Judicial Innovation Laboratory of Mendoza: A Milestone for Justice in South America

In a historic development for justice in South America, the Supreme Court of Justice of Mendoza has taken a groundbreaking step by establishing the first Judicial Innovation Laboratory in the region. The issuance of Order No. 31,420 marks the commencement of an innovative project led by Minister Mario Adaro and coordinated by María Celina Abaurre. The objective is to modernize and simplify judicial processes, making it a benchmark in the transformation of public judicial management. This article explores the details and the expected impact of this pioneering initiative.

"The creation of the Judicial Innovation Laboratory of Mendoza is a significant milestone for justice in South America. It is a crucial step towards the modernization and efficiency of judicial processes, laying the foundation for future innovation initiatives in the region," asserts Juan Pablo Artaza, Director of the Judicial Innovation Program at the Center for Justice Studies of the Diego Portales University in Chile.

> Objective and Scope

The primary purpose of the Judicial Innovation Laboratory is to generate creative and novel solutions to enhance service delivery to the public. Under the leadership of Mario Adaro, the aim is to actively involve the judicial community and the general public, encouraging collaborative participation in identifying and resolving specific issues.

The laboratory will have a broad scope, encompassing all areas of justice, from civil and criminal jurisdiction to administrative and tax jurisdictions. It is expected that its solutions will have a positive impact on access to justice, process efficiency, and public satisfaction.

> Methodology and Citizen Participation

The laboratory's approach emphasizes the importance of experimentation and trial-and-error methods to address everyday challenges in the justice system. María Celina Abaurre, as the laboratory coordinator, will ensure coordination among different judicial actors through distributed networks, enabling agile and effective responses.

The laboratory will promote active citizen participation through various mechanisms, such as:

  • Creating a website or platform for citizen participation where users can share their ideas and experiences.
  • Conducting surveys and participatory workshops to understand the needs of the public.
  • Organizing idea contests to encourage innovation.

> Collaboration and International Agreement

The creation of the laboratory is based on a collaboration agreement with the Supreme Court of Chile, reflecting the commitment to promoting innovation in the judicial field. Order No. 31,420 highlights the creation of an organizational learning environment, fostering the development of competencies at both individual and group levels.

The laboratory will seek collaboration with other national and international organizations, as well as civil society organizations, to share experiences and knowledge.

> Impact on the Public

Active citizen participation and technological innovation will be key elements in streamlining and enhancing judicial processes. The laboratory will not only be a management tool to address demands and issues but will also seek the co-creation of solutions that significantly improve the administration of justice.

It is expected that the Judicial Innovation Laboratory of Mendoza will have a positive impact on the public, improving access to justice, process efficiency, and user satisfaction.

> Conclusion

The establishment of the Judicial Innovation Laboratory in the Judicial Power of Mendoza represents a significant milestone in the evolution of justice in South America. This pioneering step lays the groundwork for future innovation initiatives in the judicial field throughout the Latin American region. With Mario Adaro at the helm and María Celina Abaurre as the coordinator, it is anticipated that this laboratory will not only drive functional improvements and changes in management but also become a role model for the implementation of innovative technologies and practices for the benefit of the public and the administration of justice as a whole.



Melany Di Polvere

Legaltech & Design

Alfaro Abogados es un firma de abogados de Argentina orientada a la industria y fundada en 1998 para participar como actor en transacciones internacionales. Cumplimos con los criterios requeridos por el entorno empresarial actual, proporcionando un asesoramiento jurídico ágil y práctico para la resolución de problemas, así como la experiencia intercultural y jurídica necesaria para las transacciones internacionales en una economía global.

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