joyful plate summer 2019
Fancy Food Show insights
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For this recap, we thought we'd focus on some hot trends in fancy food we saw at the show in global cuisine. It's tempting to write about the plant- based trend, but that subject seems very well covered these days. So we started thinking about what makes the Fancy Food Show truly distinctive from other shows. What seems unmistakably "fancy" is something we are discovering for the first time: exotic, international foods that transport us to new places, and help us appreciate new cultures.
Global cuisines are hot. In our Airbnb economy, people are jet-setting all over the world, experimenting with new foods and flavors. In fact, the new program AirbnbExperiences now offers cooking classes with expert hosts. When we get back home from travelling, we want foods that bring back the memories of our experiences.
At the 2019 Fancy Food show in NYC last week, all kinds of global cuisine made it to our shores. These modern day mealmakers come in quick marinades, simmer sauces and dressings that take us around the world from Persia, Turkey, Thailand,
and beyond, bringing us new forms and flavors to explore like schwarma, yakisoba, green curry, tahini, toum, amba, harissa, sriracha! Mediterranean couscous now seems everyday in comparison.
Evidence of this is the fact that Mom's MAGIC MASALA was selected by a panel of food professionals in blind tastings for the 2019 Fancy Food show SOFI product of the year. Mom's Magic is an all-purpose Indian fusion spice blend, derived from a family recipe with 16 different spices to offer more complexity, drawing inspiration from the beauty and culture of India, a place of "spirituality, religion, math, music and cuisine" (per MomsMagicMasala). Developed by an ex-Wall street investor and sold online, Amazon and locally in Greenwich, CT.
Neilly's Global Cuisines offer a line of authentic and lively flavors from Africa to the Caribbean. Founder Julie missed the native dishes from her home in Central Africa, where wholesome foods come with complex flavors and culinary memories...sweet ripe plantains, tostones, corn tamales, Jambalaya rice mixes, jerk rice & black beans and more. And even better, she made these recipes naturally, with no MSG, preservatives, dyes, fillers, and less salt.
Yolele Foods introduced their ancient West African Super Grain FONIO. Gluten-free, nutritionally dense, and "culturally rich, the seed of the universe" that takes just 5 minutes to cook.
Although we seem to be spoiled for choice, "What's for dinner?" is still a relevant question in 2019.
We get bored with taco Tuesdays. We crave change. And while couscous may be a mainstream Mediterranean today, more adventurous types may want to discover what's next. According to Mintel, dinner is still by far the most popular meal for specialty food (even more than snacks) and despite the increase in ready-to-eat, takeout, delivery and meal kits, meals made from scratch at home still dominate.
We also saw some hot new hot sauces at the show. For extreme foodies, specialized condiments are jewels in the kitchen and the ideal hostess gift.
Truff is a line of white and black truffle infused hot sauces. There's even a gallon jug available for $249! Perfect for your next level corporate event: click here for Truff Hot Sauce.
Hot sauces by the Fuego Spice Co
intentionally focus on flavor over mind-melting heat.
Growing up in Santa Barbara, Mike, Fuego Spice Co founder
had an early hot sauce obsession. After tasting thousands of hot sauces and making spicy concoctions in his kitchen for years, Mike finally made his dream line of spicy products.
See below RIZA-floral and sharp with kale, ghost pepper & jalapeno.
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