ON THE COVER While I am in the world, I am the light of the world. Detail of the Ceremonial Bronze Doors, St. James Cathedral. Ulrich Henn, artist.
JOIN US FOR SUNDAY HOSPITALITY Join us after the 10:00am Mass for Krispi Kreme doughnuts, fresh fruit, coffee, and a chance to visit with fellow parishioners. Note: next Sunday, St. Patrick’s Day, there will be a special hospitality after the 10:00am Mass with some wonderful traditional Irish entertainment!
LUNCHEON AFTER THE NOON MASS Join us after the Noon Mass in Cathedral Hall for a special meal of delicious Filipino foods, the gift of some of our parishioners in honor of Father Ryan.
CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION CLASS AND PARENT GATHERING will be today, Sunday, March 10 after the 10:00am Mass. Parents, after you drop off your child at class, please come to the 2nd floor of Cathedral Place for hospitality at our monthly parent gathering. Our guest speaker is parishioner, writer, and parent, Shemaiah Gonzalez, who will share on the subject of joy from her soon to be published book, Undaunted Joy: The Revolutionary Act of Cultivating Delight.
CHRISM MASS On Thursday, March 21 at 7:00pm, all are invited to join Archbishop Etienne and the priests of the Archdiocese of Seattle for the Chrism Mass. During this annual celebration, the holy oils which will be used in the administration of the sacraments at Easter and throughout the coming year—the Oil of Catechumens, the Oil of the Sick, and Sacred Chrism—are blessed and consecrated. In addition, the bishops and priests renew their priestly promises. All are welcome to join this beautiful liturgy as we prepare to enter into Holy Week.
MENTAL HEALTH STATIONS OF THE CROSS Presented by the Mental Health and Wellness Ministry, Stations of the Cross with a focus on mental health concerns, will be prayed after 12:10pm Mass on Friday, March 8 in the Cathedral. All are welcome.
ELECTRONICS RECYCLYING DRIVE, March 9-10, Cathedral Hall. Bring your recyclable items, working or not, to Cathedral Hall before or after Mass. “Say no to an ephemeral, superficial and throwaway culture, a culture that assumes that you are incapable of taking on responsibility and facing the great challenges of life!”, Pope Francis. List of acceptable items, www.friendlyearth.org/our-services/e-waste-recycling. (There is no fee for Cathedral parishioners.)
LET JUSTICE AND PEACE FLOW: Spring Environmental Summit, Saturday, March 16, Seattle University Join the St. James Care for Creation “Let Justice and Peace Flow” Spring Environmental Summit Saturday, March 16, Seattle University Join the St. James Care for Creation committee and the Creation Care Network to pray, learn, and act on our collective commitment to environmental justice. The day will feature a Youth and Young Adult fireside chat on Laudate Deum, Mass with Archbishop Etienne, workshops and much more! Registration, http://bit.ly/3SNcMDw
BLOODWORKS NORTHWEST BLOOD DRIVE St. James Cathedral is running another two-week blood donation campaign (virtual drive). Please give blood between Sunday, March 3 to Sunday, March 17 at ANY Bloodworks Northwest location (donor center or community blood drive) and when you arrive to donate, check in (register) and provide the code SJC to the registrar so we can track our impact! This is a great opportunity to give back to the community during Lent! Use this link to find a location during the time period: https://donate.bloodworksnw.org/donor/schedules/geo/
WASHINGTON STATE CATHOLIC ADVOCACY Last week, bills had to pass out of the opposite house. Exceptions are for initiatives and alternatives to initiatives, budgets and matters necessary to implement budgets, differences in bills between the House and Senate, and matters incident to the interim and closing of the session, which ends on March 7. The Washington State Catholic Conference weekly bulletin has more updates. Subscribe, www.wacatholics.org.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL THANKS YOU: A single parent took a medical leave when complications arose with her pregnancy close to the due date of her child. Her application for medical leave took time to process and, consequently, she received no income while waiting. Not long after she took leave, she found herself short of funds to pay rent. This neighbor called the ST VINCENT DE PAUL Helpline (206-767-6449 or online https://svdpseattle.org/get-help/online-help-request-form/). With your help, we paid a portion of her rent and gave her some financial relief while she waited for the birth of her child. Information, Jo Ann Wiesner, 206-291-4012 or wiesnerjo@gmail.com.
FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP Be sure to vote in this year’s State primary. If you are not yet registered to vote, you can do so in person. King County has vote centers in Bellevue, Federal Way, Kenmore, Kent, Renton and Seattle. “We are called to bring together our principles and our political choices, our values and our votes, to help build a civilization of truth and love.” – The U.S. Catholic Bishops
MANY PARTS, ONE BODY: A LENTEN VIGIL FOR RACIAL JUSTICE Thursday, March 14, 7:00pm at Immaculate Conception Church. Sponsored by St. James Cathedral and the South Seattle Deanery Racial Solidarity Committee.
JOIN THE CATHEDRAL GARDEN TEAM! The St. James Cathedral Kitchen Garden, which provides fresh produce for the weeknight meals served at Cathedral Hall, welcomes volunteers to help with planting, weeding, maintenance, pruning and harvesting. The garden is located on the corner of Madison and Terry. Information, Peter Burns, pburns@stjames-cathedral.org or 206-264-2082.
TOILETRY DONATIONS If you are traveling and staying at a hotel, consider bringing the small toiletries back to St. James. There is a donation bin located in the Cathedral Bookstore. Our St. Vincent de Paul conference packages the toiletries and distributes them to those in need. Thank you!
SANDWICH MAKING MINISTRY Healthy sandwiches can be made at home and then brought to the Cathedral to share with men staying at the St. Martin de Porres Shelter. This is a great activity for families with young children, people with busy lives, and anyone who is not able to go out and serve. Information, Patrick Barredo, 206-382-4515 or pbarredo@stjames-cathedral.org.
CRISTO REY JESUIT SEATTLE is a new Catholic high school opening for 9th graders on the campus of St. Paul’s Parish in Rainier Beach. CRJS offers lower-income students access to a top-quality Catholic education. Thanks to its unique work-study model, families will pay between $400 and $2500 per year for CRJS. Apply today at www.cristoreyseattle.org
TEAM EFFORT HELPS STUDENT OVERCOME CHALLENGES AND LEADS TO US CITIZENSHIP Student A and Tutor K were matched in early 2022 in the Immigrant Assistance tutoring program. A had a strong desire to become a U.S. citizen. She was not literate in her first language and her English proficiency was not at the level needed to pass the test for naturalization. Tutor K worked with A diligently and patiently, teaching her how to read and write the words on the citizenship vocabulary list, as well as helping her learn the 100 civics questions. Immigrant Assistance staff also worked hard to prepare A, providing extra practice sessions for the interview and test over multiple months. With everybody’s hard work, A passed her citizenship interview in December 2023 on the first try! A was so happy and grateful! Would you like to join our wonderful ESL & Citizenship tutor team? Information, Sayuko Setvik, ssetvik@stjames-cathedral.org or 206-382-4511.
ANNUAL ARCHDIOCESE MENTAL HEALTH MINISTRY LUNCHEON Trauma and Spirituality: What Every Catholic Christian Ought to Know About the Explosive Healing Power of the Holy Trinity, Latisha Sternod, MS, LMHC, MHP, Clinical Supervisor and Mental Health Therapist will speak with a panel, April 10, 2024, 11am-1pm, Hybrid Zoom and Isaac Orr Conference Room 910 Marion St, Registration https://archseattle.org/events/annual-mental-health-luncheon-trauma-spirituality-what-every-catholic-christian-ought-to-know-about-the-explosive-healing-power-of-the-holy-trinity/