JCA Family and Friends,

Please share the below information with interested families in the Joliet/Will County area regarding our upcoming Open House events.

Sunday, November 7, 2021
10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Presentations and Guided Tour

Thursday, November 11, 2021 
6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Presentations and Guided Tour

Joliet Catholic Academy is the high school for you and your family! At JCA, every student is offered many opportunities to succeed. Angels and Hilltoppers are challenged in the classroom, presented with time for community service, tested on the playing field, and embraced by the missions of the Carmelites and Franciscans. JCA’s holistic approach to education, centered in their faith-filled curriculum, provides a scholastic environment that encourages success

An educational journey at Joliet Catholic Academy is filled with experienced, dedicated faculty and staff who inspire every student to reach their greatest academic potential. JCA students are encouraged to make their voice be heard through numerous extra-curricular activities presenting them with opportunities to be creative, to be unique, to build confidence, and to be their best self.

High school is more than just the classroom experience. Joliet Catholic Academy offers many opportunities for students to broaden their social experience, make new friends, and have fun with fellow Angels and Hilltoppers. JCA’s goal is to prepare young men and women for college and for life.

You will be immersed in our Carmelite and Franciscan values, you will meet our distinguished faculty and award-winning coaches, and you will see how JCA inspires students to be the best in their faith life, academic challenges, and social growth.

Tours of the school will be available. Faculty, staff, and students will be on hand to answer questions. Information on academics, athletics, clubs, and organizations will be available as well as tuition assistance information, Heritage Award scholarship application information, and much more.

Joliet Catholic Academy looks forward to welcoming you and your family!

For more information, contact the Admissions Office at 815.741.0500 or  admissions@jca-online.org .


Mr. Ryan Quigley '03
Director of Admissions
815.741.0500, ext. 214
Joliet Catholic Academy presents the murder mystery comedy, The Game’s Afoot or Holmes for the Holidays. It is December 1936, and Broadway star William Gillette, admired the world over for his leading role in the play Sherlock Holmes, has invited his fellow cast members to his Connecticut castle for a weekend of revelry. But when one of the guests is stabbed to death, the festivities in this isolated house of tricks and mirrors quickly turn dangerous.

Come see the 2021 JCA fall play, The Game’s Afoot or Holmes for the Holidays!

Thursday, November 18th at 7:00 p.m.
Friday, November 19th at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 20th at 7:00 p.m.

Shows take place at the Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park Theatre at 201 Jefferson St., Joliet, IL 60432.

Tickets go on sale Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 9:00 a.m. at https://www.showtix4u.com/events/JCA/ Note: 12 ticket limit per transaction. Tickets WILL NOT be available at the door.
This year’s annual JCA Entrance Exam for current 8th graders will take place on Saturday, December 4, 2021. 
All incoming freshmen must take the JCA Entrance Exam in order to receive acceptance and appropriate course placement. Eighth grade students should arrive no later than 7:50 a.m. and enter through the main entrance off of Larkin Avenue. The exam will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. Students will exit the building at approximately 11:30 a.m. through the main entrance.
Pre-Registration online is mandatory for this year’s Entrance Exam to ensure social distancing protocols. Classrooms will be limited to 8-10 test takers based on classroom size, and masks must be worn throughout the exam. On Online Registration link is provided below.
Students are asked to bring two #2 pencils. Calculators are not allowed; scratch paper will be provided for the exam.
Prospective students must take the December 4 Entrance Exam at JCA to be eligible for merit-based scholarships including the Franciscan/Carmelite Top Scorer Scholarships and the JCA Heritage Award. A Make-Up Entrance Exam will be offered for students unable to attend December 4 on Saturday, December 11 at 8 a.m.
 More information for all merit-based and financial need scholarship can be found at https://www.jca-online.org/admissions/financialaid/
Go Angels! Go Hilltoppers!
Ryan Quigley ’03
Joliet Catholic Academy – Director of Admissions and Communications
Office: 815.741.0500, ext. 214
Dear Parents,

We are pleased to bring the Young Hearts for Life® (YH4L) Cardiac Screening Program to Joliet Catholic Academy on November 18, 2021. All students whose parents authorize them to be tested will be screened. Please be aware that repeat ECG testing is recommended every two (2) years.

YH4L will provide this Free heart screening called an electrocardiogram (ECG) to identify high school students at risk for sudden cardiac death and to increase the public's awareness of this issue. To date over 265,000 students have been screened as a result of YH4L. More information about the screening can be found on the YH4L website (www.yh4l.org).

