ON THE COVER Whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst. East Apse Clerestory Window, St, James Cathedral. Charles Connick, artist.
SUNDAY HOSPITALITY Join us after the 10:00am Mass for Morning Glory muffins from Macrina Bakery, fresh fruit, coffee, and a chance to visit with fellow parishioners.
PRAY THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS led by Cathedral Youth Readers on Sunday, March 3 after the Noon Youth Mass. Afterwards, all families are invited to hospitality in Cathedral Hall featuring macaroni and cheese and Greek salad!
3W Medical for Women, provides compassionate healthcare that honors the dignity of the human person. 3W provides free-of-charge or low-cost women’s health services such as women’s health screening, pregnancy services, and ultrasounds! 3W does not provide abortions, contraception, or infertility workup. CEO Helen Nguyen will speak about the clinic and its mission this Sunday, March 3 after the 8am, 10am and 12 Noon Masses in the Pastoral Outreach Center (907 Columbia Street). All are welcome. Information, www.3wmedical.org.
YOUNG ADULTS GATHER MARCH 3 You are invited to our first Sunday of the month meeting. After dinner, former Cathedral staff and spiritual director, Rosanne Michaels will explore the topic of Ignatian Spirituality. The meeting begins Sunday evening after the 5:30 Mass, March 3. Come, grow in faith and in community. Information, Patty Pruitt, ppruitt@stjames-cathedral.org or 206-274-3108.
THE NEXT CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION CLASS AND PARENT GATHERING will be on Sunday, March 10 after the 10am Mass. Parents, after you drop off your child at class, please come to the 2nd floor of Cathedral Place for hospitality at our monthly parent gathering. Our guest speaker is parishioner, writer, and parent, Shemaiah Gonzalez, who will share on the subject of joy from her soon to be published book, Undaunted Joy: The Revolutionary Act of Cultivating Delight.
MENTAL HEALTH STATIONS OF THE CROSS Presented by the Mental Health and Wellness Ministry, Stations of the Cross with a focus on mental health concerns, will be prayed after 12:10pm Mass on Friday, March 8 in the Cathedral. All are welcome.
Electronics Recycling Drive, March 9-10, Cathedral Hall. Bring your recyclable items, working or not, to Cathedral Hall before or after Mass. “Say no to an ephemeral, superficial and throwaway culture, a culture that assumes that you are incapable of taking on responsibility and facing the great challenges of life!”, Pope Francis. List of acceptable items, www.friendlyearth.org/our-services/e-waste-recycling. (There is no fee for Cathedral parishioners.)
BLOODWORKS NORTHWEST BLOOD DRIVE St. James Cathedral is running another two-week blood donation campaign (virtual drive). Please give blood between Sunday, March 3 to Sunday, March 17 at ANY Bloodworks Northwest location (donor center or community blood drive) and when you arrive to donate, check in (register) and provide the code SJC to the registrar so we can track our impact! This is a great opportunity to give back to the community during Lent! Use this link to find a location during the time period: https://donate.bloodworksnw.org/donor/schedules/geo/
ST VINCENT DE PAUL THANKS YOU A middle aged man worked as a security guard. When coming to the aid of someone while on the job, the man injured himself and, as a result, was not able to work.The man applied for assistance with L&I, but had no income while his application was being processed. When the man moved into a new apartment during this time, he could not afford to purchase a bed. This neighbor called the ST VINCENT DE PAUL Helpline (206-767-6449 or online https://svdpseattle.org/get-help/online-help-request-form/). Thanks to your support, a new bed was ordered for the man and he is no longer sleeping on the floor. Information, Jo Ann Wiesner, 206-291-4012 or wiesnerjo@gmail.com.
FAITH FRIENDS INCLUSION MINISTRY Faith Friends is an inclusion ministry serving children and teens from across the Archdiocese of Seattle. We are a unique blend of our Faith Mentor and Children’s Faith Formation program, and provide Sacramental Preparation, as well as opportunities for friendship with other youth. Information, Leticia Escobar, 206-619-0816, faithfriends@stjames-cathedral.org, or www.faithfriendsstjames.org.
INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Are you, a family member, or a friend interested in joining the Catholic Church? Are you curious about how a person becomes Catholic or do you simply want to learn what Catholicism is all about? Information, John Marquez, jmarquez@stjames-cathedral.org, 206-654-4640.
