Get in Touch


Holistic Therapy


Dear Friend,

The Centre has helped thousands like you over these 40 years - in small or big ways – to live with greater understanding, better health and wellbeing.

It is easy to take our charity’s existence for granted! Our survival – and flourishing – over these 40 years has been due to the efforts, energy and vision of our staff and supporters. We now need that support even more than ever in these financially -squeezed, post-pandemic times – so that we can continue to innovate and provide for you, your family and friends, and the community.

Here’s what you could do:

  • A monthly standing order – of even a small amount – would help us maintain our buildings and prevent their deterioration OR

  • A larger, one-off donation, endowment or gift in your will could go far in ensuring our work lives on and would be a wonderful way to leave a lasting legacy. 

Ways to Donate

Donate online

Click the donate button below to go to our Localgiving page.

Make a Donation Online

Donate by post:

The most convenient way to donate is online. But you can still donate by sending a cheque to:

The Sadie Centre

Rosehill Hospital,

Hitchin Road,




Donate over the phone

To make a donation by phone please call us on 01462 678 804.

With heartfelt thanks in advance,

Roberta Meldrum and Jenny Flynn


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