Cathedral Bulletin | December 6, 2023


  • The Second Sunday of Advent (livestream links)
  • Sacrificial Sunday Giving 2024: Make your pledge
  • Poem of the Month: Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz
  • Advent at St. James Cathedral: the complete guide
  • Simbang Gabi, December 9
  • Advent Retreat: Enlarge the Space of Your Tent, December 10
  • Advent Readings and Carols, December 15
  • Cathedral Kids' Christmas Party, December 17
  • Advent Communal Penance Service, December 18
  • Care for Creation Advent Calendar
  • Christmas Mass Schedule--Christmas Eve Greeters needed
  • Partners in the Gospel update and opportunity to provide feedback
  • Other News and Notices
  • This Sunday's bulletin and last Sunday's bulletin

The Second Sunday of Advent

Saturday, December 9, 2023


5:30pm MASS

Sunday, December 10, 2023


8:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


10:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


12:00pm MASS


4:00pm Vespers with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament


5:30pm MASS 

Sacrificial Giving 2024

Make your pledge today!

Poem of the Month

Lisa Matchette reads a selection from the Fifth Villancico by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (translation by Alan Trueblood), and Corinna Laughlin offers commentary

Advent at St. James Cathedral

Click here to open the PDF

Simbang Gabi 12/9

Advent Retreat 12/10

Advent Readings and Carols 12/15

Cathedral Kids' Christmas Party 12/17

Advent Communal Penance Service 12/18

COMMUNAL PENANCE SERVICES There will be two opportunities to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation during this Advent season – Saturday, December 16 at 2:30pm, and Monday, December 18 at 7:00pm. It has long been a tradition in the Church to confess your sins before the celebration of Christmas. These will be perfect opportunities to do so.

Care for Creation Advent Calendar

Christmas Masses at the Cathedral


Help welcome the many visitors and regulars who celebrate Christmas at the Cathedral! Greeters are needed before the 4:30pm Vigil Mass and the 10:00pm Night Mass on Christmas Eve to offer a warm welcome and hand out programs. You will need to arrive at 3:30pm for the Vigil, 8:00pm for the 10:00pm Night Mass. Please contact Corinna Laughlin, to volunteer.

Partners in the Gospel update

Dear Friends,

I’m writing with an important update on Partners in the Gospel. As you will recall, Partners in the Gospel is an effort undertaken by the Archdiocese of Seattle which will group our 160 parishes and missions into “families” of two, three, or more parishes. The proposed families were published on the Archdiocese of Seattle website and in Northwest Catholic back in September. The family group proposed for St. James Cathedral included Immaculate Conception Church in the Central District and Christ Our Hope downtown, on Second Avenue.


A major consultation effort was undertaken with the faithful across the Archdiocese, including here at the Cathedral, to provide feedback on these proposed family groupings. Hundreds of listening sessions were held across Western Washington, and many more comments were submitted online. All told, some 3,000 pages of input was received by the Chancery over a three-week period!


Every piece of input was read by at least two people, and a short synthesis was created for each parish family. On November 8-9, two consultative bodies, the Archbishop’s Council of Priests and the Partners in the Gospel Oversight Committee, met with Archbishop Etienne at the Palisades Retreat Center to review the feedback and the proposed changes, and to make recommendations. As a result of this consultation and listening to your feedback, some changes emerged for 25 parish families, including St. James Cathedral.


The new proposal is for our parish family to include St. James Cathedral and Immaculate Conception (Christ Our Hope would join Sacred Heart in a different parish family).


From now until mid-December, there is a new opportunity to provide feedback before a final recommendation is submitted to Archbishop Etienne at the end of the year. Final parish families will be announced early in 2024. It’s a busy time, but I hope you will take time to share your thoughts on the new proposed grouping. Your input does make a difference!


Read the feedback received for the Cathedral parish family.

