Dear District 2 neighbors, 

As we take advantage of the warm weather to safely gather in our community's outdoor spaces, I am happy to invite you to upcoming events that my team is co-hosting with our Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services department:

Ramac Park Soccer Fields Ribbon Cutting

Celebrate a new soccer field on Wednesday, August 24th from 5:30-6:00 p.m. at Ramac Park.

This 2.2-acre synthetic turf field will provide a safer playing surface and a venue for hosting kids’ athletic programs.

Be sure to bring your friends and family to join in on the celebration! Please visit to RSVP and let us know you’re coming!

Viva Parks at Waterford Park

Viva Parks are free events that activate our local neighborhood parks and promote community engagement with safe and fun activities such as: lawn games, inflatable games, arts & crafts, music, health & wellness resources, and more!

Our final Viva Parks event in District 2 is on August 30th from 6-8 p.m. at Waterford Park, but you are welcome to attend any other events across the City!

In community,

Sergio Jimenez

Learn more about our City, neighborhoods, and accomplishments in my past monthly newsletters from 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and this year, which include resources and information, policy and community updates, upcoming events, and a visual, in-depth recap of the work we've done together.

Updates on City Policies & Services

Office Hours: Let's have a conversation as neighbors IN-PERSON on Monday, September 19th

At my District 2 Office Hours, I welcome you to ask questions, share concerns, and make suggestions for your neighborhood or the City of San José. This has been the most effective way for me to stay connected to my District 2 neighbors over the past two years.

I look forward to meeting with you all and having open conversations about important topics in our community.

Next upcoming In-Person Zoom Office Hours:

Monday, September 19, 2022

5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Edenvale Library - Study Room B

Across District 2 on August 2nd, my team joined National Night Out events both big and small. The purpose of NNO is to safely activate our neighborhood spaces, share crime prevention awareness resources, strengthen police/community partnerships, and build relationships with our neighbors.

Thank you to all the organizations, small businesses, and public safety departments who joined us too!

Thank you to the D2 NLC for organizing this year’s largest event in our District at Edenvale Garden Park! I was proud to sponsor free food, ice cream, music, and games to bring folks together from 7 Neighborhood Associations as well as Southside Community Center and San Jose Pickleball Club.

I was happy to host the third quarterly meeting of NorCal Sister Cities International at City Hall on Saturday, August 20th. Learn more about NorCal Sister Cities here!

Skyway Drive Safety Improvement Project - Community Meeting on August 31st

The City of San Jose's Department of Transportation is planning to make safety improvements to Skyway Drive this fall. Improvements will include repaired pavement, refreshed striping, updated curb ramps, protected bikeways, and enhancments to the crosswalk at Pinon Place. As part of this project, the City will remove one lane of traffic in each direction. Project limits are Skyway Drive between Monterey Road and Snell Avenue.

The City will host a public information meetings and take comments from the community on Wednesday, August 31st at 6 pm via zoom. Please register for the meeting here:

For more information, please contact:

Hybrid Approach to Vehicle Abatement Services to Boost Efficiency, Equity, and Quality


The pandemic has changed how the City deals with abandoned vehicles and parking enforcement. On June 16th, my office and the Department of Transportation hosted a Community Meeting to discuss updates. You may view a recording of our meeting here.

View updates and details about the Hybrid Approach to Vehicle Abatement Services on the Vehicle Abatement webpage.

To learn more about the changes made to the Vehicle Abatement program, please read an information memo addressed to City Council.

SOAR program to bring more housing services & resources to District 2


In June, the City Council approved the expansion of the Services, Outreach, Assistance and Resources (SOAR) program into District 2. In short, SOAR outreach teams engage houseless residents in encampments by providing basic needs such as food, water, clothing, and garbage bags. Most importantly, teams assess for shelter and housing needs and provide access to behavioral health services and medical care.

The locations that have been added to District 2 are:

Blossom Hill Rd./Monterey Rd. (4 cloverleaves) 

Eden Park Place/Rue Ferrari (Recreation Vehicles) 

Monterey Rd. and Branham Ln.   


Expansion of the SOAR program into District 2 will enable the City and service providers to establish deeper relationships with the unhoused at these encampments to increase the likelihood that people will accept services and ultimately transition into available housing. Encampments at Rue Ferrari (RV’s), northeast cloverleaf at Blossom Hill Rd. (across from AM PM), and Branham Ln. and Monterey Rd. are scheduled for abatement in the near future. These sites present traffic and public safety issues or have been designated as locations for future housing. As more information becomes available on the relocation and closure of these encampments, we will share that with you. In addition to prioritizing the relocation of people in encampments, the SOAR program will bring much needed trash service to these sites to keep them clean.

For more information on the SOAR program, please view these documents for "Actions Related to the Grant Agreements for Multiple Homelessness Programs for Fiscal Year 2022-2023."

In the effort to provide a safe alternative to unsanctioned encampments, the City of San Jose in partnership with LifeMoves has proposed a Safe Parking site at the Valley Transportation Authority’s Santa Teresa light rail station parking lot. Though this property falls within the boundaries of District 10, it borders many District 2 neighbors.

