Hello Families!
Winter is coming! The weather is getting colder and many of us are looking for fun things to do as a family! We hope you can come and join us.
The Center for Families offers programming for Cambridge families and their children ages birth to 8 years old. We offer parent/child activities, playgroups, parenting workshops, infant support, family fun events, programs just for dads, connections to resources and more! If you have not subscribed to this newsletter and would like to receive it, please email centerforfamilies@cambridgema.gov.
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Save the Date: Family Fun Day on January 25! | |
Family Fun Day is back this winter! Join us for family crafts, gross motor activities, movement games, face painting and more! The event will also feature a family performance and all children will receive a free book.
Event Details:
- Saturday, January 25
- Peabody School Gym, 70 Rindge Ave. Rear Entrance Door #11
This free event is open to all Cambridge families with children age birth to 8 years old. A free, light lunch will be served.
No need to register, just come by!
For more information, contact Cynthia at cwoodward@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-6327.
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Save the Date: Family Fun Day on January 25! | |
Apply to CPS Kindergarten Lottery January 2 - 31! | |
Do you have a child who will be 5 years old by August, 31st, 2025?
Apply to the Cambridge Public Schools (CPS) Kindergarten Lottery between January 2 - 31, 2025!
- Families can register in-person or by email (more details below)
- It is very important to register for the CPS Kindergarten Lottery by January 31 at 4 p.m.
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CPS Kindergarten Lottery Registration Options
Option 1: Families can register in-person at the Student Registration Center office by completing a physical registration packet or using the registration kiosk.
Option 2: Families may fill out forms digitally or print and complete all forms and submit scans or photographs of all registration materials, including required documents, via email to the SRC.
Questions? You can reach the SRC at 617-349-6551 or email src@cpsd.us.
Need help applying? Reach out to Maeve Linnane at the Center for Families! You can reach Maeve at mlinnane@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-7280.
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Child Care Information and Resources | |
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Looking for child care information and resources in Cambridge?
Yadling Richemond is the Child Care Information Specialist at the Office of Early Childhood here in Cambridge!
Yadling is available to support Cambridge families with all things child care related!
Yadling can be reached by email at yrichemond@cpsd.us, or you can call 617-349-6885 or 857-270-4384.
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Infant Programming
For Cambridge Parents and Caregivers with Babies from Birth - 15 months
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Infant Support Group / Baby Time Playgroups
Join other Cambridge parents for a fun and interactive time with your baby! This program is for babies birth to 15 months and their parents/caregivers.
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We are offering Baby Time Playgroups in two locations:
Mondays in North Cambridge: 1/13, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/3, and 3/10 at Fresh Pond Apartments (362 Rindge Ave., Community Room) from 12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
*no groups on 1/20 and 2/17
Tuesdays in East Cambridge: 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/25, 3/4, and 3/11 from 12:15pm to 1:30pm, at Moses Youth Center (243 Harvard St) from 12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
*no group on 2/18
Families must register for one group location. To register, contact Kaleena Thompson at 617-349-3003 or kthompson@cambridgema.gov.
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Baby Massage Series and Child Development Series
Massaging your baby helps develop strong relationships between you and your child, helps your baby relax, decreases gas and constipation, increases body awareness and maturation, and regulates sleep.
Thursdays on 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/27, and 3/6 at Moses Youth Center (243 Harvard St.)12:00 -1:30 p.m.
Families must register! To register, contact Kaleena Thompson at 617-349-3003 or kthompson@cambridgema.gov.
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Parent / Child Activities for Cambridge Families | |
Winter Playgroup!
Mondays at the Moses Youth Center starting 1/13!
Meet other families with young children, learn new activities to support your child’s development, and have fun! Playgroups are for Cambridge families with children 15 months to 4 years old.
All families must register for the playgroup lottery. To register, contact Kim at ktran@cambridgema.gov or 617-349-6385. Please enter the lottery by 1/9.
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Drop-In Winter Playgroup!
Tuesdays at Fresh Pond Apartments starting 1/14.
Join us to meet other families, learn songs and activities to support your child's development, and have fun! For Cambridge families with children 15 months-4 years old.
No need to register, just come by! Questions? Contact Kim at ktran@cambridgema.gov or 617-349-6385.
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Open Gym Playgroup!
Wednesdays at the Gately Youth Center starting 1/15.
Come play with the Center for Families during Open Gym! Your child can run and jump, play games, and have fun! This is a good time to meet other parents while playing with your child. For Cambridge families with children 15 months - 4 years old.
Drop-in! No registration required.
Questions? Email Marianna at mperks@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-1723.
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Winter Explorers Group!
Wednesdays at Fresh Pond Reservation starting 1/29.
Join us outside on Wednesday mornings for a winter walk to explore Fresh Pond! Strollers welcome and dress warmly! Walk is designed for children ages 15 months-4 years old and their families.
No registration required. Just come explore with us!
Questions? Email Marianna at mperks@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-1723.
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Pajama Story Time!
CFF and the Cambridge Public Library invite Cambridge children from birth through age 8, and their grownups, to join us in person for songs, stories, and rhymes to wind down the day. No registration needed.
Where: O'Neill Library (70 Rindge Ave.)