Click here to provide your thoughts on this change. Please note: the Cathedral is in Family #17. Be sure to select this family from the drop-down menu when you offer feedback.


Thank you for participating in this important effort. 

Father Ryan

News and Notices

HOSPITALITY AFTER SUNDAY 10:00AM MASS Join us in Cathedral Hall for parmesan bacon biscuits from Macrina Bakery, fresh fruit, and the chance to visit with fellow parishioners.


FLOWERS AT THE STATUE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY in the north transept are offered by Bridget Cooley in memory of her mother, Ann McIntyre, on the 9th anniversary of her death.


CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION CLASSES TODAY, December 10, at O’Dea after the 10:00am Mass. Parents – after you drop off your children at class, please head across the street for hospitality at our Monthly Parent Gathering. Our guest speaker, John Simpson, Director of Faith Formation, will present on the topic of “Catholicism as Counter Culture.” It’s sure to be educational and inspiring!


COMMUNAL PENANCE SERVICES There will be two opportunities to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation during this Advent season – Saturday, December 16 at 2:30pm, and Monday, December 18 at 7:00pm. It has long been a tradition in the Church to confess your sins before the celebration of Christmas. These will be perfect opportunities to do so.

CHRISTMAS EVE GREETERS NEEDED Help welcome the many visitors and regulars who celebrate Christmas at the Cathedral! Greeters are needed before the 4:30pm Vigil Mass and the 10:00pm Night Mass on Christmas Eve to offer a warm welcome and hand out programs. You will need to arrive at 3:30pm for the Vigil, 8:00pm for the 10:00pm Night Mass. Please contact Corinna Laughlin, to volunteer.


EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT AND ROSARY On Thursday mornings after the 8:00am Mass, you are invited to join in a time of prayer in the presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. This Holy Hour, which concludes at 9:30am, includes the praying of the rosary.


THE GIVING TREE Thank you to all who have already donated presents for the Giving Tree. Please do remember that all gifts need to be at St. James Cathedral by Sunday, December 10 to ensure that they can be given to their recipients in time for Christmas. Thank you, and may this Advent season be a blessing as you prepare for Christmas.


WELCOME BACK Would you yourself – or someone you know – like to take another look at the Catholic Church? If, for one reason or another, you have been away and long for community, or feel hungry for something more, Welcome Back might be just the right place to safely express your concerns. A new in-person six-week series will begin in January. Information, John Simpson, 206-654-4658 or


NEW GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP STARTING Tuesday evenings, beginning January 9 and concluding February 27, 6:30-8:00pm in the Pastoral Outreach Center. You are invited to join this 8-week support group facilitated by Anisa Ralls, Mental Health and Wellness Ministry. Registration and information, Anisa Ralls 206-382-4269 or


GRIEF ALLIES: A Practical Guide for Friends, Family, Colleagues & Neighbors of Grieving People Do you struggle with what to say to a grieving friend? Put off writing those condolence cards? Want to setup a meal train for a family in crisis, but don’t know how? Widowed Parent Institute founder Jenny Lisk shares practical tips for Grief Allies: the friends and neighbors who want to be supportive and helpful for the grieving people in their lives. You’ll leave this presentation with the practical tips, resources, and tools needed to feel prepared to support the grieving people in your life. Wednesday, January 10, 2024, 7:00–8:30pm, Hybrid Zoom & Isaac Orr (910 Marion St, Seattle 98104), Registration,


SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION FOR ADULTS Are you college age or older and in need of the Sacrament of Confirmation? Classes in preparation for Confirmation will be held on successive Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30pm, beginning on February 6, 2024, and running through April. The Sacrament will be celebrated on Sunday, April 28, 2024, at 5:30pm. Registration for the classes is necessary. Must be baptized in the Catholic Church and have received First Communion. Information, John Marquez,, 206-654-4640.


ALL ARE WELCOME TO DINE AT THE CATHEDRAL KITCHEN! Dinner: Monday to Friday, 4pm - 4:45pm. Sunday Breakfast: 7am – 8am.