TEAM EFFORT HELPS STUDENT OVERCOME CHALLENGES AND LEADS TO US CITIZENSHIP Student A and Tutor K were matched in early 2022 in the Immigrant Assistance tutoring program. A had a strong desire to become a U.S. citizen. She was not literate in her first language and her English proficiency was not at the level needed to pass the test for naturalization. Tutor K worked with A diligently and patiently, teaching her how to read and write the words on the citizenship vocabulary list, as well as helping her learn the 100 civics questions. Immigrant Assistance staff also worked hard to prepare A, providing extra practice sessions for the interview and test over multiple months. With everybody’s hard work, A passed her citizenship interview in December 2023 on the first try! A was so happy and grateful! Would you like to join our wonderful ESL & Citizenship tutor team? Information, Sayuko Setvik, ssetvik@stjames-cathedral.org or 206-382-4511.
The CRS Rice Bowl supports people all across the globe who are struggling with hunger and poverty. Adolf Omara and his wife, Florence, live in Uganda with their children They farm their small plot in an area where drought and flooding - both equally devastating – made it difficult for them to sustain their famlly. A few years ago, they joined a Catholic Relief Services program that taught them sustainable farming methods to enable them to grow food for their family even during times of severe drought. As a result, they now grow enough to feed their family and earn money selling the excess in the market. As leaders in their community, they taught others the methods they learned from CRS so that all can increase their harvest, improve the land, and build a safe and thriving community. Adolf says, “I have seen my children are happy because they are well fed”. More information, www.crsricebowl.org.
WASHINGTON STATE CATHOLIC ADVOCACY Last week, bills had to pass out of the opposite house. Exceptions are for initiatives and alternatives to initiatives, budgets and matters necessary to implement budgets, differences in bills between the House and Senate, and matters incident to the interim and closing of the session, which ends on March 7. The Washington State Catholic Conference weekly bulletin has more updates. Subscribe, www.wacatholics.org.
Faithful Citizenship Vote in the 2024 Presidential Primary, February 23 - March 12. Register to vote, VoteWA.gov or Vote411.org (multilingual).
MONTHLY FOOT CARE CLINIC Seattle and King Co Public Health is offering free monthly foot clinics and blood pressure checks, last Wednesday of every month, 1-4pm, held at Pastoral Outreach Center, 907 Columbia St. No registration required.
CHOIR CAMP 2024—SAVE THE DATE! August 12-16 and Sunday, August 18 (10am Mass) marks the annual Youth Music Program choir camp for unchanged (treble) voices. All children entering grades 1 through 8 in the Fall season of 2024 are eligible to enroll. Enrollment will be opening soon! Please email the Youth Music Office directly at youthmusic@stjames-cathedral.org to reserve a spot for your child(ren) at camp, or, to be added to the choir camp contact list. Call 206-382-4876 with any questions you may have about choir camp.
ANNUAL ARCHDIOCESE MENTAL HEALTH MINISTRY LUNCHEON Trauma and Spirituality: What Every Catholic Christian Ought to Know About the Explosive Healing Power of the Holy Trinity, Latisha Sternod, MS, LMHC, MHP, Clinical Supervisor and Mental Health Therapist will speak with a panel, April 10, 2024, 11am-1pm, Hybrid Zoom and Isaac Orr Conference Room 910 Marion St, Registration https://archseattle.org/events/annual-mental-health-luncheon-trauma-spirituality-what-every-catholic-christian-ought-to-know-about-the-explosive-healing-power-of-the-holy-trinity/
WEEKLY MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS GROUPS Open to anyone who needs support, weekly groups are held every Friday of the month, 10-11:30am. The Mental Health and Wellness Ministry is offering different groups for mental health support, including art, board games, a mental health support group, mindfulness, yoga, and prayer, and a movie. Everyone is welcome! Held in the Pastoral Outreach Center. Register with Anisa Ralls (206)382-4269 or aralls@stjames-cathedral.org
MONTHLY GAMES GROUP Sponsored by the Mental Health and Wellness Ministry, Every 1st Friday of the month, 10-11:30am at the Pastoral Outreach Center, join us in a supportive group to play games and cards and meet new people! Everyone is welcome! Register with Anisa Ralls (206)382-4269 or aralls@stjames-cathedral.org