Renewed Hope: 10 Years of Community Leadership and Collective Action for Children
Dear Vital Village Community,

Thank you for being a dedicated member of our village. This year marks Vital Village Networks’ 10th Anniversary of collaboration with leaders like you to honor the dignity and promote the wellbeing of every child and family, and what a year it has been. For the past decade, we’ve worked together to align and create equitable resources and robust opportunities for thousands of children in Boston and villages across the country. Working collectively to ensure children and families will thrive through coalition building and fostering partnerships; learning communities; microgrants; participatory research and shared data; and offering leadership development courses, certifications, and summits for community champions. Together we are working to strengthen the social fabric and dismantle structural racism. 
In honor of our 10th anniversary, we invite you to help us raise $10,000 over the next 10 weeks to sustain our work for the decade to come.
Your donation helps ensure that every child has the resources and opportunities needed to thrive in a flourishing community. With your generosity, we can support family leadership, collaboration, and community-led solutions.

Over the past decade, together we have:
  • Engaged thousands of families in co-designing leadership opportunities to promote social transformation and social mobility
  • Cultivated tens of thousands of hours of civic service and volunteerism
  • Developed and engaged several thousand educators across the Commonwealth in trauma-informed classroom models
  • Equipped over 125 social justice mediators, 150 peer scholars, and 35 community leadership fellows, and numerous community champions with tools, expanded mentorship, and networks 
  • Launched a meta-network of community-based coalitions across 10 states and a multi-state practice-based research network
  • Co-developed with community partners a robust data dashboard tracking benchmarks for child wellbeing, launched mobile apps, text messaging services, and strengths-based communications
  • Contributed evidence to improve child health and educational equity through participatory and multi-site research studies
  • Strengthened the use of racial equity tools and trauma-informed and healing-centered frameworks in numerous organizations and coalitions
  • Advocated to support over a dozen legislative efforts

Thank you for championing our shared mission to expand a collective responsibility for all children. With your investment in the leadership of caregivers and our goal of supporting community-led solutions, we can rise to bear the weight of this present moment and support equitable and sustainable social transformation for community wellness over the next 10 years.

With gratitude and deep respect,
The Vital Village Networks Team