(July 15, 2020 - SACRAMENTO, CA)
Judge Thomas A. Delaney of the Orange Superior Court was elected 89th President of the California Judges Association (CJA) by the group's Executive Board at its meeting held today. He will serve a one-year term beginning September 26, 2020, succeeding Retired Judge Tam Nomoto Schumann of the Orange Superior Court.
Judge Delaney sits on the Unlimited Civil Panel at the Central Justice Center in Santa Ana, and currently also is assigned as a Criminal Trial Court to assist with the backlog of criminal cases resulting from court closures during the Pandemic. He previously presided over criminal matters, including felony and misdemeanor trials and a collaborative drug court calendar.
Judge Delaney currently serves as a Vice President of the California Judges Association, as Chair of the CJA Judicial Outreach Committee, and as Secretary of the California Latino Judges Association. In Orange County, he is a member of the Superior Court Executive and Security Committees, the Governor's Judicial Selection and Advisory Committee, the Board of Directors of the Masters' Division of the Orange County Bar Association and the Judicial Advisory Board of the Constitutional Rights Foundation of Orange County. Judge Delaney also is President of the William P. Gray Legion Lex Inn of Court.
Before his appointment by Governor Brown in 2014, Judge Delaney was a trial attorney with a practice focused on the defense of individual and mass tort product liability and specialty tort actions.
Other CJA officers elected for the 2020/2021 term are Vice Presidents
Judge Rupert Byrdsong of Los Angeles Superior Court and
Judge Linda Colfax of San Francisco Superior Court. Elected as Secretary/Treasurer is
Judge Heather Mardel Jones of the Fresno Superior Court.
The CJA is the largest judicial officer organization in the country with over 2300 active and retired members.
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