July 10, 2019
The Messenger
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Welcome New Member Churches
Michael Chittum, Executive Director
One of the joys I have in every Annual Meeting is in leading the service in which new member churches become part of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (NACCC). While there is not a covenant statement for the NACCC, the churches applying for membership make covenantal promises. Each church pledges to: embrace the member churches of the NACCC in all of their diversity, pray for the other member churches and respond to their needs, and be faithful in supporting and praying for the work of the NACCC.

At the recent Annual meeting In Cleveland, the delegates enthusiastically approved and welcomed the following churches as members of the NACCC: The Righteous Chapel Church of Lake Worth, FL, The Little White Chapel of Malta, MT, The Bethany Congregational Church of Quincy, MA, The Crystal Congregational Church of Crystal, MI, and The Congregational Christian Church of Ravena, NY. PRAY for these new churches and their ministry within their communities.
Asociacion Civil Cristiana Congregational
Julie Robie, Missions Administrator

ARGENTINA — During the June 2019 Annual Meeting and Conference in Cleveland, OH, the Missions and Outreach Ministry Council was honored to spend time in worship and fellowship with 14 National and International Missionaries. Each missionary was privately interviewed to see how the mission is doing and how the NACCC can help. At the conclusion of each interview, MOMC members lay hands on them in prayer. Pictured is Rev. Dr. Harding Stricker, invited international missionary (sitting), L – R: Joelle Sommers, Jamie Bonnema, Jan Wilson, Greg Carmer and Barbara Dabul. Please watch for more information about mission work at the AMC meeting in the Summer News and Needs.
Rev. Dr. John Tamilio delivering the Congregational Lecture
Rev. Dr. Brett Younger delivering the Bible Lecture
Attendees enjoy an ice cream break hosted by the Congregational Foundation Board of Governors.
Attendees at the Business Session
Members of the Plymouth 400 show off their new t-shirts and sweatshirts. See link below to order!
Send us your news and photos!
Submissions for the August issue are due by July 25, 2019
National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
8473 S. Howell Avenue, P.O. Box 288
Oak Creek, WI 53154
800-262-1620 ext. 1610