A simple ECG, when used to screen young adults can detect certain serious heart conditions. Recording the electrical activity of the heart using electrodes attached to the skin with a mild adhesive, can detect approximately 70% of the abnormalities or “markers” from these heart conditions that are associated with sudden cardiac death that a stethoscope cannot. Please note that ECG screenings result in less than 2% of the tests being falsely positive. This may require additional evaluation and testing by your physician. We believe that the benefit of this potentially lifesaving screening outweighs this concern.

We encourage you to discuss this screening with your child. Your child’s participation in the screening is your decision. We want to assure you that students’ confidentiality, privacy and individual modesty will be respected throughout all aspects of the program. Only female technicians will test girls and they will be screened in an area separate from boys.

The Young Hearts For Life® Cardiac Screening is being provided to your students by TEAM PODZ and Young Hearts for Life donors. To learn more about other programs offered by YH4L and to register your child for this lifesaving screening, please visit our website at http://www.yh4l.org/. If you have questions, please contact us at 630-785-4366.


Joseph Marek, MD
Founder & Medical Director, Young Hearts for Life® Cardiac Screening Program
Cardiologist, Advocate Medical Group

Thank you for your interest in helping us provide ECG screenings to the students at Joliet Catholic Academy on Thursday, November 18, 2021.
Volunteers must attend one of the training sessions held on Wednesday, Nov. 17th.
We're using SignUp.com for volunteer sign up for our event with Young Hearts for Life.

1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on SignUp: https://signup.com/go/rsCqVqC
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to create an account on SignUp.com)
3. Sign up! Be sure to sign up for your training session AND your volunteer shift the day of the screening.

SignUp.com will send you an automated confirmation and reminders.
Thank you!

Please contact the health office with any questions.

*For more information about YH4L, please visit our website, www.YH4L.org.
**Sign up is available now online**
ACT Preparation Course

Joliet Catholic Academy is offering an eight-week course for students wishing to formally prepare for the March 2022 ACT Test.

Location/Time:  JCA
  Saturdays 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Sessions: Eight Saturday Classes

Fees: $200 – handouts, professional instruction and manual
Enrollment: 25 students/class

Registration: First come, first served! Please include form below and 
Checks payable to JCA. No refunds after classes start.

Return to: JCA, Mrs. Tina Osburn (Rm. 118) 

Days/Dates: January 22 – English February 26 – English
January 29 – Math/Sci March 5 – Math/Sci
February 5 – Math/Sci March 12 – Math/Sci
February 12 – English March 19 – English

March 29, 2022 – ACT Test @ JCA
ACT Registration Deadline: 2/21/22
ACT Late Registration Deadline: 3/07/22
Parent Volunteers
Our school's success is due to many factors. One of the greatest gifts JCA receives is the gift of time that our families donate to us as volunteers. Please complete the following form and think about how you could "give of yourself." We are promising that you will be contacted throughout the school year to fulfill your request. If you need more specific  information about the volunteer opportunities, please contact Chris Voss, Director of Special Events (815-773-0784).
Campus Ministry

This year JCA will be offering the sacrament of Confirmation for any student that is interested. All preparations will be done through the campus ministry office and during the regular school day. The sacrament of confirmation will take place in the spring but the date is still to be determined. If your student is interested or your have any questions, you can stop in to campus ministry or reach Fr. Jeff at 815-741-0500 ext. 263 or frjeff@jca-online.org
JCA Christmas Concert

The Christmas concert will take place on Tuesday, December 7 in the Student Activity Center at 7 p.m. Admission is free.
All JCA music groups will be performing. Please come out and support the JCA music dept. and students.

Important Information from the Health Office 

The Young Hearts For Life® Cardiac Screening is being provided to your students by TEAM PODZ and Young Hearts for Life donors. To register your child for this lifesaving screening, please visit our website at http://www.yh4l.org/. If you have questions, please contact us at 630-785-4366. Please refer to the JCA home page for additional information.
NEW State Law: Freshman students entering 2019-2020 are now required to have dental exam.
Freshman who do not provide a dental exam by May 15, 2020 will have their final semester grades held. 
Flu Season is HERE!
It is not too late too to get your and your student's flu vaccine. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies that protect against flu to develop in the body, so make plans to get vaccinated.  CDC recommends that people get a flu vaccine by the end of October. Getting vaccinated later, however, can still be beneficial and vaccination should continue to be offered throughout flu season, even into January or later.
All Students
  • Health Office information is on the school web site under the Parents tab, click on Health Office
  • Medication Administration Authorization (MAA) forms are required at the start of every new school year. Forms are available on the web site.
  • Emergency Action Plans (EAP’s) are requested for those students with asthma, diabetes, epilepsy (seizures) and severe allergies. EAP’s are available on the web site. Medication Authorization forms to self-carry emergency medications and supplies must be submitted at the start of every new school year. Forms are available on the web site.
  • Those that travel internationally to areas of high TB risk (most countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Russia) for greater than 2 weeks are required to have IGRA prior to returning to school. Additional information is on the web site.                 
 Health Office Hours 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00am-2:30pm Thursday 8:00am -2:30pm 
During school breaks voicemails and emails are checked weekly. 
815-741-0500 Ext 275, 815-741-3015 fax, nurse@jca-online.org 

