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Joint Budget Committee

Feedback & Listening Session

Dear Beloved in Christ,

The Joint Budget Committee of Executive Council has begun the work of crafting the 2025-2027 triennial budget for The Episcopal Church. As you saw in our published timeline, we have built into our process several opportunities for the church to offer feedback and suggestions. The first of these opportunities will occur on Monday, April 17 from 4:00 – 5:30pm EDT via a Zoom meeting (Interpretation will be available during this session). In preparation for that meeting, we are asking you to ponder the following questions.  

  • Can you share examples of ways in which you partner with TEC to accomplish Mission that you couldn’t do as well at the local/diocesan level?
  • What missional activities are best supported at the wider church level?
  • What have been your greatest successes and challenges in your area of mission?
  • How is the church changing and how does our allocation of resources need to change?

To respond to these questions and register for the listening session, click on the link below:

The responses we receive will be given to our three subcommittees (Mission, Governance, and Finance). The subcommittees will be creating additional opportunities for deep dives and feedback sessions on their budget areas in the coming months. These will be communicated to the church in advance so that we can get as much participation as possible.


Thank you for your time, your contributions and your prayers for this process.


The Reverend Patricia Downing

Chair, Joint Budget Committee of Executive Council