Homecoming Week is September 23rd - 27th. The theme is "Lights, Camera, HoCo!"
Monday, Sept. 23 - DreamWorks (Pajama Day)
Tuesday, Sept. 24 - Adam Sandler (Dress like Adam Sandler or a favorite Adam Sandler Character)
Wednesday, Sept. 25* - Faith in Action Day* (Spirit Wear for Community Outreach)
Thursday, Sept. 26 - Stunt Double (Twin Day)
Friday, Sept. 27 - Now in Color! (Wear the Color of your Grade) 6th - Purple; 7th - Orange; 8th - Yellow; 9th - Blue; 10th - Red; 11th - Green; 12th - Black
*More information coming soon
On free-dress days, students may NOT wear tank tops, clothing with spaghetti straps, ripped/torn jeans, or leggings/biker shorts without shorts or skirts over the top. Shorts & skirts must follow the fingertip rule (when the length of the shorts/skirt is below the fingertips of the student while standing with arms extended straight down).