July, 2021
Greetings, DCW fans!

I hope you're both bearing up under the heat, and getting lout and about! I've been having a good time...and am exhausted. Still masking when I am out and about and among people.

AND FIRST...I must thank the amazing writers who joined us last month. Daring D'yan Forest gave us an amazing tour of her peripatetic life, from singing in a cabaret in Paris, to the secrets of a convent! Peerless Nicky Paraiso shared scenes from his own life in Queens, the Philippines and the EVill. And I read about half of a story, because I didn't want to go on too long.

Join us, or just send love! Much love back atcha,

Drunken! Careening! Writers!

Wonderful Women Playwrights!

Kari Bentley-Quinn
Vickie Ramirez
Pia Wilson

with your hostess, Kathleen Warnock

Thursday, July 15, 7pm
85 E. 4th St.

What you need to know:
Health & safety guidelines for
attending readings at KGB

  • A maximum of 44 people are permitted in the bar. We will be keeping count, so get there early(ish).

  • Your temperature will be taken at the door.

  • Tip your bartenders well. Buy drinks!

  • If you don't feel ready to attend an indoor event yet, that's OK. I'm booking people through the end of this year and into '22.
Kari Bentley-Quinn
Kari Bentley-Quinn’s plays have been presented at or developed with Lesser America, Lark Play Development Center, Halcyon Theatre, The Secret Theatre, Artemisia Theater, Ashland New Plays Festival, Fringe NYC, and more. She has been a finalist for the O’Neill National Playwrights Conference, Bay Area Playwrights Festival, The Playwrights Realm Writing Fellowship, and the Public Theater Emerging Writers Group. Her plays include PAPER CRANES (Backstage Critic’s Pick), THE OCEAN THOUGHT NOTHING (O’Neill NPC Finalist), PREPARED (Kilroys List Honorable Mention), THE WORST MOTHER IN THE WORLD (Halcyon Theatre), WENDY AND THE NECKBEARDS (The Relentless Award Honorable Mention), and HYANNIS (Ashland New Plays Festival Winner). Kari has an MFA in Playwriting from Hunter College, where she was the winner of the Rita and Burton Goldberg Award. She lives in Queens, New York.
Vickie Ramirez
Vickie Ramirez
Vickie Ramirez (Tuscarora) is a founding member of Chukalokoli and Amerinda Theater. She is an alumna of the Public Theater’s Emerging Writers Group (2009). Honors: Resident – New Dramatists 2025, Semi-finalist for The National Playwright’s Conference 20a8 (The O’Neill) and the Bay Area Playwrights Festival for Pure Native, Honorary Mention – The Kilroys List – 2019 for Pure Native and 2014 for Standoff At Hwy#37. Productions: Pure Native - Native Voices at the Autry (L.A.), Standoff at Hwy#37 – NV Autry and the University of South Dakota, Glenburn 12 WP - Summer Shorts at 59E59, Smoke - Mixed Phoenix Theatre Group at Pershing Square Signature Center. Published: Monologues for Actors of Color: Women, Monologues for Actors of Color: Men and Contemporary Plays by Women of Color Edition 2: (Routledge Press). Member: Dramatists Guild Winner: NNPN Smith Prize for Political Theater 2020.
Pia Wilson
Pia Wilson is a 2020 Newark Creative Catalyst grant recipient, 2018 Traveling Master for Dramatist Guild Foundation, 2017 NJPAC Stage Exchange commissioned playwright, 2017 resident with the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s Process Space program, 2015 Sundance fellow, and a recipient of the 2014 Sarah Verdone Writing Award. She is a 2012-2013 resident with LMCC’s Workspace program, a member of the 2008 Emerging Writers Group at The Public Theater, and a 2009 playwriting fellow with the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. Her plays have been produced by Crossroads Theatre, Workspace Collective, Drew University, Adelphi University, Horse Trade Theater Group, and The Fire This Time play festival. Pia’s work as a playwright was part of the curriculum at Franklin & Marshall College in 2019, and in early 2020, she was a playwright in residence at Middlebury College. In television and film, Pia was a staff writer for National Geographic’s Genius series, "GENIUS — Aretha Franklin."

Coming next month!
Join us on August 19 for a fabulous lineup of Scott Alexander Hess whose novellas The Root of Everything & Lightning drop this month from Rebel Satori Press; Joe Okonkwo, whose new story collection, Kiss the Scars on the Back of My Neck is forthcoming from Amble Press, and Sokunthary Svay, author of the poetry collection Apsara in New York, from Willow Books.
Streaming now!
My good friends at the Dublin Gay Theatre Festival couldn't have an in-person festival this year, but they found a way to support the artists, paying writers to create new work, and to perform festival favorites.

The work is still online for you to stream, for free.

I especially recommend Carolyn Gage's solo piece "Calamity Jane Sends a Message to her Daughter," performed by the sublime Maria Blaney.

Drunken! Careening! Writers! is a reading series based on the proposition
that all readings should be by: 1) Good Writers; 2) Who read their work well;
3) Something in it makes people laugh (nervous laughter counts.)
Since 2004.