St. Luke's Episcopal Church

1504 Myrtle Street (P.O. Box 381)

Calistoga, CA 94515

Gospel: Luke 17:11-19

On the way to Jerusalem Jesus was going through the region between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered a village, ten lepers approached him. Keeping their distance, they called out, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” When he saw them, he said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were made clean.Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice. He prostrated himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. And he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus asked, “Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they? Was none of them found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Get up and go on your way; your faith has made you well.”

Please join us for worship this Weekend, Sunday, Oct 9, 2022

This Sunday Father Mac will lead our worship at 10 a.m. both in the church sanctuary, corner of Myrtle and Berry Streets in Calistoga and via ZOOM.

ZOOM link below:

Zoom Link

Collect from Sunday, Oct 2

Heavenly Father,


Whose countless love nurtures, restores, and makes us whole, we come before You in reverence and with gratitude for this undeserving grace. Grant that we may continue life’s journey entrusting and abiding in You with unwavering faith, thirst for wisdom, and willingness to serve. For we are branches of Thy vine whose desire is to illuminate Thy spirit, bearing fruits of kindness, consideration, and compassion for the sake of all; as we follow in the path laid forth by the Son of Blessed Mary, Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.



As you may know, York and Elizabeth Wong have been writing weekly Collects for St. Luke’s Episcopal Church since the beginning of the pandemic, in March 2020. We're reprinting them because they are worth re-reading.

Meet your

Mission Committee

Elaine Jennings

Newsletter Designer

Elaine and her husband Michael Jennings joined St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church in San Francisco in 1991 while raising their two young daughters Caitlin and Lily, now 37 and 34. They have both been active on the Vestry, choir, have served on numerous committees. 

Elaine graduated from SFSU Magna Cum Laude with a BS in Business Administration and founded two businesses while raising their two daughters, Concentric Productions, a national event production firm, and in 1995 with Michael launched Small Potatoes Catering & Events, Inc.  Elaine also has a passion for the performing arts, and, once her children were grown, she returned to the stage. They relocated to Calistoga during COVID-19 and now Elaine has focused her time on developing her singing career in The Valley as a jazz vocalist.

Nathan Schwab


Nathan is a seeker who works professionally in film and television production. During the summer of 2109 he moved from Los Angeles to St. Helena with his wife Michelle to raise his newborn son Luca. Shortly thereafter, Nathan was baptized at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Calistoga and grounded himself within the church and community. During the state shutdown of the COVID-19 pandemic, Nathan was called upon to produce weekly videos of Father Mac’s sermons to be accessible online for partitioners to worship from home.

Today, Nathan serves as a member on the Mission Committee and continues to produce a live video feed of St. Luke’s services every Sunday.

Connie Schellenger

Junior Warden

Connie has lived in Calistoga since 1997 and been member of St. Luke's with her husband Alex shortly after Fr. Mac came on board to preach at our charming St. Luke's Episcopal Church.

Connie is administrator of the HVAC and Refrigeration business she shares with her husband. She also runs Calistoga Cat Action Team, a position she assumed from the beloved Kristin Casey. Altar Guild has been a passion for Connie in recent years. She has a knack for managing people, cats, and contractors, and it's come in handy as Junior Warden.

The Mission Committee at St. Luke's is comprised of seven. dedicated volunteers from the congregation. 

Here are the last three members featured in the newsletter.  Please let them know that you appreciate their service.  

Mission Committee

Weekly Announcements

Let's keep in touch!

If you'd like Dave Stoneberg to send these weekly notices to your loved ones or friends, please send their name and

email address to him at

[email protected] 

and he'll add them to our list. Thanks. 


Are you celebrating a birthday, anniversary or special occasion in October?  

Send us an email: [email protected]


[email protected] 

Mac's Birthday


Join us for Food & Fellowship

When: Sunday, Oct 23
Following Sunday morning service
Where: St. Luke's Episcopal Fellowship Hall.
What to bring:  Please bring salads or small bites.
Ham and cake will be provided.

Altar Flowers

If you’re celebrating a birthday or wedding anniversary, providing

altar flowers is a great way to mark the occasion.

Please send a donation of any amount to the church

P.O. Box 381, Calistoga, CA 94515

and mark it for “Altar Flowers.” Or donate below.


October is pet month

This Week's featured darlings

Do you know their humans?  

Whose dog is this?  

Do you know these adorable kitties?

Email me if you can guess their owners. 

A special prize will be awarded to the first people who correctly

identify one or all three. [email protected]

We'll print the answer in next week's newsletter. 

Last week's Mystery Cats

There's Elfriede with Kitty Cat.

This is 'Little Boy,'

Dave Stoneberg's kitty.

Connie Schellenger & Nathan Schwab both correctly identified their owners.  They will  win the the free ice cream treat from Calistoga Creamery.

We will feature parishioner's pets in the October weekly newsletter

and you may guess their owners.

Submit photos of your pet for future newsletters on the Monday following the Sunday service e.g. Oct 10, 17 & 24.  

Please note: Format images as jpg or jpeg and

limit size to under 5.0 mb.

[email protected]

St. Luke's Episcopal Church History


Earlier this year, St. Luke's Episcopal Church celebrated the 75th anniversary of the building of the church. But the congregation is much older than that, having first gathered in June 1917 for an Episcopal service in Calistoga. 

Read More

Visit YouTube for FrMac Sermons