ST VINCENT DE PAUL THANKS YOU: A mother with three young children found emergency housing after she experienced domestic violence. While not presently employed, the woman enrolled in an internship program which would provide future work. In the meantime, the financial aid she initially received to move in ended and, as a result, she was unable to pay the current month’s rent. This neighbor called the SVdP Helpline (206-767-6449 or online Because of your participation in the SVdP ministry, we were able to provide enough help to cover one month’s rent. Thank you for your help! Information, Jo Ann Wiesner, 206-291-4012 or


THE CATHEDRAL KITCHEN is returning once again to a buffet style sit-down meal (since Covid, we have focused on takeaway meals). Volunteers are needed to help serve, every weekday, from 3-5pm. We also have a special opportunity for a pianist who could play from 4-4:30pm any weeknight. Music is a wonderful gift to our guests. Would you consider helping out in the kitchen? Information, Mick McHugh, Director of the Cathedral Kitchen, 206-949-6114.


HELP US FILL MORE WELCOME BACKPACKS! One of our Respite Team clients started working with a tutor in October. E, from South America, has a very basic level of English, and is a conscientious and grateful student. Among other things, they work on numbers every lesson. She can now differentiate the sounds Twenty and Thirty, which was challenging at first. All the little things add up to build vocabulary, familiarity, and confidence as she learns English. Her tutoring time (twice a week) is one of the few opportunities for longer, more meaningful interactions with an English-speaking local. E received a Welcome Backpack when she first arrived in Seattle. Please help us prepare more backpacks for 2024! The St. James Respite Team shared nearly 40 backpacks, filled with essential supplies and gift cards, with newly arrived immigrants between May and November this year. Here is our registry link: Each Welcome Backpack recipient receives referral support to connect them to resources in our community – including St. James’ tutoring program. Thank you for your continued support and generosity! Information, Sayuko Setvik, or 206-382-4511.


OUR ANNUAL WARM HEARTS AND SOLES ADVENT SOCK DRIVE is underway through the end of the year. Our Goal: 2,023 pairs of athletic or winter socks for homeless men. Please drop socks off in the Cathedral Chapel or in the Parish Office. If you're ordering socks online, have them shipped directly to the Cathedral.


VISIT THE CATHEDRAL BOOKSTORE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Located in Archbishop Murphy Courtyard on the south side of the Cathedral, the Cathedral Bookstore is open weekdays 11-3 and after each weekend Mass. The Bookstore offers a wide variety of items: books for children and adults; gift items and religious articles like rosaries and saints’ medals; Cathedral souvenirs, including postcards, notecards, books, magnets, keychains, and more. Now in stock: ceramic dishes featuring the Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary (the perfect stocking stuffer!), and Cathedral Christmas cards. Information, Caroline Okello, 206-654-4650 or


FAITH FRIENDS INCLUSION MINISTRY Faith Friends is an inclusion ministry serving children and teens from across the Archdiocese of Seattle. We are a unique blend of our Faith Mentor and Children’s Faith Formation program, and provide Sacramental Preparation, as well as opportunities for friendship with other youth. Information, Leticia Escobar, 206-619-0816,, or


TEEN, YOUNG ADULT AND ADULT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR FAITH FRIENDS MINISTRY Faith Friends is a unique blend of our Faith Mentor, children’s faith formation program, and an inclusion ministry. The ministry's goal is to give children and teens ages 7- 18 with physical, cognitive and/or intellectual disabilities access to the parish community, social events, and faith formation. Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Faith Friends program is the Faith Peer program. Faith Peers are teens and young adults who have chosen to live out their discipleship and share some of their personal time in dedication and service to the goals of the program. Consider getting involved! Information, Leticia Escobar, 206-619-0816,, or


This Sunday's bulletin

Last Sunday's bulletin

St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
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