Safe Parking programs provide a temporary, designated location for households living in a vehicle or RV to park while providing support services that will transition them into more stable housing. 

Please click on the Safe Parking Fact Sheet for more information.

San José residents: It's easy and FREE to get rid of your junk! Follow these steps to make a free Junk Pickup appointment:


Get your spring cleaning done with the City of San José’s Junk Pickup program. The Junk Pickup program offers free appointments for San José residents to have large items (such as old furniture, appliances, mattresses, recreational equipment and more) picked up from their homes and apartment complexes. It’s free and easy!

Residents can schedule a free junk pickup appointment by visiting

San José 311, dialing 3-1-1 or calling (408) 535-3500. Residents should contact their recycling collection company during regular business hours if an immediate appointment date confirmation is needed. To look up your recycling collection company, please use the 311 My Collection Schedule. Please note that appointments are available 3-7 days ahead.  


Visit for program details.

Thank you for keeping our City clean and combating illegal dumping!

Community Information & Events

Click on the flyers below for more details.

COVID-19 Resources

Covid-19 information and resources from Santa Clara County:

Please visit the websites above for the most updated and thorough information about: Covid-19 guidelines (including for businesses and schools), vaccines, testing, and more.

For Your Information
Updates on our Emergency Interim Housing Community (EIHC) sites in District 2: More than 200 people served and more than 25 moved onto permanent housing

Details about Emergency Interim Housing sites in South San José

  • Sites: Both the Monterey Road & Bernal Road site and the Rue Ferrari site are open and occupied. They are operated by HomeFirst Services. Both sites were built quickly and efficiently, and are now housing some of our most vulnerable residents. Our sites are a model for communities across the State as we continue helping people stabilize their lives. EIHC's provide a bridge from homelessness to self-sufficiency and permanent housing.
  • Residents: All residents were formerly living in motel rooms and referred to this site by a County case worker.
  • Features: 24/7 security on site, health services, communal kitchen area where food is brought in from a commercial kitchen, computer lab, small dog area, community gardens, and small outdoor seating area.
  • Covid-19 protocols are strictly followed. Visitors and residents must enter through the front entrance by a security gate and are asked health questions in addition to a temperature check. There are scanner and hand sanitizer stations located in all common buildings.

Update from the Rue Ferrari EIHC site:
One participant -- who became homeless because of the pandemic for first time -- came to the site, engaged in case management, had meetings with rapid rehousing, and was successfully housed in February.

Update from the Monterey/Bernal EIHC site:
One gentleman had been through the system most of his life. He is in his mid-50’s with anxiety disorder and physical ailments. After being assessed with clinical services, rapid rehousing successfully moved him into permanent housing in March.

Donate and help

HomeFirst, a leading provider of services, shelter, and housing opportunities to the homeless and those at risk of homelessness in Santa Clara County, is District 2's Bridge Housing Community provider. Visit HomeFirst Service's Amazon Wishlist to donate.
Get involved: District 2 Neighborhood Associations

Neighborhood Associations (N.A.s) are established groups of community members who meet and collaborate to work towards common goals such as: beautification/clean-up efforts, safety enhancements, improvement projects, informational town halls, and social events. N.A.s serve as a connection between the community and City Hall. The District 2 Office is here to support N.A.'s by providing direction, resources, grants, help with outreach, models for success, and more.

View the interactive map of D2 Neighborhood Associations on my website to find your N.A. or work with my office to start a N.A. in your area!

City Resources

San José 311 is the quick and easy way to request services from the City of San José. Report potholes, graffiti, abandoned vehicles, or illegal dumping, request a junk pickup appointment or a larger garbage container, and more.

San José 311 is available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. Simply download the app, dial 3-1-1 or go to to get it done!

How you can help keep our community safe and clean

See blight or homelessness in your neighborhood or around San José? Report it to the appropriate agency. All reporting is tracked at each agency and forwarded to the appropriate response team for action.

Union Pacific (property around the railroad tracks)

Please call 1-888-UPRRCOP (877-7267) to report hazardous materials releases, personal injuries, criminal activities, illegal dumping, or other environmental incidents. To report emergency grade crossing blockages or damage, please call 1-800-848-8715.


Caltrans (property surrounding / adjacent to freeways and highways)

Fill out a Maintenance Service Request (MSR):


Santa Clara County (unincorporated areas)

Roads and Airports Department Service Request form (violations like litter, blight, graffiti, pavement issues, etc.)

Code Enforcement Division: email or report here.

Homeless Concerns (on City of San José property)

San José 311 App - report illegal dumping, abandoned vehicles, and request services on City property

Call: 3-1-1

Vanessa Sandoval – Chief of Staff
Helen Chapman – Policy & Legislative Advisor
Lucas Ramirez – Policy & Legislative Analyst
Laura Nguyen – Digital Communications & Community Relations
Dylan Sanchez - Council Assistant
Kimberly Hernandez – Executive Assistant




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San José District 2 | Office of Councilmember Sergio Jimenez

(408) 535-4902 | |