesday, May 4 | 7pm | QR Holy Hour
Friday, May 6 | 8:50am - 11:45am | SJE First Friday Adoration
Wednesday, May 11 | 7pm | QR Holy Hour
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Consecration Mass
Friday, May 13 | 6pm | SJE
We will celebrate a special Consecration Mass in honor of the Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. Bishop George Rassas will preside and all are invited.
We also invite you to stay for fellowship in Shea Hall immediately following Mass.
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Pilgrimage to Holy Hill
Saturday, May 14 | 8am - 5pm
As part of our celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, we are organizing a pilgrimage to Holy Hill Basilica and National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians. The bus will depart from St. Julian Eymard parking lot at 8am on Saturday, May 14th, and return at approximately 5:00pm.
On this day-long excursion you may celebrate Mass, tour the Basilica, Shrine Chapel, Outdoor Stations of the Cross, enjoy lunch in the Holy Hill Cafe (everyone will pay their own way for lunch, approx $15), visit the gift shop and more.
Space is limited and there is a $25 fee to offset the cost of transportation. Please follow this link to sign up for the Pilgrimage.
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You may drop an envelope marked "Pilgrimage" in the offertory or mail in or drop off to the Parish Office to pay the transportation fee. | |
At-Home Consecration
To augment, or if you are unable to join us in person for the Rosary and Novena Prayer, we invite you to pick up the Prayer Guide for Consecration to Jesus Through Mary (or kits) from either of our church vestibules to pray at home, either as a family or individually. Alternately, you may also download the prayer guide here.
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Acts of Mercy
Please join one or more of our Ministry Groups in an Act of Mercy in honor of Our Blessed Mother:
Thursday, May 5 | 5 - 7:45pm | Good Samaritan Summer Supper
Monday, May 9 | 6:30 - 8pm | Youth Ministry Visits Alexian Village
From Mother's Day on May 8th to Father's Day on June 19th, join Respect Life and Domestic Violence Awareness Ministries in supporting women with at-risk pregnancies and survivors of domestic abuse. Please see collection bins in our vestibule or follow this link to learn more.
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Grounds & Garden Refresh
As part of our celebrations to honor Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, we are updating our grounds, especially our Marian Gardens and behind the Rectory. We'll be adding flowers with special significance to Our Lady in the Marian Gardens at each worship site, and adding a patio and gazebo at the rectory for our clergy to use for small group meetings and entertaining.
To help with this project, please review the wish list to sign up. Alternately, you may drop an envelope marked "Grounds & Garden" into the offertory or contact the parish office to make a monetary donation to help with our Grounds & Garden refresh.
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If you would like to help with installation of the gazebo, planting or other aspects of the grounds & garden refresh, please contact the parish office and our Grounds & Garden lead will get in touch with details. | | | | |