Join us this week!
Fall Holiday & October Birthday Lunch
 Wednesday, October 17 at 12:00 PM 
Come join us at the Jewish Federation for an October Birthday Lunch. There, we will have lovely music from pianist Bryan Finklestein, and engaging conversation. As the Jewish month of Cheshvan does not correspond with any traditional food from Jewish holidays, we plan to "spice" things up a bit, and serve Asian cuisine! 

This will be a fun lunch! Make sure to RSVP. You can do this, by calling
(574)-233-1164, or by emailing

Come see the Artistic Works of 
Clare Hoinville, Cheryl Phelan, & Jackie Welsh
Opening Reception 
*October 21, from 2:00 PM-4:00 PM 

You won't want to miss out on seeing the breath-taking pieces from the talented artists in our community. Come expend your horizons, and engage yourself in interesting conversation with your friends here, at the Jewish Federation. 

For more information on Jewish Federation programming, visit or call 574-233-1164. 

*Art reception was listed on the wrong date in this months Our Community..
The correct date is October 21st. Please update your schedule accordingly. 

From our friends!
The Kurt and Tessye Simon Foundation presents
Lecia Brooks
Outreach Director, Southern Poverty Law Center
Saturday, October 20 at 7:00 PM
At Temple Beth-El

Ms. Brooks will discuss SPLC and its work, particularly in the fields of tracking hate groups whose numbers and efforts have risen dramatically in recent years. Founded in 1971 as a civil rights law firm, the SPLC dedicates its efforts to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members in society.

Light refreshements will be served.
Please RSVP to Temple Beth-El at 574-233-4402 or .