Electric Street Sweeper Walk-Around Tour
November 5th
Stop by anytime between 10am-2pm to check it out!
Location: Eastern Promenade (Upper-lot) on Cutter St in Portland, ME
Registration, face masks, and social distancing are required.
Click here to register (new registration link)!
Maine Clean Communities is hosting a walk-around tour of Global Environmental Product's All-Electric Street Sweeper for municipalities and stakeholders. This eco-friendly vehicle quiets sweeping operations, eliminates transmissions, and reduces maintenance. There will be representatives at the event to guide small groups around the vehicle and answer any questions you may have.

For more information about the street sweeper, click here. This is also a great opportunity to meet Maine Clean Communities Coordinator Sara Mills-Knapp and staff!

If you can't make it or don't feel comfortable attending– no problem! We will be live streaming the event throughout the day on our social media and recording video's to share. Do you follow us on social media? If not, click below!
Maine Clean Communities
is administered by the
Greater Portland
Council of Governments
970 Baxter Blvd. Suite 201
Portland, ME 04103