August News for You!
Meet Julie, Doing MOAR Now!
  My name is Julie Bunch. I am very excited to be the MOAR Northeast and Metro Boston Regional Coordinator. Let me share a little about me that makes me want to help build the recovery community voice with you.  I am a person in long term recovery I started using alcohol and drugs at the early age of 13, and asking for help was not “my thing.” As soon as I introduced a substance into my body, it owned me. After years of shame homelessness, hopelessness, and pain due to addiction, I became open to getting help. I didn't know there were places to go for people like me until I followed my boyfriend into detox, which offered me a ray of hope. A moment of clarity and professional support was all that helped set me on my recovery path. Treatment gave me the tool box to be a productive member of my community. I stumbled a few times and use of a support network put me back on the road to recovery. I was provided the resources I needed and used to reach back into that tool box to continue my journey. Today, my husband and I are homeowners in the Newton and Waltham area. We pay taxes and have raised an extended family. I am blessed in a big way.
I am forever grateful that I have worked the last twenty years in the human service field. Part of my work has been helping women in recovery become nurturing parents. I helped to create Waltham Overcoming Addiction with other individuals who are passionate about recovery and want everyone to have the chance to embark on this journey.  Now as the MOAR Boston and Northeast Regional Coordinator, I am working tirelessly to replace the discrimination of addiction with the value of living in recovery.
5 More Recovery Centers coming to MA!
As a MA Coalition for Addiction Services member, MOAR helped to educate policymaker about the need for enhanced addiction services.
The state legislature and Governor Baker both agreed that we need
1) $3.5 million for 5 new recovery centers that will help persons in recovery to become involved in a safe, supportive connection with the recovery community;
2) $1.5 million dollars for Access to Recovery/ Statewide Response for Recovery program expansion, which provides care coordination and recovery support for vulnerable people in early recovery;
3) $3.1 million restored to Recovery High Schools now under the Department of Early and Secondary Education   
 4) $3 million for new addiction treatment programs for individuals who are diverted from the criminal justice system.
MOAR is proud to have allied with Community Resources for Justice to advocate for much needed residential re-entry programs for recently incarcerated residents.
Thanks to ALL OUR MEMBERS who helped advocate for these crucial programs. Stay tuned for updates on when and how this funding will become available.
CARE Act Signed at STEPRox – Stepping it Up for Recovery!
In November 2017, Gov. Baker introduced CARE Act (also called opioid 2.0 bill) which would further expand on these provisions of the STEP Act to fight the opioid addiction epidemic.  Governor Baker signed the bill into law on Tuesday, August 14 th  .at STEPRox Recovery Center: This law
·     Expands school-based addiction prevention programs.
·     Requires certain correctional facilities to provide medications to treat addiction
·     Establishes a minimum of 4 commissions to make recommendations for
·     Recovery Coaching Standards
·     Behavioral Health Prevention
·     Section 35
·     Medically Assisted Treatment in correctional facilities
MOAR conducted a large survey and used member input to educate policymakers on the CARE Act. We are pleased to see this legislation move forward and are very proud to be named as part of certain commissions. Opportunity exists for recovery community involvement. 
Governor Baker signs landmark CARE Act to address the opioid epidemic at StepRROX Recovery Center in Roxbury on August 14th, 2018
Executive Office of Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders Speaking at CARE ACT Signing
Co-chair of the Mental Health Substance Use and Recovery Committee Representative Denise Garlick
StepROX Director Loretta Leverett representing the Recovery Community
Recovery Month is Coming!
Please email your information on your events to so that they can be included on the
Bringing Together Recovery Community Organizations to
Share Best Practices,
Discuss New Ideas,
Promote Recovery, and
Design the Future of SOAR
SOAR RCO Bootcamp and Summit on
Wednesday, August 8 and Thursday, August 9
 More than 60 people representing 20 organizations and 15 communities from across the state.
MOAR Inc. was awarded a threeyear grant from the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to implement the Speaking Out for Addiction Recovery (SOAR) “Network in Action” grant beginning September 30 th  of 2017. SOAR is building on our statewide network of more than 30 Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs) to include under-represented RCOs and to expand peer-driven and broader recovery supports. The Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery (MOAR) oversees the SOAR grant. MOAR’s mission is to organize recovering individuals, families, and friends into a collective voice to educate the public about the value of recovery.
This project intersects with our MA BSAS, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services, Department of Public Health grant to build a statewide peer to peer network with infrastructure to initiate and enhance the communication empowering with regionalized and statewide action for addiction recovery. Beyond our local action for recovery meetings MOAR offers peer to peer recovery support education, public policy opportunities, messaging, and networking. It is all about building a visible, vocal, valuable voices for recovery network.
Thank you to Julia Ojeda-BSAS Recovery Support Services Coordinator, Collective InsightsEvaluation Team, Faces and Voices of Recovery: Hannah Rose- facilitator and Patty McCarthy Metcalf – key note speaker, Meghann Perry- Recovery Story Teller, and Jared Owen – MOAR
Communications Coordinator for a wonderful recovery network learning experience.
Thank you to Kirsten Doherty, SOAR Project Director, with intern Kaylie Coleman for setting the stage where everyone left excited to bring about the next steps. Thank you MOAR staff! Thank you to Paul Hammersley and Rose Martin for capturing the memories with pictures! Thank you especially to all recovery community organizations who participated! It’s going to be great because you are making it great!  Stay Posted!
Come to a MOAR Action for Recovery Meeting
Come to a MOAR Action for Recovery Meeting
Middlesex County District Attorney Marian Ryan was our August 16 th MOAR Middlesex East guest speaker. She gave an amazing description about her Opioid Related Task Forces across the county, and how all collaborate to
build in data collection, overdose prevention, and services to address the crisis.
MOAR Executive Director: Maryanne Frangules, Julie Bunch: MOAR Regional Coordinator, and Paul Hammersley: Malden Overcoming Addiction did a
“What is MOAR Presentation” for the Opioid Task Force which meets at
The Lawrence Memorial Hospital in Medford. Paul highlighted how MOAR Middlesex East Meeting members prioritized the need for a recovery center, and are moving forward! 
MOAR leading AREAS (Addiction Recovery Education Access Service) facilitator training at High Point Treatment Center in New Bedford. Potential facilitators will support people in the recovery process with peer to peer curricula focused on helping all to navigate the system and overcome barriers.
MOAR facilitating a Recovery Messaging training at STEPRox Recovery Center. Participants learn to share their stories with purpose, point, and passion.
MOAR Executive Director got a chance to meet with Senator Elizabeth Warren
We discuss addiction policy during The Faces and Voices of Addiction Recovery Association of Recovery Community Organizations Leadership Academy. Maryanne Frangules , Executive Director, serves as Faces and Voices of Recovery secretary
*Please note: the deadline to register to vote in primary – September 4 th  - has passed. You have until October 17 th  to register to vote for November 6 th  election.
Go to  Elections Division  for information on voter registration and candidates running for office