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The National House of Prayer is a registered Canadian charitable society.  We are not sponsored by any particular denomination or agency.

If you wish to partner with this ministry, please click on the donate button.
Voices together - Sea to sea
Canada Day - July 1, 2022
Join National House of Prayer for this In person prayer gathering at West Ottawa Community Church from 1-3pm.
WOCC will be a hosting a BBQ and family fun time following the event. Please RSVP to so they can plan accordingly.

This event will be broadcast live on Voices Together Youtube Channel and on Facebook Live.
JULY 1, 2022 - JULY 3, 2022
Armed with prayer and fasting, in our weakness and His grace, spurred on by dreams and tested in faith, we have watched in awe as key “battle zones” were revealed, each in due season, each with unique mandates to fulfill.

For more information, go to Battle for Canada website.
Prayer Points

  • Pray for the technical aspects of the livestream and in person events.
  • Pray for a continuous and sustainable prayer injection. May these events have impact in our prayer lives that they would not be just for the one day but rather would ignite prayer in the nation with ongoing momentum.
  • Pray for a break out of salvation during the evangelizing part of these events. Pray also for there to be a mandate of discipleship shaped into the body of Christ to mentor these new believers.
Every Tuesday

7am PT
8am MT
9am CT
10am ET
11am AT
11:30am NL

Use the NHOP ZOOM link

Meeting ID: 858 228 1726 
Find your local number:

Canopy of Prayer Training will be breaking for the summer. We will return in September.

To sign up for Canopy of Prayer, please click on the red button below.

A video recording of the training will be emailed to everyone on the Canopy of Prayer list.

National House of Prayer