Jube School | April 2020 | Issue 3
2020/21 Application Due Dates:

5 Day Program
Calgary (in partnership with Campus Calgary Open Minds ) EXTENDED to May 5, 2020

Edmonton (in partnership with I nquiring Minds ) EXTENDED May 15, 2020

1 & 2 Day Programs
Calgary & Edmonton Letter of Interest April 25, 2020

Tips to apply to Jube School!
The thought of writing a proposal or letter of interest can be a little daunting right now. Let us share a few ideas to help with inspiration!
What does a successful application look like?
  • The application has your voice! You do not need to be an expert in the arts. Tell us what you want to explore and learn in your time at Jube School.
  • Tell us about your students, your school and the community you are in.
  • How will your time at Jube School connect to a year of learning?

Did You Know...
When you come to Jube School you get year long professional development opportunities?
A few BIG IDEAS to fuel your year long learning:

  • How do we tell our story?
  • What is the story? Digging deep into who gets to tell story, who is telling the story and what our story is.
  • Who are we? How does the past, present and future impact our identity?
  • What possibilities lies beyond the door?
  • How does Art tell a story?
  • What is the story of our Community?
  • If the best could happen, what would be my contribution?
  • How Do I care for the things I love?
Jube School Online and LIVE Workshops!
Jube School LIVE! Create your own Bad Portraits with celebrated visual artist, Mandy Stobo
Join us online Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 2:00pm to create your own Bad Portrait. Learn how your mark is important and different from everyone else. No need to register for this workshop. Link will be sent out on Friday, April 24, 2020.

Supplies - What you have on hand!
Water Colour Paper or regular printer paper
Waterproof felt, crayon or pencil
Water colour paints, felts or pencil crayons
What's In A Doodle?
Grab a partner and get doodling! It all starts with a shape or a squiggle and your imagination.

Share your creation with us @JubeSchool or tag us using #JubeSchoolArt

Bring your doodle to life with the free app, Chatterpix.

One-Line Drawings
Explore what you can do with one line!

This one line drawing will challenge you to think about how we use lines, the purpose of lines and how lines may or may not hold things together.

Some artists can draw for over 30 minutes using one continuous line. Share your creations with us @JubeSchool or use #JubeSchoolArt.

Congratulations to our Teacher Convention WINNERS!

These teachers have won a FREE day of ARTS PROGRAMMING
for their class at the Jubilee
during the 20/21 school year.

Congratulations to

Deb Van Delden
Terrace Ridge School
Lacombe, AB

Glynn Andersom
Cayley Colony School
Cayley, AB

Jenn MacLean
Crossing Park School
Calgary, AB

Kylie Tkalcic
St. Elizabeth School
Edmonton, AB
Jube Tech Like a Girl
moves to an online format
We are proud to share with you that we have moved our Tech Like A Girl Program to an online format. We are able to stay connected, inspired and curious while being inside at home.

Our first online workshop was in lighting, led by Kalyna Conrad. Participants received a tech kit delivered to their home and then met online to explore colour theory, lighting angles, types of lighting fixtures, role of the lighting designing and crew.
Participants were sent instructions on how to assemble a lighting box. They also received flashlights, a gel swatch book and figurine. (AKA a dinosaur)

Special thanks to Christie Lights for suppling the gel swatch book.

To the right:
Participants are guided through colour theory and lighting positions.

Up Next:
Scenic Painting
More information on this program can be found on our website www.jubileeauditorium.com
High School Technical Conference
90 students participated in our first
High School Technical Conference at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium over 2 days in March.

Students had the opportunity to explore technical theatre and backstage jobs through a variety of workshops in lighting, audio, followspot, gore makeup, stage management, hat making and scenic painting.

Send in your letter of interest now to bring your class to the next
High School Technical Conference in Calgary, Alberta.

Grades 9 - 12
This is a free program for participating students and teachers.

More information on this program can be found on our website www.jubileeauditorium.com
Upcoming Events at the Jubilee Auditorium
The safety of Albertans is our top priority.
Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health announced on March 12, 2020, that the Alberta government is recommending that all large gatherings of more than 250 people and international events in the
province be cancelled as a public safety measure. As such, we will be temporarily closing
the Northern and Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditoria effective immediately. 
We feel this is in the best interest of our patrons, performers and staff.
More information on ticket refunds and show rescheduling will be available in the coming days. We appreciate your patience. For more information on COVID-19, please visit
alberta.ca/COVID19 for daily updates.
Follow us on Social Media and stay up to date with what is happening @JubeSchool