PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Thursday, February 2 is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. There will be one Mass at 8:00am.
FEAST OF ST BLAISE Friday, February 3 is the Feast of St. Blaise. The traditional blessing of throats will take place during each of the Masses, at 8:00am and 12:10pm. All are welcome.
EVENING PRAYER WITH MUSIC FROM TAIZÉ Friday, February 3 at 6:30pm. All are welcome to this celebration of evening prayer with candlelight and the haunting music of the ecumenical community of Taizé, France.
YOUNG ADULTS If you’re looking for community and to grow deeper in your devotion to Jesus Christ, you’re invited to join our weekly Young Adult Gathering! We meet every Sunday at the Pastoral Outreach Center from 6:30-8:00pm immediately following the 5:30pm Mass. A simple supper and drinks will be provided, and parking is available at O’Dea. Information, Andrew Braley, or text 206-330-1512.
2023 WASHINGTON STATE LEGISLATVE SESSION The Washington State Catholic Conference (WSCC) provides weekly updates on bills that can help support some of the most vulnerable in our state. This year, some of the proposed bills include help for Medicaid recipients, promotion of climate-friendly practices, and support for survivors of human trafficking. In addition, the WSCC opposed bills on the mishandling of human embryos as well as expansion of assisted suicide. To find out more about these and other bills, to learn how to contact your local legislators, and to use your voice for those who are voiceless, sign up for the WSCC’s weekly newsletter. Subscribe, Washington State Catholic Conference,
ST VINCENT DE PAUL THANKS YOU A middle aged man relocated to Seattle to get a fresh start. While this neighbor found work in his field, he did not have enough money saved to lease an apartment and had to live in his vehicle for 15 months. Finally after moving into an apartment, his opportunities to work steadily ended. Unless he is called to work a specific job, he is not paid. The man fell behind in paying rent. Seeking help he called the St Vincent de Paul Helpline (206-767-6449). With your support, we were able to give him a helping hand with his rent. Information, Jo Ann Wiesner, 206-291-4012 or
SAVE THE DATE: CHOIR CAMP 2023 All children and youth with unchanged (treble) voices entering grades 1 through 8 are encouraged to register for Choir Camp! All are welcome: parishioners and non-parishioners alike. Camp occurs daily August 7-11, Monday through Friday, 9:00am until 4:00pm. Camp concludes with all choristers returning at 9:00am on August 13 to sing for the 10:00am Sunday Mass. Contact the Youth Music Office to register today! Information, Youth Music Office, 206-382-4876 or
YOUTH MINISTRY OPEN HOUSE Parents of teens are invited to our Youth Ministry Open House on February 5. Come meet our Youth Minister and find out how you can support your teen’s spiritual grown and get them involved in our community. We will meet Sunday, February 5 at 1:00pm in the Cabrini Room 411, on the 4th floor of Cathedral Place (immediately following the noon Mass). Lunch will be provided and all are welcome! Information and to RSVP, Andrew Braley, or 206-330-1512.
JANUARY IS POVERTY AWARENESS MONTHY During the month of January, the U.S. Bishops have urged Catholics to take up Pope Francis’ challenge to live in solidarity with the poor. In the Eucharistic liturgy, we are united with the Body of Christ on the altar, and in our sisters and brothers in the worship assembly. Pope Francis reminds us, “In service of the poor, there is no room for competition. Rather, we should humbly recognize that the Spirit is the source of our actions that reveal God’s closeness and his answer to our prayers.”
FAITH FRIENDS INCLUSION MINISTRY Faith Friends is an inclusion ministry serving children and teens from across the Archdiocese of Seattle. We are a unique blend of our Faith Mentor and Children’s Faith Formation program, and provide Sacramental Preparation, as well as opportunities for friendship with other youth. Information, Jennifer Wong, 206-619-0816,, or
ADULT CONFIRMATION Are you or is someone you know 17 or older and in need of the Sacrament of Confirmation? The sacrament will be celebrated on Thursday, May 11 at 7:00pm. Classes in preparation for Confirmation begin on Tuesday, February 28. Catholic Baptism and First Communion are required. The deadline for registration is February 21. Information and registration, John Marquez,
206-654-4640 or
ARE YOU A REGISTERED PARISHIONER AT ST. JAMES? Many who attend St. James regularly and consider the Cathedral their parish have never officially registered. We strongly encourage you to register. Registered parishioners receive important mailings from the Cathedral (including offering envelopes!). You can register online at
HYGIENE ITEMS FOR OUR UNSHELTERED NEIGHBORS The St Vincent de Paul Society is seeking donations of hygiene items for Seattle’s unsheltered neighbors. Donated items will be assembled into individual hygiene kits which will then be distributed in person by SVdP volunteers several days each week to those in need. Hygiene items being sought include: hotel/travel size shampoo; lotion; bar soap; hand sanitizer. Also: disposable razors; deodorant; lip balm; dental floss, toothbrush, toothpaste; Kleenex. The donation collection box is located in the Cathedral Book Store. Donations can be made Monday through Friday 11am-3pm and after each weekend Mass.