We look forward to seeing you and your staff this Friday at the Diocese Professional Development Day. Please share with your teaching staff the agenda and program listed below. Bottled water will be provided. If you prefer other beverages, please bring your own.
PD Day 2023 Agenda
ECC-12 PD Day 2023 Program
Please have all ECC teachers and staff attending the Professional Development Fill out this Registration Form. This will allow us to ensure that everyone gets credit for their training through MoPID. Here is a document that outlines the sessions that will be offered for MoPID Credit. ECC PD Day 2023 Program
ALL PRINCIPALS AND DIRECTORS will attend a special afternoon Administrator Session with Friendzy at the Professional Development Day this Friday.
Asst. Principals and Asst. Directors will not attend this session and should plan to attend other breakout sessions.
Leadership Breakout:
(Speakers Joy Roberts, Julie Widman, Julie Emory-Johnson)
Every leader will receive an expanded view of their CVI scores (a $2000 value to the diocese). Equipped with individual scores, we will explore conflict strategies of the dominant quadrants and create space to recognize how individuals “show up” during times of tension. With this knowledge of self and social awareness, leaders can couple this with an understanding of how the brain functions to proactively approach situations in a way that leads to collaboration, connection, and constructive conflict management.