Inner Journey Seminars Washington DC Presents: 



A 3 Day Couples Journey into the 

Heart of Relationship


with Michael & Neelama

May 15-17, 2015

Silver Spring, MD

Course Description:


RELATIONSHIP IS A JOURNEY that has the potential to be a gateway to a deeply fulfilling life. Without fully loving, life can feel empty and meaningless. 


Yet for many people, relationship is also the source of immense struggle. It is often in the most intimate of relationships, where difficult conflicts emerge, hurt happens, and bitterness can arise. 

Like anything we want to be successful at, relationships take intention and effort. This workshop is a profound opportunity to invest in yourself, in each other, and in your children (if applicable).  

When we are willing to work on our relationship, the challenges we are facing can be transformed into incredible opportunities for growth.


NOTE: THIS WORKSHOP IS NOT a classroom lecture or 'talk therapy.' There will be times of instruction and valuable information presented, but this will always be combined with inner investigation, and experiential processes that are designed to go to the root of the problem.  This is less emphasized in many couples workshops and IS, what we have discovered after 15 years of working with couples, a crucial element for lasting change.     


In this 3 day experiential intensive, you will learn: 


+how to keep love alive and flowering in a long term relationship, +how to deal with old wounds and past issues that have 'piled up'.

+how to learn from your 'fights' and transform your conflicts into valuable learning opportunities

+how to truly resolve any past pain with your partner and move forward to create a new beginning.

+how to deal with 'hot button' issues.

+If you have children, how to communicate to help them feel safe & loved in the midst of any challenges you are facing as a couple.

Benefits of this Workshop:

TOOLS & TEACHINGS:          
  • Learn the "five seasons of love" to help understand the challenges you are facing together as well as specific learnings available.
  • Tips for recognizing and responding to the warning signs of "separation"
  • Practice the "Truth Telling Tool" - a powerful tool for hot-button issues.
  • Techniques for authentic and honest communication.
  • How to recognize and manage the triggers in your relationship
  • Transforming hurts into heart opening opportunities  
  • Create deeper intimacy and connection.
  • Bring the sense of the Sacred into your Relationship
  • Learn how to make each other a priority again 

  • A fresh beginning in your relationship.
  • Renewed connection to your partner
  • Greater capacity to love yourself and others
  • Heightened sense of compassion towards your loved ones
  • Healing and Opening your heart to love again
  • The "art of experiencing" the other
buddha montage COURSE LOGISTICS

May 15th-17th, 2015
TIMES:                   Friday:      9:30-9:00pm 
                               Saturday:  9:30-7:00pm
                               Sunday:    9:30-5:00pm

COSTS:                $895USD per couple

  Michael Schiesser & Neelama Eyres

Michael Schiesser, creator of the Inner Journey Seminar, has 30 years of experience in the fields of facilitation and personal coaching in the US, Canada, and Europe. Specializing in individual and group dynamics, Michael has a degree in counseling from the University of Munich, Germany, and is also trained in the art of Chinese 5 Element Acupuncture.  Michael is in private practice in Woodstock, GA where he coaches couples, individuals and consults in organizations.  He is also a co-creator of "A Journey into the Soul of Leadership", a course for organizational change.

Neelama Eyres has worked in the field of personal transformation since 1995.  Her background includes a B.A. in Comparative Religion, leading meditation and yoga retreats, facilitating personal development seminars and trainings, counseling homeless people, teaching children and coaching adults.  Since 2000, she has been a life coach, facilitator and senior trainer for the Inner Journey Institute.  In 2002, together with Michael Schiesser, she created Journey into Love: a seminar designed to faciliate conflicts that arise in the domain of relationship,reconnecting people to forgiveness, compassion and love.  This workshop has been a great success in cities across the US, Canada and Europe for 13 years.


Send check payable to: Inner Journey Seminars
156 Manor Lane
Woodstock, GA 30188
*please indicate date of workshop on your check.


For further information about the workshop, please contact: