Joint Information Center
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
As of 10 a.m on Wednesday, March 31, 2021, Calhoun County has a cumulative total of 9,602 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported to Calhoun County Public Health Department (CCPHD), with a total of 228 deaths attributed to the virus. This information is updated once daily, Monday through Friday, at

In the past week, Calhoun County as well as the State of Michigan, has seen a steady rise in positive COVID-19 cases. Cases are up over 3,000 a day, and the positivity rate is ~8% (up from 3.5% last month). In Calhoun County, the positivity rate has increased to over 10%, demonstrating a large amount of community spread of COVID-19 in our community. Statewide, hospitalizations are up 500 or ~50% week over week. Cases have risen mostly in the 10-59 age range.

We Want to Hear From You!
COVID-19 vaccine distribution is currently the strongest defense we have against this surge of cases. The evidence of vaccine effectiveness can be seen in the reduced number of cases in populations over 59, as many in that age demographic have been vaccinated. However, we understand vaccine hesitancy persists, and we want to understand the dynamics of those decisions.

Calhoun County's Joint Information Center released this community survey to understand residents' stance on receiving the vaccine. This survey is available until Tuesday, April 13, and can be viewed in English and Spanish. It is quick and accessible by cell phone or desktop computer, and can be found at this link directly or at We invite all Calhoun County residents to fill out this survey so that we can understand perceptions about the vaccine and address concerns and barriers if possible.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information 
The State vaccine dashboard shows that as of March 17, 2021, 53,612 doses have been administered to Calhoun County residents, from various sources, not just the Public Health Department.

In Calhoun County, total shots administered by the Public Health Department are, 15,755 first dose and 10,217 second dose shots. Last week, between March 21-27, the Public Health Department administered 2,875 vaccine doses. Our first dose totals include all who are vaccinated by CCPHD with 1 dose of any vaccine: Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson and Johnson.

Starting April 5, 2021, all people aged 16+ are eligible for vaccination in Michigan. The CCPHD is asking Calhoun County residents to pre-register for the COVID-19 vaccine. The online form can be found at

Vaccine Finder
We want to make vaccination easy and accessible to everyone. VaccineFinder is a free service where users can search for locations that offer COVID-19 vaccinations. Whether you are a Calhoun County resident or not, this is a great tool for finding vaccines in your area. VaccineFinder helps you find clinics, pharmacies, and other locations that offer COVID-19 vaccines in the United States.
Keep up with Calhoun County vaccine efforts at
Positive Case In Younger Ages
Laboratory confirmed cases for ages 10-19 in December 2020 and January 2021 were roughly 10% of all COVID-19 cases. In cases observed from February through March 2021, that proportion has grown significantly to 19.3%.

Alternatively, laboratory confirmed cases for individuals age 65+ in December 2020 and January 2021 were roughly 18% of all COVID-19 cases. In cases observed February-March 2020, that proportion decreased by half to 8.5%. This is an encouraging figure, as a reduction of cases in this age group can likely be attributed to the large proportion in Calhoun County residents who have been vaccinated for COVID-19. As of March 29, 2021, 65.7% of residents 65 and older have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.  

Stay Healthy During Spring Holiday
Spring Break is here and COVID-19 numbers are steadily rising, so it is important to make safe, healthy decision to mitigate the spread of the virus. Celebrating with the people in your household is the safest choice right now. If you do gather with people who don’t live with you, make a plan to stay safe. The safest gatherings are those held outdoors, or indoors with good ventilation (e.g. windows and doors open). Everyone should wear masks, stay 6 feet from others, and frequently clean and disinfect touched surfaces.

Alternatives to Holiday Gatherings
Seek safer ways to observe religious and spiritual holidays. Here are some suggestions,
  • Gather virtually or outside, at least 6 feet apart from others
  • Enjoy traditional meals with those who live with you
  • Prepare and deliver a meal to a neighbor
  • Practice religious holiday customs at home
  • Watch virtual religious and cultural performances
  • Attend religious ceremonies virtually

For updates from Calhoun County, about County operations and COVID-19 in Calhoun County, visit the County website,

For updates from the City of Battle Creek, please visit

The State’s COVID-19 Hotline is available for anyone who has questions or concerns related to the virus. The hotline is open seven days a week from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Call 1-888-535-6136. For state COVID-19 information, visit
For information, contact
Lucy Blair, Calhoun County Communications Manager

Victor Jovanovich, Public Health Department Communications Specialist

Jessica Vanderkolk, City of Battle Creek Communications Manager