AND THEY’RE OFF . . . . . . . . . ,

At Bolingbrook Golf Club in Bolingbrook, Illinois, the 37th running of the Jubilate Derby will fly out of the gate on April 2, 2022. The first leg of the Triple Crown races begins at 6:00 p.m. followed by dinner, dancing, bidding and betting.
Our 2022 Jubilate Chair-couples are:
Nicole & Mike Murray
Katie & Ed Michel
These winning jockeys will be “Chomping at the Bit” to show you a winning race and raise tons of money for our JCA students.

Treat yourself and be a part of this winning team by joining the Jubilate Committee. “Hands Down” you will have the time of your life making your JCA track appearance!!!!!

Joliet Catholic Academy’s annual Jubilaté is a celebration of the JCA community and the largest annual fundraising event put on by the school, parents, alumni, and friends.
Please contact Trainer Chris Voss with questions (815-773-0784)
Winter Sports Registration

Registration is open for Winter Sports. To register please see the detailed information below. Any athlete trying out for a winter sport must be completely registered, including payment of the $150.00 athletic fee (if the athlete is cut from the team the $150.00 is refundable) and have an updated sports physical on file by October 31, 2021 or they WILL NOT be allowed to attend tryouts.
2021-2022 School Calendar

The online events calendar on JCA's website has been updated. Events in the calendar are able to be sorted by Month, List, and Day. You are also able to Export Events using the + Export Events button below the calendar. Events will export to your smartphone or Outlook. We have also provided a one page PDF events calendar.

Please note, the official school calendar is subject to change at the discretion of the school.
Dear Joliet Catholic Academy Community:

Quest Food Management Services is excited to announce that the cafeteria will be re-opening this fall and offering all your favorite meal items! We will be opening all the food station for lunch. The Quest Team is back and busy preparing menus that support our fresh, made from scratch, high quality dining program.

Be assured the staff will be following all the CDC guidelines required by the state of Illinois as we fully reopen. At the time of this letter the Illinois State Board of Education has not issued any guidelines related to foodservice this Fall. Continued communication will be forthcoming as it relates to any changes.

Please see all attached documents related to Quest’s Joliet Catholic Academy dining program attached. The highlights with regard to changes this year include:

Mealtime – Online Payment System

Make deposits directly into student meal accounts
Deposits can be made through ACH payment or credit card (can also setup auto replenish)

This cashless system keeps the lunch lines moving

For Easy Access to Menus download the FDMealPlanner App

Please take time to download the app on your smartphone
FDMealPlanner provides the menu – by month, by day and by food station

Go to: https://www.fdmealplanner.com/ to register or for more information watch this video overview: FDMealPlanner Video Overview

You can also find all these links and more information on JCA website under cafeteria tab by visiting: jca-online.org

If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Quest’s District Manager, Jesus Ortega, at Jortega@questfms.com or Shannon Lauridsen, Food Service Director at jca@questfms.com.


Nick Saccaro

Pop's & Lollies - Annual JCA Father/Daughter Dance

November 23, 2021. More details will be forthcoming from the JCA Parent Association.

Very excited to say the Spirit Shop is now OPEN !! No appointments needed. 
You may stop in the Spirit Shop anytime the students are in session (masks required).

A normal school day schedule would be mostly as follows:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday - 7:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Thursdays -  7:15 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (shortened school day)

We carry your Uniform Polos, Hoodies, Uniform Approved sweatshirts, T-shirts, hat, tumblers and more!!!
Stop in and take a look at all of our new merchandise.

If you have any questions please contact the Spirit Shop anytime. 

Paula Gorski
Paula Gorski, Spirit Shop Coordinator
Joliet Catholic Academy
815-741-0500 x231