Come to Kopernik this Saturday for our Winter Star Party featuring NASA Astronomer Dr. Michelle Thaller...Doors open at 6:30 PM for public...>
Who is Michelle Thaller?
ic Michelle Thaller manages education and public outreach program at NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center. She received a B.S. degree from Harvard in 1992 and a Ph.D. in astrophysics from Georgia State University in 1998. Her research interests have included hot stars, colliding stellar winds, binary star evolution and evolved stellar companions. When she is not out teaching the masses about infrared astronomy and SIRTF, Thaller may be seen renaissance dancing, singing and acting; painting; drawing; or writing about some of the many amazing stories in science.` 
Thaller has been featured in an episode of the National Geographic Channel documentary television series, Naked Science and has appeared on Life and Times on the Los Angeles based television station KCET. 
Pre-K Classes
Series begins Sat Feb. 23

Pegasus Classes
Click for Banner for Registration Form

First class starts March 23

Boy Scout Overnight
Click Banner for Registration Form  
Saturday, March 23 
Kopernik Observatory
Science Center
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698 Underwood Rd.
Vestal NY 13850
607-748-3222 (fax)
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Kopernik Observatory 
Science Center ~ KOSC

KOSC invites you to the annual Winter Star Party this Saturday February, 23. This year the featuring speaker is NASA scientist Dr. Michelle Thaller. There will be a lot to do and see.  There is more information and an hourly schedule in the panel below.

KOSC's Spring Pegasus classes for students in grades 1 - 12 have been announced.  Click on the banner in the side panel for more information.
Stay tuned to Kopernik.  There are a number of events, programs and classes coming up soon.  Pass this email along to your friends.
Capt Roy
Roy Williams, MSEd
Public Programs Coordinator
Kopernik Observatory & Science Center


Winter Star Party

Featuring NASA Scientist
Dr. Michelle Thaller!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


6:00 PM Members-Only Reception


Attend this special before party get together by renewing your membership or Become a member for the first time! 


Membership Form 


6:30 PM Doors Open to the Public

Enjoy telescope observing (if clear) or tours (if cloudy). Take a tour through part of our galaxy with GeoWall, our special 3D projection system. Kids get to make and take home their own miniature Jupiter model.


7:00 PM Comet Preview 2013

Roy Williams, KOSC

Enjoy a short presentation about two comets heading this way and learn how to get ready to observe these rare heavenly sights. See a comet made right in front of your eyes!


7:30 PM Mikolaj Kopernik Birthday Celebration


Polish astronomer and mathematician Mikolaj Kopernik, also known as Nicolaus Copernicus, was born February 19, 1473. Help us celebrate his 540th birthday with cake and special Polish desserts.


Keynote Speaker


8:00 PM Things That Go Bump in the Dark

Dr. Michelle Thaller, NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center
Astronomers think that everything we see in the universe makes up less than 4% of what actually is in the universe. How could this be? Is regular matter really such a small part of the universe? Newly discovered dark matter and dark energy are seriously mysterious things, however, experts are getting better at detecting and mapping both. What they are finding out is astonishing. These dark matter maps raise questions about the entire history of the universe, including how galaxies, stars, and planets formed in the first place. Dark energy may determine the fate of all matter, dark or otherwise, that exists.



More than the Eyes Can See

More Than the Eyes Can See (JPL Michelle Thaller Infrared)
(JPL Michelle Thaller Infrared)