Foster Collaboration ● Mobilize Support ● Drive Excellence
June 5, 2020
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Jump to the information you need! You will find the following information in the email below:

  • Donate to Support Black-Led eeOrganizations in Social Justice
  • COVID-19 Education Innovation Fund
  • Adapting EE Program Models Call- June 10th
  • Upcoming Webinars
  • AmeriCorps Opportunities

See the strategies and ideas crowd-sourced from environmental educators across Colorado in the EE+ Resource Guide: COVID-19. Access the full Google Folder of COVID-19 resources for environmental educators. Access a eeCommunity Calendar of upcoming COVID-19 Response Meetings.
Living Our Values and
Supporting Black-Led eeOrganizations

Everyone in Colorado deserves the opportunity to experience quality environmental and outdoor learning. Black individuals and communities have a right to live, work, learn and play in the outdoors without racism. The tragic deaths of George Floyd and Black Americans profoundly impact our learners, audiences, and colleagues.

At the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education, we believe that we are much stronger together than we are individually, and we are committed to learning and working towards a just, equitable world where everyone has the opportunity to learn about the environment where they live.

We know that we have a lot of work to do to create the world that we want. We have work to do personally, organizationally, and as a network. Equity and inclusion are central to CAEE’s values and CAEE’s Board of Directors will be focusing our annual board retreat on exploring opportunities to more deeply live our values to become a more equitable organization and network. 

Together, we can work towards a more socially just world. We encourage everyone in our eeNetwork to consider how you can continue your own journey towards understanding and pursing racial equity.


It is all of our responsibilities to speak out against racism, systemic injustice, and police brutality, and to elevate voices and amplify stories of people of color. One way that we can work together to uplift Black voices and support Black communities is to support the local eeOrganizations in our network who are doing important social justice work. 

CAEE has set up a donation page, so that 100% of your donation will be shared with the following Black-led eeOrganizations and events:

  • Dr. Justina Ford STEM InstituteJF STEM Institute was founded in the summer of 2010 with the expressed purpose of providing extended learning in the area of STEM education to girls of color in North Denver.
  • Mo' Betta Green Marketplace- Mo’ Betta Green Marketlace promotes food literacy, education, and social responsibility through weekly markets in areas of Denver where the built infrastructure doesn’t allow grocery stores. 
  • IDEAS for Action SummitIDEAS for Action is a gathering for thought-provoking discussions and solutions-based recommendations for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Environmental-based Nonprofits. This year, the summit will be held virtually August 20-21st. IDEAS for Action is hosted by EcoInclusive, Denver Arts & Venues, and the Butterfly Pavilion. 
In the days and weeks ahead, we will be listening to leaders, both in and outside the field, who are speaking up against injustice and inequality. We will be listening to you, and we will be actively seeking ways to learn and support our communities. Together, we can work towards a more just, equitable and sustainable world.

In solidarity,
Katie Navin, Executive Director
Chris Aaby, Board President
COVID-19 Education Innovation Fund

Gates Family Foundation, Lyra Colorado, Empower Schools, RESCHOOL Colorado, the Donnell-Kay Foundation, Colorado Succeeds, and RootED have partnered to create the COVID-19 Education Innovation Fund — a K-12 initiative dedicated to supporting innovation in learning during these unprecedented times.

A total of $325,000 is available, and Letters of Interest will be accepted on a rolling basis from anyone working to provide innovative learning opportunities to Colorado youth.
In the Next Week
Adapting EE Program Models

We know organizations are working quickly to adapt program models. Members gathered to crowd-source strategies and promising practices that are being considered across the state. Not all strategies compiled will support every organization and strategies may evolve rapidly. We encourage you to use the information compiled and continue to think critically about what will work best for your community.
eeCommunity Conversation on Adapting Program Models
Virtual Programming: What's worked and what shifts are you planning?

Join us on June 10th at 10am for an eeCommunity call to discuss what we have learned and what strategies are working. We will host these meetings bi-weekly.
Upcoming Webinars
Join  CAEE  for our monthly webinar series to share ideas, practices, and great programs across Colorado! CAEE also co-hosts webinars with  NAAEE  and  Green Teacher  to offer you even more learning opportunities.
Careers in Natural Resources: Youth Designs for a New High School Resource

Wednesday, June 10th
3p.m. MST

Hands on with Invasive Species

Wednesday, June 17th
11am or 5:30 pm MT

Upcoming Opportunities
CAEE has been awarded a grant from Serve Colorado for the Environmental Education Corps Program! The program is slated to have its first cohort of AmeriCorps members on the ground by late August, to serve with EE organizations across Colorado to implement the goals of the Colorado Environmental Education Plan (CEEP).

We are looking for nonprofits, government affiliates, or educational institutions who are interested in hosting AmeriCorps members at their site beginning this fall. Support in member recruitment will be provided by CAEE to applicants.

If you are interested and able to commit to hosting an AmeriCorps member(s) with your site, please email Kat Riley, AmeriCorps Program Coordinator, at  for more information. You can also fill out the host site application by  clicking this link . Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis for the fall.

Kat Riley, AmeriCorps Program Coordinator
Lisa Eadens, Program Coordinator
Katie Navin, Executive Director
Thank You CAEE Sponsors!