WEEKLY Programming and Updates from

Congregation L'Dor Va-Dor
Our e-newsletter
Building the Judaism of Tomorrow TODAY
 Stay Socially Connected to L’Dor Va-Dor
while Physically Distant
Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor’s Newsletter
May 15, 2022 – 14 Iyyar, 5782 Edition
Building The Judaism of Tomorrow TODAY with L'Dor Va-Dor

JOIN US FOR SHABBAT every FRIDAY - Live or Virtual
Friday Shabbat for May 20 will be at The Carlisle at 7:00 pm ET (and virtually)

Call us: 561-968-0688
Email us: Info@LDORVADOR.org
Our Mailing Address is:
Congregation L'Dor Va-Dor . 6100 Boynton Beach Blvd. # 743102 . Boynton Beach, FL 33474
Welcome L\'Dor Va-Dor Members, Congregants, Friends, and Neighbors,
Experience the uniqueness and difference
as we promote and establish a rational view of Judaism.
Read on to see how you can be a part of
our exciting new Judaism and way of thinking!

MONDAY, MAY 16 at 7:00 pm ET

Rabbi Sam Silver
Controversial Issues

Topic: ABORTION RIGHTS and more!
Co-Hosted by
Rabbi Barry Silver
Pastor Fritz Aufdencamp
Monday, MAY 16 at 7:00 pm ET
A Monthly Virtual Zoom Program

Rabbi Barry Silver, L'Dor Va-Dor spiritual leader, and Pastor Fritz Aufdencamp, who was brought up on charges of heresy by the church for opposing beliefs and historical accuracy, co-host this monthly program discussing hot current events and relevant news of the day.

ALL are welcomed to be a part of and join with us for this program, named for our founding rabbi, Rabbi Sam Silver's radio program of years past. Feel free to join in the discussion, adding your own opinion or viewpoint, or just sit back, listen and enjoy.

To join us by Zoom / Computer:
Meeting ID: 867 6104 1462
Passcode: 308365
By Phone, dial:
  • 1-312-626-6799 or 1-301-715-8592, then enter Meeting 867 6104 1462 and #, then enter Passcode 308365 and #
TUESDAY, MAY 17 at 7:00 pm ET

with a Touch of Music!

Rabbi Barry Silver
and guest Andrew Susman
Educator and Cantorial Spiritual Leader

Tuesday, MAY 17 at 7:00 pm ET
A Weekly Virtual Zoom Program
Parsha: Leviticus B'HAR
Join with Rabbi Barry Silver and Andy Susman for this special time, a discussion about the Torah and the weekly parsha for the upcoming Shabbat: Leviticus B'HAR. This sedra relates the laws of the sabbatical year, which occurs each seven years.
We look forward to your joining us for this discussion and this special time to gain some deeper meaning and insight into the Torah TOGETHER. We are very fortunate to have Andy Susman joining with us to provide his insight along with "a Touch of Music" and his musical interpretation as well!
ALL are welcomed to partake and participate in this wonderful evening, dedicated to learning and educating ourselves about the Torah and more!

To join us by Zoom / Computer:

Meeting ID: 883 4142 6745
Passcode: 037332

By Phone, dial:
  • 1-312-626-6799 or 1-301-715-8592, then enter Meeting 883 4142 6745 and #, then enter Passcode 037332 and #

Upcoming Torah Studies
  • May 24: Touch of Torah with Rabbi Barry Silver and Andy Susman, bringing a Touch of Music to our study
  • May 31: Touch of Torah with Rabbi Barry Silver
FRIDAY, MAY 20 at 7:00 pm ET
Friday Evening
Friday, MAY 20 at 7:00 pm ET

Live and In-Person at
The Carlisle Palm Beach

Also available VIRTUALLY on Zoom and YouTube (live-streaming)

in the Palm Room of The Carlisle
450 East Ocean Avenue
Lantana, FL
on the NW corner of East Ocean Avenue and A1A
across from the Plaza Del Mar Center

Rabbi Barry Silver
Cantor Carol Garrett

We welcome one and all to join in
and be a part of

Join with us live and in-person at the beautiful Carlisle Palm Beach. Enjoy Shabbat with Rabbi Barry and Cantor Carol. Celebrate TOGETHER! We will also provide this service on Zoom and live-streaming to YouTube at the same time, for those unable to attend. Following the conclusion of the service, you will be able to view our Shabbat service from our YouTube channel at ANYTIME.

