A Joyful Life: Elephant Update
Tarra and Bo have shared months together in the 750-acre habitat. Together they’ve explored the forests, filled their bellies with the nutritious grasses and wild vegetation, enjoyed time spent at the lake, and reveled in their well-deserved autonomy. It has been a wonderful time of discovery, both on a physical and personal level.

Since the move to the expanded habitat on May 1st, the abundance of choice has sparked their interest to explore. Early on, Carol would hike into remote areas, encouraging them to investigate deeper into their new world. Tarra is an old timer when it comes to experiencing nature, something she and Carol have done together since Tarra was a calf. Bo’s life experiences were a bit different. But he never hesitated to follow Carol, Tarra, and the dogs into unknown places, demonstrating his curiosity and comfort level with his fellow explorers.
Just after Bo and Tarra were given access to the 750 acres, Carol set out to reach a remote location with the elephants, only to find fresh manure and a sleeping spot where Tarra had recently spent the night. It had not taken Tarra long to find this far corner of the habitat. Over the passing weeks, her footprints, sleeping spots, and manure could be found in the most remote locations.

As the weeks passed, Tarra continued her normal behavior of extensive exploration of the entire habitat while Bo stayed closer to civilization, finding areas where the grasses and water sources were abundant. Regardless of their wanderings, Tarra and Bo spend a portion of each day and night together. Their relationship has blossomed to include their two canine friends Mala and Samie. Seeing the four together brings a sense that “all is right in their world.”
With the completion of the elephant crosswalk—the corridor connecting the 100 acres near the barn with the 750-acre habitat—Bo and Tarra migrate back and forth spending time wherever they wish.

Last week when the overnight temps dropped, it was assumed Bo might sleep in the barn. The door was left open so he could make the choice. He slept inside for a few hours one night, but just one night. After that he did not return to the barn, instead he preferred to sleep outside. His transition from preferring to sleep in the barn, to choosing to sleep outside, has been a rewarding rehabilitation process to witness. Bo is now quite comfortable with his new life in nature.
With 24-hour access to all areas of the Refuge, staff are honing their tracking skills. During daylight hours, finding elephants can take time, but locating them at night is even more of a challenge. Luckily both Tarra and Bo enjoy their supplemental feedings and usually find their way to the ATV path in time to be discovered. Recently we’ve learned that Sami is a great tracker. At night when Carol heads into the 750-acres to find Tarra, Carol lets Sami lead. With his nose to the ground he runs, sometimes turning right at one fork and then left at another, arriving at the exact location where Tarra is standing, a big smile on her face, mouth wide open in her most convincing, “It’s about time, I’m starving” stance.
It has been a joy to witness Bo’s assimilation into his new life in nature and the evolution of his relationship with Tarra. Add Sami and Mala to the mix and we could not ask for more.

Thank you for making this joyful life possible for the fabulous four!
Thank You for Giving the Gift of Fresh Sand
Thank you for helping us celebrate Bo’s one-year retirement anniversary! Because of supporters like you, we raised more than 100% of our $2,300 goal to purchase fresh truckloads of sand for the Elephant Barn. In fact, we raised nearly $1,000 over our goal. Thank you for helping us give the best care to our elephant residents.

Now Bo and Tarra will have fresh, clean digs when they return to the barn on cold winter nights.

Thank you!
2023 Essay Contest
We are pleased to announce the 2023 Essay Contest is now open! We can’t wait to read your creative ideas! Just click https://elephantaidinternational.org/essay-contest-2023/ to read about the great prizes, and of course the rules. Keep in mind all entries must be in by March 1, 2023. Last year we had over 200 entries from several countries, and we’d love to have even more this year. Happy writing and let those imaginations flow!
EleCams at Elephant Refuge North America (ERNA)
Get ready! The expanded live streaming web camera system for the refuge is nearing completion! With fiber-optic cable installed, high-definition web cams purchased and installed on 35’ high poles, placed in key areas of the habitat, you once again will be able to watch our elephants (and their dog companions) live!

Our target date for the EleCam expansion launch is November 18th. It will include two new cameras showing the 750-acres, along with the two original cameras in the 100-acres.
The 360-degree rotation, auto-tracking cameras will give you visual access to the migratory bird pond, all water troughs, grazing areas, and the elephants’ favorite sleeping spots. The cameras feature night vision (up to 330 feet of Starlight night vision) so you can spot Tarra or Bo at night, out for a moonlit stroll.

Thanks to the installation of fiber optics, you will enjoy the enhanced quality and reliability of this new camera system as you unobtrusively observe the refuge’s fabulous four—Tarra, Bo, Mala and Samie—enjoy and explore their natural world.

Once again, you, our supporters, made this possible! Thank you!
Join the Herd — Become an EAI EleMember!
Join the herd by becoming an EleMember! From comfort to critical health care for those in need, EAI works to improve the welfare of captive-held elephants. Please show your support for EAI's work by becoming an EleMember when you sign up for a monthly donation.

Your support enables EAI to provide captive-held elephants with physical freedom, autonomy, and loving care. Together, we can improve the lives of elephants worldwide!

Membership perks include an electronic copy of the Elephant Code of Living, and an exclusive annual update from Carol. Plus, we’ll keep you updated with our monthly e-newsletter.

Your EleMember monthly gift helps provide a consistent, reliable income stream that allows us to spend less time fundraising as we reduce the suffering of captive-held elephants…one elephant at a time.
A Special Thank You - Subscriber Primere Video
In this month's early sneak peek video, Mala checks out what Tarra and Bo are eating for breakfast and finds a tasty treat among the hay. Click the image above to watch!
As always, we greatly appreciate your interest, commitment and help. You make our work for elephants possible. Thank you!
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Elephant Aid International | elephantaidinternational.org