Fairfax Update
News From Around Town...
July 11,2022
Town Council Meeting Adjourned to Tuesday July 12th
Zoom Only

The Town Council Meeting was adjourned last week due to a loss of power partway through the July 6th meeting. The consent calendar was approved, however several items remain on the agenda.

MCE’s new EV smart-charging app, MCE Sync, is now available to Bay Area drivers, helping save the average driver up to $1,000 per year vs. gasoline. The MCE Sync app provides a hassle-free way for EV drivers to charge off-peak which also aligns EV charging with low-carbon electricity and supports grid reliability.

Fairfax Election this November
The next regularly scheduled election will be held on November 8, 2022, when Fairfax voters will elect two Town Council Members, a Town Treasurer and a Town Clerk, as well as vote on a ballot measure to renew a special tax for paramedic services.

Please visit https://www.townoffairfax.org/elections/ to learn more.
Upcoming Meetings
Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
July 11th - 7pm

Town Council Meeting in Closed Session
July 12th - 5:30pm

Town Council Adjourned Regular Meeting
July 12th - 6:30pm

Climate Action Committee Meeting
July 19th - 7pm

Volunteer Board Meeting
July 25th - 6:30pm

Tree Committee Meeting
July 25th - 7pm

Open Space Committee Meeting
July 26th - 7pm

Planning Commission Meeting
July 28th - 7pm

To view the agendas visit our Public Meetings page.
Community Events
Fairfax Farmers Market
Wednesdays 4-8pm
Bolinas Park

Join family and friends to shop local and celebrate community, every Wednesday 4-8pm May through October.

Summer BioBlitz at Elliot Nature Preserve
Sunday August 7th
4pm - 6:30pm
Elliot Nature Preserve in Fairfax

As the days get longer in Summer, late afternoon and early evening are the perfect time to spend in nature. We will meet at the intersection of Cascade and Canyon Roads and walk down to the preserve together. Due to limited parking, please carpool or ride your bike!

Fairfax Recreation
Summer Camps!

We have new and returning sports camps this summer, including our Skate, Basketball and Tennis camps.  

Please sign up today and support local recreation programming! 

Tennis Camp
Ages 8 - 12 
Week of July 25th
Monday – Friday from 9am – 11am

Beginner to Intermediate Levels

Fairfax Recreation is excited to offer a summer tennis camp. This camp session will improve overall tennis fundamentals, skills, and team ethics. Each kid will have the opportunity to improve their tennis strengths to become a more confident player and teammate.  

Other Town and County News
Defensible Space Evaluations in Fairfax

Uniformed Fire Inspectors will conduct Wildfire Defensible Space and Home Hardening Evaluations on residential properties in the Fairfax Bolinas Road, Bothin and Ridgeway neighborhoods of Fairfax. Inspections are conducted by Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA) in cooperation with the Ross Valley Fire Department, and the Marin County Fire Department.

Paper Grocery Bags Needed by Fairfax Food Pantry
The Fairfax Volunteers are in need of paper grocery bag donations for the food pantry. Slightly used bags may be dropped off at the Fairfax Community Church, 2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., on Saturday mornings between 7-10am.
Chipper Days in Full Swing - Sign Up Now!

The MWPA Curbside Chipper Program (also known as “Chipper Days”) is in full swing!

Visit www.chipperday.com/marin to sign up for a spot!
Want to Get Involved? Join a Board or Commission!

Do you want to make a real difference in 2022? Consider joining a board or commission for the Town of Fairfax. There are openings on several boards and commissions.

Taking Climate Action Can Also Help You Save Money

In the midst of rising gas prices and other cost of living increases, here is some good news. Taking climate action now can actually help save money on our monthly expenses.

Spread the Word

We want to share the Town News with our whole community. If you know someone who would like to receive this weekly update, let them know they can subscribe here.

You can also share the link on your social media which will reach your whole network. Together, we can help keep everyone informed about upcoming meetings, events and more!
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