The Sustaining the Artist Community: NYS Survey Project has been picking up speed! So far we have about 500 surveys completed! The data is starting to show some interesting patterns. That said, we are still very short on submissions from SARATOGA, SCHENECTADY and WASHINGTON counties. If you have a mailing list to share the link below or can via social media it would be much appreciated. The data from this survey will eventually be used to help legislative bodies in the state make resource decisions. Make sure your counties arts population is included in the results! If you have questions or need help, please reach out to me.
The SACNYS seeks to identify artist populations as well as the tools they need to thrive. The Survey has four sections: demographics to tell us who are artists are; professional development opportunities; artist studio and workplace needs; and finally, an assessment around housing, both rented and owned. The survey takes less than 5 minutes to complete and is a high-level assessment that will help public, private and government agencies develop the resources artists deserve to thrive.
Sustaining the Artist Community: NYS Survey Project (SACNYS) is an open-source tool. The report data, including options to construct unique queries, will be accessible to all.
SACNYS is in its pilot phase here in the Capital Region. Upon the completion of the Capital Region survey, it will enter an assessment and potential revision period. Once complete, the final survey will be administered state-wide by ArtsNYS, New York State’s arts advocacy agency.
Artists deserve opportunity! Please complete this survey and share it with other artists.