Welcome Dorothy Phelan, Parish Office Associate
On Monday, we welcomed the newest member of our parish staff, Dorothy Phelan! Dorothy joins us weekday mornings in the parish office, offering administrative support. You may recognize her warm, friendly face - she's been a parishioner for over 30 years at St. Josaphat. Dorothy brings a wealth of experience to us from her background in office administration, business operations, management skills and her keen sense of organization. Grace has already signaled her approval by lying at Dorothy's desk. Please introduce yourself to her the next time you visit the parish office.
Tina Smat
Office & Facilities Manager
My name is Dorothy Phelan and I am delighted to be working in the parish office.
My Catholic identity is an integral part of who I am and as a long-time Parishioner at St. Josaphat, I am looking forward to serving the community that has given me so many fond memories and experiences. I was first introduced to St. Josaphat in 1994, when I enrolled my daughter in the early education program and joined the Parish. I have loved being a part of this community, and my fellow school parent friends are some of my best friends to this day.
Whether through the Boomers group, or faith-based experiences like Taize or Alpha, I have also enjoyed getting to know other parishioners, and I look forward to meeting even more of you through my work in the rectory. I have been amazed already at the many behind-the-scenes acts of kindness I’ve witnessed happening throughout our Parish community.
Prior to my retirement in 2020, I worked in the international hotel industry, and I plan to bring the same spirit of hospitality to my role in the rectory office.
Some Changes in the Parish Office
The responsibilities of Parish Operations is now being shared. Christine Frech has transitioned to our Director of Finance, Michelle Knight has expanded responsibilities to include her new role as Business Coordinator and Tina Smat is our Office & Facilities Manager.
Congratulations to 2022 Christifideles Award Recipient, Faye Shillair!
Fr. Francis had the honor of accompanying Faye Shillair and her family to Holy Name Cathedral where she accepted the Christifideles Award from Cardinal Cupich. Here is what he had to say:
Faye has been an extremely dedicated member of the parish community. She serves as a member of our Parish Pastoral Council, she has served as a volunteer for our Vacation Bible School, and she has chaired or had a major hand in every Unity Gala for the past five years that I have been here. Faye gives of her time, talent and treasure in so many other ways to support our parish.
I am deeply grateful to Faye and her family for their support and commitment to our parish. She definitely is a worthy recipient of this year’s award. Next time you see her, please join me in congratulating Faye on receiving this year’s award!
God Bless,
Fr. Francis
Last call! It's not too late to join us at Alpha on Tuesdays.
Tots Playgroup
Are you looking for a free, fun environment to socialize your child and meet other parents? Join Tots Playgroup on Wednesdays from 10–11 am at the rectory for toys, play and snacks. RSVP or questions: jeannemwalsh@yahoo.com
Save the date for Trunk or Treat in the Parking Lot on Sunday, October 30 immediately following 10am Mass - more info to come!
Youth Ministry Pumpkin Smash
High school teens (Grade 9-12) - join us for a Pumpkin Smash! Gather with us on Sunday, October 30 from 6:30-8:30pm in the community park. Watch Pixar's Coco, enjoy some festive snacks, decorate pumpkins, then smash them!
Can you help us plan JosaFEST 2023?
Are you willing to take on a more active role next year? We are looking for several committee leads to help coordinate volunteers, food, entertainment, kids activities, event setup & cleanup, marketing & communications, purchasing supplies, etc. No experience is necessary, just click here!
Know an Amazing Volunteer? Nominate him or her for a Parish Service Award! Nominations are due by October 31.
Impressed with an Organization?
Friday 10/7
8:00 am Mass
Saturday 10/8
5:00 pm Mass
Sunday 10/9
8:00 am Mass
10:00 am Mass
Monday 10/10
8:00 am Mass
Tuesday 10/11
8:00 am Mass
9:30 am Breaking Open the Word
6:30 pm Alpha
7:00 pm Holy Hour
7:00 pm PTO
Wednesday 10/12
8:00 am All School Mass
10:00 am Tots Playgroup
7:00 pm Parish Pastoral Council
7:30pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
Friday 10/14
8:00 am Mass
11:00 am Parish Golf Outing
SJS Barnes & Noble Bookfair
Please join us on Thursday, October 20 at the Barnes and Noble school book fair at the store on Webster and Clybourn from 10am-7pm. A portion of the proceeds will be given back to the school to help encourage a love of literacy. We look forward to seeing you there.
Amazon Smile
Select St.Josaphat Parish and School as your charity of choice at smile.amazon.com and 5% of the purchase price of eligible items will be donated to the parish. Shop on your phone? Download the Amazon app, tap "Settings" and then tap "Smile".
Sunday Offering
Thank you for your continued support of our parish! You can donate any time - just click the Give Central button or text SUNDAY to 312-625-5666.
By using the "Update Profile" link below, you may choose which email programs, Take Five for Faith, or JosaFAST, you would like to receive. By unsubscribing, you revoke our permission to send you email.