Welcome to Presbytery of the Miami Valley!
We are fortunate to have several new pastors who have recently joined our presbytery. This is one of a series of articles to introduce and welcome them as they begin their ministries with congregations within our presbytery.
Jody Shultz Noble: Covenant Presbyterian Church, Springfield
The Rev. Jody Shultz Noble has joyfully accepted to call to journey with Covenant Presbyterian Church, Springfield, as their Designated Pastor beginning on August 22. Jody most recently journeyed for eight years as the Pastor of St. Luke's in Titusville, FL, and will be coming from Central Florida Presbytery where she serves on the Leadership Committee and is regularly called to serve on Administrative Commissions.

Jody grew up in Ohio and holds three degrees from The Ohio State University: dual Bachelor of Arts degrees in English and Political Science, and a Master in Public Administration. She received her Master of Divinity degree from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, IL.

Jody and her husband, Mike, have a new home in Belle Center and are the proud new grandparents of Aubrey and Gabriel. They have two adult daughters, Ashlee (Jacob) and Kaylee (Jeremy), and recently had the joy of celebrating Kaylee's graduation with her MBA from the University of Findlay (OH). Mike works for The Northern Trust Company as a Vice President in Mobile Technology. For fun, Jody and Mike enjoy spending time with family, traveling, and unpacking boxes.
Presbytery of the Miami Valley | Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) | www.miamipresbytery.org