Veterans In Politics International (VIPI) has been court observing since 2004. The President of VIPI has been court observing since 1998.
We were advised that Clark County Family Court Judge Mathew Harter only shows up to work twice a week because of his hour long drive one way from Logandale. When we inquired to get more information about this, we were told that Judge Harter "works from home." How does a judge who is supposed to be on the bench all work days work from home? Does he skype in litigants?
According to Nevada Transparent, Judge Harter is making $235,790.83 a year in salary and benefits off the backs of tax payers. So we wanted to check out the claim about his lack of court attendance for ourselves. We periodically checked on his courtroom, and here's what we found:

No Judge Harter. His courtroom is locked. His calendar is empty.

No Judge Harter. His courtroom is locked. His calendar is empty
We filed a complaint with the Clark County Family Court, and left a message for Clark County Chief Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez to let her know that Judge Harter is not in his courtroom. We didn't hear back.

No Judge Harter. His courtroom is locked.  His calendar is empty.  We called Judge Harter's Judicial Executive Assistant, Mark Fernandez, and left a message asking if Judge Harter showed up to work.  We did not get a response. 

No Judge Harter. His courtroom is locked. His calendar is empty.
 We called Judge Harter's chambers and asked why he is not at work.  We got no response.

No Judge Harter. His courtroom is locked. His calendar is empty.
No Judge Harter. His Courtroom is locked. His calendar is empty. Courthouse looks like a ghost-town.

Judge Harter scheduled to be in the courthouse for a half day of work in the afternoon! He has only 3 cases that day.


No Judge Harter. His courtroom is locked. His calendar is empty.

Judge Harter is in his courtroom, FINALLY! He has only 5 cases that day. 

No Judge Harter. His courtroom is locked. His calendar is empty. 

We posted a video to show this not knowing that his Marshal had passed away two days earlier. 

Some have criticized the video given Marshall Datthyn's passing, but we did not know of his passing at the time we posted it. Had we known, we would not have posted it. Nonetheless, our point was obviously directed at Judge Harter, and had nothing to do with his Marshall. 
(Click onto link below)
Here are more tidbits connected to 
Judge Harter:  

Judge Harter filed a writ with the Nevada Supreme Court against Family Court Judge Lisa Brown and Chief Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez so he can get out of work. 

(click onto link below)
Clark County Family Court Judge William Voy's Law Clerk is Mark Harter, the brother of Judge Mathew Harter. So keep in mind that if you recuse one judge, you may have his family member working for the next judge you get. 
Another of Judge Harter's brothers, Craig Harter, took the Nevada State Bar 12 times and the Utah State Bar 6 times, failing a total of 18 times. He is still not a lawyer in either state. He even appealed the results to the Nevada Supreme Court in case number 61833 and lost.  

Bottom Line:
When Nevada tax payers vote a Judge into office and are paying his salary, the Judge should actually show up to work. If he doesn't, his pay should be "docked." If you want to verify Judge Harter's attendance on a particular day, you can call Judge Harter chambers at the number that is publicly available, 702-455-1330, and ask his Judicial Executive Assistant if the Judge showed up to work that day.
Maybe Judge Harter doesn't care about his job, but you should care and you should remember this when election day comes around in 2020. 

Nevada families need a judge who shows up for them
Why do we volunteer to do what we do? 
Because you have a right to know. 

Veterans In Politics International Inc.