JoyLink Newsletter

October 22, 2023

For the next few weeks, we are going to take a deeper look at the Lord’s Prayer. No other prayer is more important to Christians than this prayer. It is the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray. There are a host of other prayers we overhear Jesus praying in the Gospels. But only with THIS prayer does Jesus say, “Pray like this.” 


Our challenge with this prayer is to really know the prayer, to understand and appreciate the meaning and power of its words and what we ask of God each time we pray it. Through it, Jesus teaches us how to pray, and how to live as his followers.


Each word is saturated with meaning, a meaning that we often miss when we pray it by rote as we gather for worship. Each of the prayer’s six petitions reflects the major themes from Jesus’ life and ministry. This prayer is meant to shape our lives and through us, shape and change the world.


This first Sunday of the series, we will focus on the first petition: Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. 


As we pray this prayer together, may our faith be renewed through it.


Praying with you,





If you can't join us in person for either service, join us virtually at 10:45am by clicking one of the links below.

Mateo 6:5-15 (DHH)
Matthew 6:5-15 (CEB)

Join us for our new Series beginning this Wednesday

Click to Join via Zoom Wed, 7pm

If you're experiencing any loss, we are here for you! Join us this Thursday, and every 3rd Thursday at 7pm for our Grief Group meeting, led by Rev Shirley Strader.

Walk with us at Pride at 4pm THIS upcoming Saturday, October 21st at the corner of Orange Ave. and E. Washington St. Don’t miss this as we take love to the streets!!!

Stay tuned for more detailed information as we get closer.

Join us Monday, October 23rd for our next meeting.

Joy MCC's annual congregational meeting will be held on Sunday October 29th following 2nd service. All Active Members of Joy MCC in attendance at this meeting are eligible to vote.

We will be voting on the proposed budget for 2024 and to fill open Board of Director's slots.

Packets were emailed to all active Joy MCC Members on Sunday, October 15th. If you are an active member and did not receive a meeting packet, please email [email protected].

For active members that wish to attend, but are unable to join in person, we will provide a Zoom meeting link upon request. [email protected].

Due to voting limitations, Only members will be eligible to join via Zoom . However, ALL are welcome to attend in person.

You can help us get a head start for Next Year!

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We are entering our 4th quarter.

As we get closer to the end of the year, we want to make sure we have your correct information. If you need to update your information or if you're not sure we have your correct information, please click the button below and fill out the survey.

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