For those who plan to attend, The Carlisle provides an Oneg Shabbat following our service, a time to schmooze and enjoy challah, wine, and more. PARKING IS LIMITED at The Carlisle, so please car-pool and come early. There is additional parking around the building on all sides.


our Shabbat at The Carlisle,
we offer for you to
The direct link for Zoom and YouTube viewing
will be provided later this week!
We will not hold our ZOOM & SCHMOOZE
on Friday, May 20th ... apologies.


Upcoming Shabbats with L'Dor Va-Dor
  • May 27 at 7:00 pm: Shabbat at The Carlisle Palm Beach, 450 E. Ocean Ave, Lantana FL
  • June 3 at 7:30 pm: Celebration of Shabbat, Shavuot & Veterans at The Mariposa, 9130 Hypoluxo Rd, Lake Worth FL

We are happy to announce that we will be meeting
at The Mariposa Luxury Senior residance,
starting Friday, June 3, 2022 at 7:30 pm ET
and future Fridays in their auditorium
(with our congregation members and friends
being able to park and enter directly into the auditorium).
SATURDAY, MAY 21 at 7:00 pm ET

A Taste of
SATURDAY, MAY 21 at 7:00 pm ET
on Zoom
Cantorial Spiritual Leader
Andrew Susman

You won't want to miss this special program!

We welcome one and all to this special time with Andy, filled with music and love. Havdalah is a very beautiful and spiritual tradition, during which we use all of our senses:
  • to smell the sweet spices
  • to see the flame
  • to feel the heat and to hear the crackling fire of the Havdalah candle
  • to taste the sweetness of the wine
We combine some of the best of Shabbat through prayer, word, and melody - concluding with Havdalah, a service "separating" & elevating the holy day of rest from the rest of the week. We bid farewell to our Sabbath Queen and long for her return once again next Friday!
Join together with Andy and L'Dor Va-Dor to enjoy a real Sabbath treat, musically and inspiritionally!
To join us by Zoom / Computer:
Meeting ID: 896 8012 7692
Passcode: 378052
By Phone, dial:
  • 1-312-626-6799 or 1-301-715-8592, then enter Meeting 896 8012 7692 and #, then enter Passcode 378052 and #
To enjoy our CELEBRATION of SHABBAT of Friday, MAY 13th, held at The Mariposa, please click the Video Image Link below:

to L’Dor Va-Dor

We are so grateful for the
generosity & love shown to
L’Dor Va-Dor by your donations!


  • By Michelle Bernstein, in memory of Linda Pruskin, Sharon Leibovitz's sister, who recently passed

  • By Michelle Bernstein, a donation of her "pushke" contents for L'Dor Va-Dor

  • By Nancy C. Beyer, in memory of Elaine Silver

  • By Philip and Miryam Salazar Heyman, in thanks for including Norman Heyman in past Shabbat

  • By Philip and Miryam Salazar Heyman, in memory of Aunt Sherry Heyman and keeping her in our prayers during past Shabbat

  • By Philip and Miryam Salazar Heyman, in memory of the third Yahrzeit of their mother, Nancy Heyman, with gratitude for including her in our prayers during past Shabbat

  • By Shari Scott, Edward Rosenblum, Richard Rosenblum and family, in loving memory of Jayne Rosenblum, mother and grandmother. We would also like to thank Rabbi Barry Silver and Sharon Leibovitz for arranging a wonderful and memorable celebration of Jayne's life.

  • By Andrew Susman, in memory of the Yahrzeit of his father, Myron "Mike" Susman
ALL of your Donations
are most welcomed,
are tax-deductible,
and will be acknowledged
for your record-keeping.

to continue
our work and fulfill our goals!
We so appreciate this!



Make an ENDLESS IMPACT with your gift!

Add L'Dor Va-Dor to your WILL
and create a PLANNED GIFT
to continue supporting our congregation!

This action will ensure that you will further the synagogue you care about
and make a LASTING IMPACT on our future!

Contact us by phone at 561-968-0688 to discuss
or email us at INFO@LDORVADOR.org.
Please note our address for any mailed donations:

Congregation L'Dor Va-Dor
6100 Boynton Beach Blvd. #743102
Boynton Beach, FL 33474
L'Dor Va-Dor continues to do tikkun olam,
repairing the world, one Mitzvah at a time.

(mostly FREE)

BOCA RATON JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL presents the following programming:

MAY 22 through MAY 29, Anytime
Four films for $18, or $8 per film
Watch whenever you would like virtually! The four films offered are: BETRAYED, AUSCHWITZ REPORT, 1618, and GREENER PASTURES.
For more information or to register for this program, PLEASE Click Here.
CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH presents the following programming:

Thursday, MAY 19 at 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm ET
Free virtual program; Registration required to attend
Join City and County staff virtually to learn hurricane safety preparation tips at this virtual workshop. To submit questions in advance, please email to marketing@bbfl.us. This workshop will also be recorded and posted on Boynton Beach's Hurricane Preparedness website (click here for more information).
To register for this program, PLEASE Click Here.
For questions, call 561-742-6010.

Every Monday at 7:30 pm ET 
In-Person at Kings Point Delray
7000 W. Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach
Held in the ballroom of the main clubhouse
All in-person participants need to sign a waiver due to COVID-19.
Minimum $10 cash per participant in-person
OR Virtually CLICK HERE for YouTube Live-Streaming

Dancers around the world are uniting to provide emergency support and essential items for the innocent families caught in the Ukrainian invasion. We can help make a huge difference to those in peril. The money raised will all go to the Ukrainians on the ground of the besieged country. Your donations will make an immediate impact on refugee & humanitarian aid efforts. It will also help organize shipments of relief supplies to refugee sites in Ukraine’s neighboring countries: Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia & Moldova.
We are pledging 50% of all Donations from our dance sessions to UNITE IN DANCE FOR UKRAINE. Your donation not only supports our classes, but also Ukraine. To make a donation via Paypal: CLICK HERE to donate or you can mail a check payable to and addressed to: Ira Weisburd, 9121 Clearhill Road, Boynton Beach, FL. 33473.
ALL are welcomed to participate live and learn Israeli dancing at the Kings Point Delray clubhouse or virtually and help us to raise needed funds for the people of Ukraine! Have fun and do a mitzvah at the same time!
Virtually and Literally
You know YOU are always welcome to L’Dor Va-Dor!
To those on our Healing List and those that are not, but should be, we send out our thoughts and wishes for you to be stronger, to heal, to recover, and to attain a full recovery to good health, a Refuah Shlema! Hoping that you will be returned to good health soon!

Please let us know of someone who should also be included in our Healing List, as well as those who have now recovered and should be taken off from our list (please contact our office at 561-968-0688). 

Michelle Bernstein
Robert Blutinger
Huey Cohen
Bruce David
Theresa Derocchis
David Dietch
Bob Druss
Donna Field
Wendy Frank
Laura Gallagher
Richard Glass
Sherry Glass
Renée Golub
Irwin Gross 
Arthur Hoffman
Carole Kahn
Linda Kennedy
Carole Kramer
Dr. Sudhir Nayer
Martha Reina
Bernard Rosen
Sabine Rowland
Esta Sands
Fred Spilove
Naomi Volan

We support the people of Ukraine
Ruthie Bordegon
Cheryl Ehrlich
Steve Adler Golden
Mildred Hecht 
Sherry Heyman
Linda Pruskin
Jayne Rosenblum
Elaine Silver

Those lost in the War on Ukraine

May their memories live on through and within us:
Mordechai Bloch
Roger Brener
Jules Cohen
Robert Cohn
Barbara Corman
Evelyn DeSarno
Mel Fishman
Conrad Friedman
Samuel Gitterman
Ruth Goldman
Matthew Grant
David Hoffman
Larry Kaminsky
David Kohn
Gertrude Kornbluh
Edna Kramer
Louis Millman
Helene Motchan
David Muhlrad
Louis Newman
Shelly Piltch
Charles Plotke
Louis Seligman
Frances Siegel
Rabbi Samuel M. Silver
Harold Silverman
Myron "Mike" Susman
Shirley Taylor
Joel Tumarkin
Herman Wald
Louis Weiner
Edith Werby
Arthur Willens

L'Dor Va-Dor supports Ukraine. Our thoughts and prayers remain with those in Ukraine and Eastern Europe during these devastating and extremely challenging times.

