Cathedral Bulletin | December 4, 2020
Scroll down for: Advent Giving Tree; Cathedral face masks; looking ahead to the Christmas Mass Schedule; and online opportunities
Register for this weekend's Masses
There are FOUR options for public Mass in the Cathedral this weekend (click on a date/time to register). Availability indicated is as of 9:30am on Friday.
We have put many precautions in place to make sure these celebrations are safe and comfortable. This is not business as usual! The following are important important instructions for those who wish to take part in Mass:
Registration is required, and registered persons will be checked in as they arrive. The Archdiocese of Seattle recommends registration both to limit the numbers in attendance and to provide for contact tracing should we learn that anyone present has been exposed to Covid-19.
Masks/face coverings must be worn throughout the Mass except when receiving Holy Communion. Your mask needs to cover both your nose and your mouth at all times.
On arriving at the Cathedral, you will be greeted by staff who will check you in and show you your place for the Mass. You will NOT be able to choose your own place to sit, nor will you be able to move about the Cathedral once you have been seated. Household groups will be seated together. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
You will notice a number of changes to the Mass. All these changes are designed to ensure our safety as we gather together for Mass:
- The Sign of Peace will not be shared, and Communion will not be offered from the cup.
- Communion will be given only in the hand, not on the tongue.
- There will be no congregational singing.
- Because we are not able to gather or socialize following Mass, we ask that you depart quietly after the celebration.
Please remember that there is no obligation to attend Sunday Mass at this time. While we do our utmost to make the Mass safe, anyone who attends does so at their own risk. Particularly vulnerable persons are strongly encouraged to continue to shelter in place. Anyone who is experiencing any symptoms whatsoever, such as fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, MUST remain at home out of consideration for the health and well being of others.
Livestream Masses this weekend
The Second Sunday of Advent
Sunday, December 6, 2020
MASS with Archbishop Etienne
Streamed on the Archdiocese of Seattle Vimeo/Facebook pages
MASS with Father Ryan
Streamed on the Cathedral Vimeo/Facebook pages
Our annual Giving Tree is online this year! As you're doing your Christmas shopping, please consider picking up one or two items to be donated to a person in need, whether it's diapers, socks, a toy, or a gift card.
Items can be dropped by the Parish Office Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm, or can be shipped directly to the office: St. James Cathedral, ATTN Patrick Barredo, 804 Ninth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104.
While supplies last--Cathedral face masks!
Livestream Musical Prayer
Friday, December 4, 2020 at 6:30pm
Mark Hilliard Wilson, guitar
My grandmother, Dorothy Day
Registration will be required to attend Christmas Masses, and attendance will be strictly limited to 200 persons at each Mass. Registration will open on Monday, December 21.
Masses marked with an asterisk will be livestreamed--
* = livestreamed on St. James Cathedral Facebook/Vimeo
** = livestreamed on Archdiocese of Seattle Facebook/Vimeo)
Advent liturgies open to the public
WEEKDAY MASSES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Monday—Saturday, the 8:00am Mass is open to the public without prior registration. On Tuesdays, 8:00am Mass is followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, concluding with rosary at 12 Noon.
CONFESSIONS IN ADVENT Traditionally, Advent is a time to confess our sins as part of our preparation for Christmas. We have expanded hours for confession this month for those who wish to do so. Please note these special times for confessions: Confessions will be heard on Saturdays, December 5, 12, and 19 at 2:00pm in the Cathedral Chapel. Confessions will also be heard on Wednesday mornings, December 9, 16, and 23, following the 8:00am Mass. All are welcome without appointment or registration.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION IS DECEMBER 8 Masses in the Cathedral for the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be on Tuesday, December 8 at 8:00am and 10:30am. All are welcome without prior registration – check in at the Terry and Marion corner of the block. The 8:00am Mass on December 8 will be livestreamed as usual.
SIMBANG GABI On Saturday, December 12, at 11:00am, Archbishop Etienne will celebrate the annual Mass to bless parols (star-shaped lanterns) in preparation for the Simbang Gabi novena of Masses, which will take place in parishes around the Archdiocese. The Mass is not open to the public this year but you are invited to join in via livestream on VIMEO or FACEBOOK.
VESPERS AND BENEDICTION on Sunday afternoons at 4:00pm is open to the public. No advance registration required.
Take another look at the Catholic Church
R. S. Thomas, "Kneeling"
Scott Webster reads the poem by R. S. Thomas, and Corinna Laughlin provides context and commentary.
Sacrificial Sunday Giving
Sacrificial Giving is all about giving back to God what God has given to us. Through our gift to the parish, we reach out—together—in the name of Christ to the poor, the elderly, and the immigrant. We celebrate in a powerful way the mysteries of our faith; and we provide a refuge to so many who live on the edge of loneliness in these trying times.
Thank you for your prayerful response and for all the ways you make this parish family what it is!
St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104