Welcome to Presbytery of the Miami Valley!
We are fortunate to have several new pastors who have recently joined our presbytery. This is one of a series of articles to introduce and welcome them as they begin their ministries with congregations within our presbytery.
Joungnam Lee: Immanuel Korean Presbyterian Church, Dayton
The Rev. Joungnam Lee, pastor of Immanuel Korean Presbyterian Church, Dayton, is originally from South Korea. Over the past 20 years he has served the Presbyterian Church in various ways. He served as a youth pastor for four years and an assistant pastor for three years in South Korea. He has served thirteen years as a solo pastor in the U.S.

Joungnam is a life-long Presbyterian whose father is retired from the Korean Presbyterian Church.

Joungnam is married to Sooa, and they have two children, Sharon (24) and Daniel (22). He enjoys reading books and taking walks with Sooa.

He says, “I am very thankful for joining the Presbytery of the Miami Valley as a member. I want to do my best for God’s church. God bless all.”
Presbytery of the Miami Valley | Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) | www.miamipresbytery.org