Please consider donating to one of the Ukraine sites to provide assistance to the cause.


We thank all those who attended our Shabbat services at The Mariposa these past three Friday evenings. Thanks to you and the vibrance of Rabbi Barry and Cantor Carol, we have now been awarded to continue at The Mariposa, starting in June 2022 each Friday evening at 7:30 pm. We will hold our next two Shabbat services at The Carlisle Palm Beach, 450 East Ocean Avenue in Lantana FL, and then move over to The Mariposa. All Carlisle services will begin at 7:00 pm ET and Mariposa services will begin at 7:30 pm ET. An additional note to all in attendance at The Mariposa: we are now able to park directly outside of the auditorium and enter through the outside doors into the auditorium, saving many steps in the parking area and within the hallways in this senior living center! We will provide better directions closer to our June 3rd service date, when we will be honoring Shabbat, the holiday of Shavuot (the receiving of the Torah), and Veterans. We will continue providing virtual solutions for those unable to attend in person.

If you should need to share anything with L'Dor Va-Dor, please contact us by phone at 561-968-0688 or by email at INFO@LDORVADOR.org. Thank you all for the support and love shown to me this past week during the very difficult time and loss of my dear sister Linda.

We at L'Dor Va-Dor wish you all a beautiful week ahead, good health and much happiness! May you all experience love, peace, shalom, and kindness in your lives each day.

With Shalom and Love,
Sharon Leibovitz
A CALENDAR SUMMARY of L'Dor Va-Dor Happenings

  • Monday, May 16, 7:00 pm: PARSON TO PARSON with Rabbi Barry and Pastor Fritz Aufdencamp
  • Tuesday, May 17, 7:00 pm: TOUCH of TORAH Study with Rabbi Barry and Andy Susman, adding a Touch of Music
  • Friday, May 20, 7:00 pm: EVENING Celebration of SHABBAT - Live and in-person at The Carlisle Palm Beach, 450 East Ocean Avenue, Lantana FL
  • Saturday, May 21, 7:00 pm: TOUCH of SHABBAT, SHIRA, & HAVDALAH with Andy Susman (virtual)
  • Tuesday, May 24, 7:00 pm: TOUCH of TORAH Study with Rabbi Barry and Andy Susman, adding a Touch of Music
  • Friday, May 27, 7:00 pm: EVENING Celebration of SHABBAT - Live and in-person at The Carlisle Palm Beach, 450 East Ocean Avenue, Lantana FL
  • Tuesday, May 31, 7:00 pm: TOUCH of TORAH Study with Rabbi Barry
  • Friday, June 3, 7:30 pm: EVENING Celebration of SHABBAT, SHAVUOT, & VETERANS - Live and in-person at The Mariposa, 9130 Hypoluxo Road, Lake Worth FL

Mark your calendars and plan to be with us and L'Dor Va-Dor!
Our Mailing Address is:
Congregation L'Dor Va-Dor
6100 Boynton Beach Blvd.
P.O. Box # 743102
Boynton Beach, Florida 33474

Our Congregation Phone:
(561) 968-0688

Email us at:

Our Congregation Website:

Our Facebook Page:

Our YouTube Channel:

Rabbi Barry Silver
Spiritual Leader of Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor
(561) 302-1818

Cantor Carol Garrett
(561) 827-1646

Noah Silver
President of Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor

Joel Brusso
Vice President of Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor
(561) 523-5851

Sharon Leibovitz
The VOICE E-Newsletter writer and editor
High Holy Days and Shabbat coordinator and associate producer
(561) 703-4565