When: Tuesdays,1/28, 2/25, 3/25,
4/29, 5/27, and 6/17
Time: 6:45 - 7:30 p.m.
Questions? Email Marianna at mperks@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-1723.
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Providers Drop-In Playgroup!
Thursdays at the Moore Youth Center starting 1/16.
This winter, come meet other childcare providers in the Cambridge community, and engage in fun movement games and activities with the children you care for! Playgroups are facilitated by CFF staff.
This group is for Cambridge childcare providers, nannies and the children they care for only.
No need to register, just come by! For more information, contact Cynthia at cwoodward@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-6327.
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Parenting Workshops and Support | |
Baby University!
Are you a Cambridge parent with a child 3 years old or younger? Sign-up for Baby U!
Baby University (a Center for Families program) is coming to the Port in January 2025! This weekly program offers parenting workshops with childcare, breakfast, giveaways, and more.
Sign up to find support, information, and opportunities to connect with other parents.
Questions? Contact Angela Conway at aconway@cambridgema.gov or 617-349-6204.
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Moms' Groups!
Join The Center for Families and other moms as we talk about parenting and our experiences while doing a craft together! Light breakfast and activity kits are provided.
Limited childcare is available upon request.
Choose one of two locations:
- North Cambridge: Peabody School (70 Rindge Ave)
- Central Square: Moses Youth Center (243 Harvard St)
Fridays from 10 - 11:30 a.m. on 1/17, 2/7, 3/7, 4/4, 5/9, 6/13
Moms must register each month for one location. To register, contact Kim at ktran@cambridgema.gov or 617-349-6385.
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Early Literacy Series: Dads and Moms Make a Difference!
Join other Cambridge parents to get easy and fun ideas for talking, reading, and playing during your daily activities. The Early Literacy Series has 3 different dates left. Light dinner & childcare is provided for in-person events.
Sign up for any session, or sign up for them all!
To register for one or more Early Literacy Series workshops, contact Cynthia Woodward at cwoodward@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-6327.
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Cambridge Dads is a partnership between the Center for Families and the Agenda for Children Literacy Initiative. Cambridge Dads connects with fathers and father figures and provides information on how a dad can get involved with Cambridge Dads.
Our programs include:
*Events for Dads and kids
*Events and workshops for Dads only
*One-on-one supports
*Information on community resources
*Information on child development
Connect with Cambridge Dads!
Call or text us at 857-209-4964
Follow us on Facebook (@CambridgeDads), Twitter (@CambDads), and Instagram (@CambridgeDads)
Join our Fatherhood Text Campaign!
A great way to stay connected and informed! Receive a text once a week about fatherhood, events, and activities to do with your kids in Cambridge
To sign up: Text the word "father" to 877-936-3237.
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Dads and Kids at the Gym!
Come have a fun time playing with your children ages birth to 8 years old. Fun activities for everyone, even for babies! Light snacks provided.
Runs monthly on Saturday mornings:
- Saturdays, 1/11 and 3/8 at Fletcher Maynard Academy from 10:00-11:30am.
- Saturdays, 2/8, 4/12, 5/10 at Gately Youth Center from 10:00-11:30am.
Registration required each month. Email Matt at cambdads@cambridgema.gov or call 617-453-8725.
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Dads Health and Wellness Series
Cambridge Dads is hosting our first Dads Health and Wellness Series!
This 6-part in-person series will meet twice a month and cover a variety of topics, such as nutrition, health, stress, and activity/exercise. This series is coming soon in 2025!
Reach out to Matt Dottin, Cambridge Dads Coordinator at cambdads@cambridgema.gov or call 617-453-8725 with questions or if you are interested.
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Save the Date: Move and Groove Night in March | |
Move and Groove Family Night!
Come dance, sign, play games, and have fun with Center for Families! Light dinner served. For Cambridge families with children birth-8 years old.
No need to register. Just come dance!
Questions? Email Marianna at mperks@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-1723.
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Resources and Supports for Cambridge Families | |
Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) with The Center for Families
The ASQ online tool helps you to better understand all your child's different stages of development from one month up to 5 years old with activities you can do at home. It only takes about 10 - 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire!
If you need help access the ASQ or have questions, contact the Center for Families at centerforfamilies@cambridgema.gov or 617-349-6385.
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Center for Families Help In A Bag! |
Are you looking for some ideas on how to support your little one? The Center for Families offers free resource bags families can borrow on the following topics:
- First Time Dads
- Getting Ready to Share
- Biting Hitting
- Fun with Language
- Starting Childcare or School
- A New Baby in the Family
- Death of a Loved One
- Potty Training
- More topics coming soon!
Each bag is filled with engaging books for toddlers and preschoolers as well as articles and resource lists, including websites for parents.
If you are interested in borrowing any of the resource bags or have any questions, please contact Maeve Linnane at mlinnane@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-7280.
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More Resources and Supports for Families
Center for Families staff can connect you to local agencies in Cambridge and surrounding communities for assistance ranging from education, food, housing, and much more.
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The Center for Families is funded by the City of Cambridge, the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) grant from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (DEEC), Children’s Trust, Cambridge Public Schools, and the Cambridge Health Alliance. | | | | |